Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 633, Deep Sea Demon – Leviathan

| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


*Thud, thud, thud…* With heavy footsteps, figures guided by Nine Tails, Bull Demon, and other Mutant Beast, poured into the vortex entrances of the five Space Pockets.


As for the other two Space Pockets, the Pocket of Vitality and Pocket of Void, they belonged exclusively to Yu Zi Yu.


Currently, the Pocket of Vitality was like a paradise on earth. Bursting with vitality, it far surpassed the Pocket of Earth in its abundance of Spirit Herbs and Flowers.


Most importantly, at the center of the Pocket of Vitality was the towering phantom of Heaven-Connecting Jianmu, faintly shimmering, flowing with vitality.


This was the terrifying aspect of the Pocket of Vitality. After long-term nurturing, it could even bestow life upon all things.


Yu Zi Yu was attempting to create a Pseudo-Jianmu. His requirements for this Pseudo-Jianmu were not high; it just needed to support the Pocket of Vitality, allowing it to form a self-contained world.


This was Jianmu’s most mysterious and profound Ability. The Ability to create its own world. The concept of ‘forming its own world’ implied that it operated under different rules than the universe.


In the fragmented memories, Yu Zi Yu knew that the myriad races attacked Jianmu not only because it was the Eye of Heaven but also because Jianmu could support Space Pockets, allowing them to form independent worlds.


As the Eye of Heaven, Jianmu could monitor all races. Similarly, some races could use its power to create their own worlds, evading Heaven’s surveillance.


Thus, the Great Sages used Jianmu’s power to create countless independent Heavenly Paradises.



At this moment, Yu Zi Yu’s consciousness merged into the Pocket of Vitality, where countless rootlets intertwined together, weaving a tall figure.


And just as the rootlets weaved into Yu Zi Yu’s figure, vines rose from the grassland around him, entwining with each other, weaving a chair and table slowly.


This showcased Yu Zi Yu’s meticulous control over his power. Now, he could easily manipulate plants, a beneficial ability that came with the advancement of his Psychic Power upon reaching Tier-5.


*Haaa…* Exhaling a long, deep breath, Yu Zi Yu gazed toward a distant spot, where there was a lake. This lake was different from ordinary lakes. It was shimmering with nine colors and teeming with endless vitality.


And slumbering at the center of the lake was the Five-Colored Spirit Flower, Aurora.


The Lake of Vitality was a spirit lake nurtured by the endless vitality and nine-colored Spiritual Energy. It was several times, even dozens of times, more terrifying than the Spirit Lake in North Canyon.


Right at that very moment…


*Splash…* A flash of gold caught Yu Zi Yu’s eye.


“Master…” Softly calling, a Mermaid with golden hair leapt out of the lake.


Her golden hair flowed like waves, and her fair skin glistened with a jade-like sheen. Her upper body was an exquisitely beautiful girl, while her lower half was a graceful fish tail covered in golden scales.


Her entire form exuded a captivating allure. Besides her enchanting figure and stunning beauty, her voice was even more mesmerizing, so mesmerizing that it even reached the Soul. It was unforgettable after just listening to her once.


This was the Mermaid Queen, Else, a new hidden Tier-4 Transcendent of Misty Mountains.


Considering her status as a ruler of the Sea Clan, Yu Zi Yu had forcibly signed a Blood Covenant taking advantage of her moment of weakness after crossing her Tribulation.


This was not because Yu Zi Yu was overly cautious but rather out of necessary prudence. He needed loyal subordinates, and Elsa was the perfect candidate.


In terms of strength, she was quite formidable. In terms of Merpeople Heritage, her methods were quite mysterious.  More importantly, few knew of her existence, which was crucial for Yu Zi Yu.


Although he trusted the likes of Nine Tails and White Tiger deeply, one could never be too cautious. Keeping some cards hidden was reasonable.


Keeping other things aside, among the myriad races, there were bound to be ways to search ones’ Soul. If Nine Tails or White Tiger were to fall, Yu Zi Yu’s methods would be exposed.


This was something Yu Zi Yu could not tolerate. Hence, he reserved two Space Pockets for himself. One was the Pocket of Vitality, his base, and the other was the mysterious Pocket of Void.



At this moment, in the distance, Elsa’s golden tail touched the ground, and to Yu Zi Yu’s slight astonishment, it transformed into a pair of slender, white legs.


“Even though it’s not the first time I’ve seen it, it’s still shocking to see.” With a smile, Yu Zi Yu subtly shook his head.


His interest in Elsa’s strange methods was purely curiosity, devoid of any other thoughts. Though he could achieve similar transformations, there was no need.


As for how he would do it, he could just transform into a Mermaid or Human by temporarily using his Innate Talent, Absolute Evolution.


Yet, Yu Zi Yu considered such thoughts only in idle moments. For him, the evolution of Hierarchy of Life was more critical.


“How did things go?” Settling into a comfortable position, Yu Zi Yu asked.


“I’ve appeased the new Sea Beast King, Leviathan. He shouldn’t awaken anytime soon,” Elsa replied truthfully.


The Sea Beast King, Leviathan, was a terrifying Sea Beast. He was also an Emperor of the World captured by Yu Zi Yu, lured by the Brand of King from the Dark Willow Tree. It had a Serpent-like body covered in spikes unique to Sea Beasts.


When the Third Spiritual Energy Tide surged, it advanced to Tier-4, as Yu Zi Yu had expected. However, this monster went berserk shortly after, nearly destroying Yu Zi Yu’s Pocket of Vitality.


In a crucial moment, Yu Zi Yu personally subdued it and summoned Elsa.


Elsa had the power to pacify all beasts. Now, as a Tier-4 Transcendent, soothing the Sea Beast King Leviathan seemed to be manageable. The results were evident. In just half a day, Elsa had pacified the Sea Beast King. Interestingly, Elsa named it Leviathan, inspired by the mythical sea monster.


According to the myths and legends, Leviathan was an extremely violent, ruthless, and cruel deep-sea behemoth that was said to swim against the waves, breathe fire from its mouth, emit smoke from its nose, possess sharp teeth, and have a body as tough as armor.


This Sea Beast King happened to be similar to this mythical creature in many ways. Just like the real Levithan, it was equally powerful to be labeled as terrifying just like the real monster. It also had a cruel and violent disposition.


Everything seemed to imply something, prompting Elsa to name it Leviathan, the Deep Sea Demon.



| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

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