Let's Manage the Tower

Let’s Manage the Tower – Book 2: Volume 15 Chapter 7, Various Differences

| Let's Manage the Tower |

Translator: Kazumi

Editor: Silavin


It took a week in reality to collect 100 proofs of extermination. That works out to about 14 or 15 per day.


If it was not someone who was used to hunting Lynxes, they would not be able to do this. Above all, it was only possible to complete the task because the scouts did their job well and found the Lynxes, one after another.


The scout, however, said that it was not that easy to find them inside Amamiya Tower.


As could be seen from the fact that there have been 100 requests for Lynx extermination, it appears that there were a lot of Lynx in this area.


In fact, as the hunt progressed, the frequency of finding groups of Lynxes decreased.


It could be concluded that the number of Lynxes in the area had decreased to a certain extent thanks to Roman and his group’s efforts over the past few days.


They took a day off in the base village, and the next day, they returned to the capital.




“Oh, is that the interim report?”


The receptionist who had helped them on the first day spotted Roman and his group as they entered the branch and called out to them.


They were using a quiet time to carry out the requested reupholstering.


The receptionist had a good idea of what kind of request Roman and his group had received. After all, it was a request that had almost become a problem for the branch to handle, and it was a request that Roman and the others had chosen.


At first, she was surprised to learn that they had chosen this particular request. 


Still, she would be even more surprised by Roman’s next words.


“No, it’s a completion report on the request we have received.”


After Roman said this, the receptionist remained frozen in her sales smile for a while.


“What? You’re already done?”


Roman was actually a little taken aback by her reaction. The others around them also drew back a little.


“Is it really that surprising?”


In Roman’s eyes, he did nto think he had done anything special. In fact, even if he told the other adventurers in the Tower about this achievement, they would probably be surprised by the large number of Lynx that appeared. They would not be surprised by the fact that he was able to defeat them.


For the adventurers active in the Tower, it was just a matter of course.


“It is really that surprising…”


After mumbling this, the receptionist realized that she had attracted the attention of those around her with her words, and quickly lowered her tone.


“Anyway, please come to the reception desk. I’ll check it out right away.”


“Oh, okay.”


Roman wanted to speak in frustration, to ask about the receptionist’s reaction. However, there was nothing he could do about it if the other party was reluctant to speak.


After all, this was the first time Roman and his group had carried out a mission at this branch. He had heard that their actual ranks were different, but he could finally say that he had a real sense of it now.


If he said something careless, then it would be his mistake, but the same could be said for Arisa.    


In fact, Arisa was also thinking that things had become a bit troublesome while looking from behind.


Of course, she did not show it on his face.


Meanwhile, Riku was tilting his head to the side, watching Roman and Arisa’s reaction.


He could tell that they were having some kind of problem, but he could not deduce what it was.


However, the fact that he did not show such a troubled expression on his face was what made Riku seem like an extraordinary child.


While everyone was thinking about these things, the receptionist was checking each of the parts Roman had submitted.


However, there were so many of them that it was not possible to check them all right away.


She randomly selected a few items, checked them to make sure they were all genuine. Once the cursory check was done, she turned her attention to Roman.


“It looks like they’re all real. …I’m sorry, but would you mind if I took some time to check them all?”


“Oh, that’s fine.”


Even Roman did not expect the results to come back immediately. In some cases, it would take a day just to verify things, but that did not seem to be the case here.


“Oh, and is it okay to take on the request for other monsters we’ve encountered on the way?”


“On the way…? Of course, as long as the requested items are all here, it should be fine… but you don’t happen to have them with you, do you?”


This time, Roman could not hide his surprise at the receptionist’s expression.


“I know it’s unlikely, but did you only bring the items for the requests you’ve already accepted?”


As was the case this time, it was quite normal to encounter other monsters while on a request to defeat them. It was only natural that they would bring back any items that were also on other requests.


At least, that was what the adventurers active in the Tower did. In fact, generally all adventures in the Central Continent did that.


That was why he checked all the requests posted in advance before heading out.


“Yes. After all, if you bring back unnecessary things, it just makes your load heavier…”


Roman thought to himself that this was not a good reason, not when coming from a receptionist. Even so, he stopped himself from commenting on it. In some cases, it could irritate the other adventurers who were listening in.


“I see. Well, I was able to rent a carriage in the village this time, so we brought back a lot of cargo.”


Roman replied in a nonchalant manner, while inwardly wringing his hands.


“I see…” The receptionist also noticed this and returned a business smile. She had already come to understand that Roman and the others were behaving differently from the other adventurers here.


“Well then, we’ll go check the requests.”




Perhaps sensing something different about Roman, who behaved differently from the ordinary adventurers she had dealt with, the receptionist said so and politely bowed.




“Have you found suitable requests?”


For some reason, the branch chief spoke to them as they were looking for a request that matched the parts of the monster they had brought back.


The surrounding adventurers became even more agitated. After all, it was very rare for the branch chief to speak to an adventurer.


“Yes, I found a few.” Noticing the surrounding commotion, Roman ignored it and replied to Tamara.


“Oh, really? Which ones?”


“I have these, these, and these proofs.”


He also presented other parts as proof of subjugation, but unfortunately, there were no matching requests for those parts.


Either someone else had already taken the request, or it had been withdrawn when the deadline came.


Such things often happened, so Roman and the others did not worry too much about it.


It was an unspoken rule among adventurers that whoever gets the request first wins.    


“…Hmm.” Tamara checked the requests Roman had posted and slowly peeled them off.


“I assume you have these materials with you now? Let’s process them in another room.”


“Understood.” Roman noticed something strange, but he nodded without saying anything.


It was not uncommon to deal with a large amount of material in a separate room. However, it would seem that this was only done within the Central Continent.


It was clear this branch rarely brought back anything other than the parts they had been asked to.


Roman and the others could not tell whether this was just the case for this branch or for the whole country.


Roman thought it would be best to simply do as the branch chief said.


He glanced at Arisa, but she was already unable to hide her expression of dismay.


Even Arisa, who was usually extremely resourceful, apparently could not have predicted this situation.


Roman wanted to ask what was going on right away, but the person who could answer his question had already walked off ahead of him.


And thus, Roman and the others followed after Tamara.



| Let's Manage the Tower |

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