Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 75, Terrifying Scale

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


Divine Temples were a place to worship Gods!


However, each race only had one Divine Temple. If the building before them was truly a Divine Temple…


Qin Yichen felt that he must have stepped in dog shit to be so lucky as to encounter the ruins of an Ancient Divine Temple in such a place!


However, besides him, it seemed that no one else knew that what they were facing was the ruins of a Divine Temple.


After all, the existence of Divine Temples was not something that could be encountered in the Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty, so it was normal that they did not know.


Naturally, they would not know what was inside the Divine Temple either.


If the ancient texts were correct, then in every race’s Divine Temple, it must store that race’s Divine Inheritance Bead.


After countless years, even the hardest metal would decay, but the Divine Inheritance Bead would absolutely not decay, because it carried the knowledge and legacy of that race.


Now that he had confirmed this to be a Divine Temple, Qin Yichen’s goal was clear.


The Divine Inheritance Bead.


Even the Divine Inheritance Bead of the weakest race was not something that could be measured by value.


“Let’s go, those two have already gone in…” While Qin Yichen was in deep thought, Miss Lu had already started walking towards the main entrance of the Divine Temple Ruin.


Qin Yichen and the two Martial Grandmasters followed closely behind, while the other three staggered along at the back.


They wanted to retreat, but if they did, they would undoubtedly lose their qualification to pursue Miss Lu. For the sake of their pride, they were gritting their teeth and following along.


“Hmm?!” As soon as he stepped into the Divine Temple, Qin Yichen felt a cold chill through his entire body. The Yuan Energy in his body seemed to be drained in an instant, and his Dantian was sealed, not a trace of Yuan Energy could leak out.


Just as Luo Qingyu had said, there was a Restriction in this ruin.


However, Qin Yichen was different from them. They might think it was due to the Restriction, but Qin Yichen could keenly feel that there was something underground that was draining the Yuan Energy from his meridians.


Thinking this, he crouched down, placing his palm on the ground, trying to sense it.


Following his action, Miss Lu also stopped, looking at him, puzzled.


[A Spirit Devouring Array!] Qin Yichen opened his eyes, his pupils filled with shock. How could he not know what a Spirit Devouring Array was? After all, his Spirit God Technique and Spirit Body Technique were created based on the Spirit Devouring Array. Whenever the Spirit Body Technique was activated, it would continuously absorb Yuan Energy from Heaven and Earth, like a Spirit Devouring Array.


Similarly, if there was a large Spirit Devouring Array, it would continuously absorb the Spiritual Energy from the surroundings and gather it at its core.


Qin Yichen looked at the seemingly endless Divine Temple before him, his mind trembling.


Such a vast Divine Temple was being covered with a Spirit Devouring Array, how terrifying was that!?


What shocked him even more was!


After millions of years, this Spirit Devouring Array was still operating. It had not decayed. How much Spiritual Energy from Heaven and Earth had it absorbed after all this time!?


He believes, if this immeasurably vast energy were to suddenly burst out, it would probably blow away the entire Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty.


This was not an exaggeration.


Although shocked by these things, Qin Yichen quickly began to search for the Core of this Spirit Devouring Array.


This Spirit Devouring Array was like the meridians of a human body. In the end, it would gather all the absorbed energy into the Dantian, which was the Core of the Spirit Devouring Array.


If nothing went wrong, then the Divine Temple’s Divine Inheritance Bead must be stored at the location of the Array Core.


As long as Qin Yichen found the location of the Array Core, he could find the Divine Inheritance Bead.


However, because the Divine Temple was too vast, and his current Spiritual Energy could not survey very far, he naturally could not locate the Array Core. Still, he managed to vaguely sense the direction of the energy flow after being devoured by the Spirit Devouring Array.


He believed that as long as he followed the direction of this energy flow, he could find the Array Core.


“Let’s go that way.” After standing up, Qin Yichen pointed to the corridor on the left and said to Miss Lu.


“Why should we listen to you?” One of the young Martial Grandmasters was somewhat displeased and said sarcastically.


“Kid, I advise you to understand your position before speaking to us.” The other Martial Grandmaster also spoke in a deep voice, his tone full of threat.


This poor kid who appeared out of nowhere dared to give them orders, which made them very unhappy. If Miss Lu was not here, they would have already laid hands on Qin Yichen.


“Why should we go that way?” Miss Lu was also a bit confused.


“Hehe, Young Master Luo and Young Master Wang just went in that direction. Even if there’s anything there, it naturally wouldn’t be our turn. We might as well settle for second best.”


Qin Yichen of course would not say he was looking for the Array Core. He came up with some other reason instead.


“That makes sense.” Miss Lu, who knew the personalities of those two well, nodded and then said, “Then, let’s go this way.”


In fact, she was very puzzled. She did not recognise this young man before her. Neither the people around her nor Luo and Wang knew him, which meant he was not from the Royal City.


He was a commoner, yet how could he manage to neither be servile nor overbearing in front of her? How could he face these noble Young Masters around her without a change in expression?


Miss Lu was somewhat curious about him.


However, as Qin Yichen led the way in front, she did not continue to ponder too deeply. Protected by the two Martial Grandmasters, on her left and right, she followed behind Qin Yichen.


*Awooo!* As they walked like this, in just a moment, a gloomy Wolf’s howl came from the corridor ahead.


Hearing the Wolf’s howl that sounded like a ghost’s scream, the faces of the three youths walking at the back immediately changed. Although they were Martial Masters, in terms of actual combat ability, they probably could not even handle a Level 1 Demonic Beast.


Now, in this ghastly place, the cultivation that they were so proud of was actually sealed. At this moment, with Demonic Beasts appearing, it naturally made them panic. If Miss Lu was not here, they would have been scared into rolling and crawling back the way they came.


“Miss Lu, be careful!” The two Martial Grandmasters, however, showed joy on their faces. The two moved, drawing the weapons at their waists, taking on the posture of flower protectors while they stood in front of Miss Lu.


However, Miss Lu’s expression didn’t change at all in response to their eagerness.


Qin Yichen glanced at these two, originally wanting to tell them to go deal with the Demonic Beast ahead. But after seeing the mocking and indifferent look in their eyes, he could only curse silently in his heart and continue walking forward.




He had just taken a few steps when a shadowy beast suddenly leaped out from a dark corner, bringing with it a chilling gust of wind.


This Demonic Beast was Wolf shaped. Its body was covered in black fur standing on end like steel needles, and its ferocious mouth had sharp fangs flashing with a cold glint. However, strangely, its body was somewhat illusory and ethereal, seeming not quite real.



| Alchemy Master |

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