Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 52, Lin Family Mansion

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


“So, what do you need me to do?” After a while, Hei Gui calmed his emotions and asked Qin Yichen.


“I’ve already said it as soon as I had arrived, take me to see the Old Master of the Lin Family. I’ll treat his illness, and then, won’t all the problems be solved?” Qin Yichen cleared his throat, rubbing his still somewhat painful neck, disgruntledly glaring at Hei Gui.


“You can cure Brother Lin’s illness?” Hei Gui clearly did not believe him.


Over these years, he had found many capable Alchemy Grandmasters, but they were all helpless against Lin Huarong’s illness. How could this teenager. of just over ten years old, have the ability to cure his illness?


“How would you know if you don’t try? Do you have any better options right now?” Qin Yichen’s words made Hei Gui fall silent.


Indeed, he had no options left. Lin Aoqing definitely would not sincerely want the Old Master of the Lin Family to recover.


“Could it be that you’re already an Alchemy Master?” Suddenly, Hei Gui remembered the sharp Spiritual Energy from earlier, and was immediately taken aback. [When did Spreading Cloud City produce such a young Alchemy Master?]


“I’ll trust you this once.” Looking at the confident Qin Yichen, Hei Gui pondered for a moment before making his decision.


“It’s been almost a month since I’ve seen Brother Lin. Over the years, his health has been deteriorating day by day. He often sleeps for several days before waking up…” Hei Gui sorrowfully sighed. For over ten years, although he had never given up on saving Lin Huarong, every time he spent a great deal to invite an Alchemy Master, they would not even be able to identify the cause of the illness. Over time, he had become desperate.


Soon, Qin Yichen followed Hei Gui and arrived at the front of the Lin Family Mansion.


The originally arrogant Lin Family guards, upon seeing Hei Gui, slightly changed their expressions. They had no intention of stopping them. They even actively made way for them.


Obviously, they were extremely wary of this drunkard.


They did not even dare question Qin Yichen, who was following behind Hei Gui, and they let him in without a word.


It was not the first time Hei Gui had brought someone. He would bring one or two Alchemy Masters every now and then. So, they had long since gotten used to it.


Moreover, due to Lin Huarong’s condition, Hei Gui was like a powder keg. Anyone who provoked him would definitely get a beating, and no one would dare stand up for them. So, they avoided Hei Gui like the plague, to avoid courting trouble.


After entering the Lin Family Mansion, Qin Yichen unhurriedly followed behind Hei Gui, his gaze sweeping over this luxurious mansion.


Compared to the Li Family, this Lin Family was indeed more imposing. After all, it was the number one Martial Family in Spreading Cloud City. In this world, where the strong were respected, those with a strong fist always held the advantages.


As they passed through the front hall, and walked on a path paved with green gravel, Qin Yichen’s eyes, under the black bamboo hat, suddenly narrowed. With his keen Spiritual Energy perception, he could sense subtle gazes from nearby dark corners. Some from artificial mountains, observing every move of his and Hei Gui.


However, these gazes only lingered on them for a short time before disappearing. It seems they decided that he posed no threat to them. They were also afraid of angering Hei Gui, so they avoided obstructing them.


“The internal defence of the Lin Family is really strict.” Qin Yichen knew that if he had to sneak in by himself, the chances of seeing the Old Master of the Lin Family would be extremely low.


Moreover, if discovered, Lin Aoqing’s people might even move the Old Master of the Lin Family to another location.


When they reached the end of this gravel path, Qin Yichen’s pupils contracted.


He discovered that at the end of the small path, there was a luxurious hall, and through the half-closed doors of that hall, he could vaguely see that there seemed to be many people standing inside. Lin Aoqing was among them.


“Who!?” Just as Qin Yichen’s gaze fell on Lin Aoqing, Lin Aoqing seemed to have sensed it and suddenly turned his head. His gaze shot directly at Qin Yichen through the gap in the door.


*Whoosh! Whoosh!*


With his angry shout, several figures darted out from all directions, surrounding Qin Yichen and Hei Gui.


“Oh? Uncle Black, it’s you.” At this time, Lin Aoqing also slowly walked out of the hall. Upon seeing Hei Gui and the figure shrouded in black robes beside him, the corner of his mouth curved into a grin.


*Hmph!* Hei Gui coldly snorted without speaking. Still, a somewhat angry aura inadvertently spread from his body.


“Is this another Alchemy Master that Uncle Black has invited? *Tsk tsk*, not that your Nephew likes to gossip, but Uncle Black, the Spiritual Energy of this Master you’ve invited is really pathetic…” Lin Aoqing chuckled, his tone carrying a hint of mockery as his gaze stopped at Qin Yichen.


[Not good!] Qin Yichen’s heart trembled, because he saw a flash of doubt in Lin Aoqing’s eyes. Lin Aoqing was even walking towards him.


“Lin Aoqing, I’ll give you five seconds. Anyone who dares to stand in my way, dies!” Just as Qin Yichen was getting nervous, Hei Gui spoke up. He unleashed his aura, which was that of a Peak Stage  Martial Grandmaster.


A gust of wind made everyone’s robes flutter.


Faced with Hei Gui’s threat, Lin Aoqing just sneered. He walked up to Qin Yichen, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the black-robed figure before him. He clearly wishes to see through the black bamboo hat to get a glimpse of the person inside.


*Whoosh!* Just as Lin Aoqing was about to reach out to lift Qin Yichen’s bamboo hat, a sturdy arm, carrying a powerful gust, without any intention of holding back, struck Lin Aoqing’s face.


“Hehe, Uncle Black, don’t be so upset. I was just curious which Alchemy Grandmaster you invited this time.” Faced with this punch, Lin Aoqing chose to dodge. He waved his hand, gesturing for the people around to make way. After giving Qin Yichen a couple more looks, he turned and walked into the hall.


After entering the hall, the doubt in Lin Aoqing’s eyes had not diminished at all. He then gave a look to Lin Shiyun beside him, who nodded understandingly and walked out from the side of the hall.


[*Phew…* That was close!] Qin Yichen couldn’t help but wipe away his cold sweat.


If Lin Aoqing had discovered him just now, even with Hei Gui present, he might not have died, but he would have been in for a rough time.


Afterwards, they did not encounter any more obstacles along the way. Hei Gui led Qin Yichen to the depths of the Lin Family Mansion, slowly walking into one of the main rooms.


As soon as the door was pushed open, Qin Yichen smelled a mixed medicinal odour that was quite unpleasant.


This room was quite spacious inside. In the middle, there was a large bed, on which lay an old man with a withered face. Beside the bed, four Elders were sitting cross-legged on the ground. Hearing the door, they all turned their gazes towards it.


Seeing it was Hei Gui, they did not pay much attention to him and closed their eyes again. They were obviously tired.


Hei Gui was clearly used to this. He directly led Qin Yichen to the bedside. Looking at the old man who had lost even more weight, the corner of his eye twitched. After taking a breath, he murmured, “Brother Lin, I, Old Hei, have come to see you again.”


However, the old man had no reaction. He was obviously in a coma.


Qin Yichen also slowly approached the large bed. After observing for a while, his expression immediately turned grave.


The old man on this big bed had numerous dense black spots on his withered face and arms. Moreover, his breath was extremely weak, seeming as if it could stop at any moment.


Clearly, he was critically ill.



| Alchemy Master |

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