I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 852, Each Death Leads to Reincarnation, Lied to in All Nine Lives 

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


As the blade plunged in, blood spewed out with a muffled splat. The black-robed old man’s eyes were filled with despair and disbelief.


He did not expect Ah Man to actually kill him with her own hands, and to do it so decisively too.


“You’ve really changed after all… You’re no longer the little girl you used to be.”


Yet, even as he murmured these words, there was a hint of release in his quirked lips.


Ah Man remained emotionless. His words did not stir up anything in her. She silently channelled the technique Gu Changge taught her and tried to devour the black-robed old man’s Soul.


Demonic Energy swirled like fog, and soon, it shrouded the entire ruins of the Primeval Deity Sect.


“Are these his memories?” Ah Man saw the markings on the old man’s Soul. They looked ancient. A strange script was imprinted among them.


Gu Changge glanced at it and said, “That’s a Slave Mark. He was merely someone else’s slave.”


“A slave?” Ah Man was startled. She lowered her eyes. It was her first time hearing about this.


[Does this mean Grandfather only did those things because he was following orders?]


Gu Changge did not provide any further explanation. He flicked his finger and a hazy light fell onto the Slave Mark. It began to crumble.


Ah Man saw her Grandfather’s Soul turning transparent as if on the verge of vanishing.


She did not waste any time. She harnessed the Nameless Technique Gu Changge taught her and devoured the Soul’s memories.


The memories contained a lot of information that she wanted, including her origins, her real parents, why she had shown up here, and more. She did not know if she would ever have the chance to find out the truth if she missed this opportunity.




The transparent, crystalline Soul began to scatter after being set free from the Slave Mark, but as Ah Man continued to absorb it, she could finally see the images within.


In an instant, she froze in shock. She was rooted to the spot with a look of disbelief.



The sounds of a grand ritual rang out. The place was filled with silhouettes. It was an ancient altar, and the people dressed in ceremonial robes seemed to be praying for something.


Many Ancestors of the Primitives were kneeling all around the altar and praying to the higher powers.


A black-haired young woman sat in the middle of the altar. She seemed entirely indifferent. Her fair and flawless face was completely devoid of emotions. An ancient and mighty aura emanated from her.


“That’s… me…” Ah Man recognised the black-haired young woman sitting on the altar. The woman looked exactly like her. They were alike in every possible way.


The only mentionable difference was the indifference in the black-haired young woman’s demeanour. She looked like a glacier that had remained untouched for aeons.


“Saintess… Are these Ancestors of the Primitives addressing me?” Ah Man’s vision grew blurry, and at the very next moment, she was sitting on the altar. She had become the black-haired young woman.


She heard the surrounding Ancestors of the Primitives addressing her respectfully.


This was an ancient form of address. It had been a long time since the Primitives’ settlement had a Saintess.


She could tell that this settlement she was in right now was an ancient and mighty one. Even if picked at random, any one of these Ancestors who were kneeling around her was even more powerful than the ninth-level cultivators from the present era.


“How are the preparations coming along?” Ah Man heard her own voice, but she had not spoken. It was the black-haired young woman sitting on the altar who spoke up indifferently.


Right now, Ah Man seemed like an outsider peering into her past.


[Is this a memory of my past that Grandfather mentioned before he died? Who was I?] Ah Man could not comprehend the situation. She felt an excruciating pain in her head as many memories flooded back into her mind.


“To answer your question, Saintess, everything is ready. All the ritual sacrifices have been prepared. All that’s left now is for the Primeval Deity to arrive. This time, we, the Myriad Primeval Settlement, will surely receive the blessing of the Primeval Deity and become the most powerful settlement in the entire Primeval Deity Continent.”


The ritual attendees responded in excitement.


“The Ninth Primeval Deity…” The black-haired young woman murmured to herself after hearing the report.


[So, is this a ritual sacrifice to the Primeval Deity in the hopes that he would come and bless the settlement? If he’s the Ninth Primeval Deity, doesn’t that mean this is something that took place tens of thousands of years ago?]


During that time, the Primitives was the most powerful race in the world. All races had to pledge allegiance to them.


It was unlike the situation now where the Humans could slaughter the Primitives’ settlements as they wished.


Ah Man felt puzzled. For some reason, she sensed a murderous intent emanating from the black-haired young woman.




The entire Primitives’ settlement was bustling with music and dance. All manner of food had been offered up, and the people were kneeling beneath the altar as they prayed for the Primeval Deity to grace them with his presence.


At last, there was a change in the surroundings. Light began to intertwine as a majestic figure appeared in the sky. The towering, indistinct figure seemed like an ancient deity.


The entire settlement was cheering in a frenzy. They were fanatical as they kneeled before the figure.


However, at that very moment, the black-haired young woman leapt off the altar with a piercing and icy gaze. Her black hair gleamed like a dark sun as she shot at that majestic, deity-like figure.


Everyone in the settlement was stunned. They were at a loss. They did not understand why their highly-esteemed Saintess would suddenly attack the Primeval Deity.


“You don’t deserve to be our deity…” The black-haired young woman spoke up icily as she attempted to kill him. Even Ah Man was stupefied. She could not understand what was happening.


[She’s the Saintess of the Primitives. Why is she trying to kill the Primeval Deity?]


“Such blasphemy from you will only result in your death.” The deity hovering in the void simply eyed her indifferently and brought his massive hand down on the black-haired young woman who was trying to kill him. He had every intention of killing her.


However, Ah Man did not see what happened next. She felt a stabbing pain in her forehead. It was as if something had been ripped out and taken from her head.


“It’s the memories I lost…” Ah Man had a pained expression. Amidst all of this, she saw a figure who appeared beside her.


[It’s Grandfather, the one I killed earlier. Had he been around since that time? Did he live up till now?]


Ah Man did not know what was going on. The pain in her forehead intensified, and the memories once taken from her were now being returned.


[It hurts…] In the blink of an eye, she understood many things.


The memories she lost had been taken away by the Grandfather. Each time she died, her memories of that life would be wiped. It was as if she had truly joined the cycle of reincarnation.


“Nine cycles of reincarnation… Yet, in all nine lives, everything had been nothing but a lie.”


Gu Changge had been standing beside Ah Man and watching her this whole time. Although he was sporting a strange expression, he did not disturb her.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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