Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 655, Inheriting Divine Abilities

| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


“Spirit Cat…” Murmuring to herself, the upright-walking cat slowly entered the vortex.


For a moment, everything spun around, and by the time she came to her senses, Spirit Cat found herself in a peculiar place, an extremely peculiar place.


It was a land mass with an end visible to the naked eye. And at the center of the landmass was an enormous lake. Not far from the lake was an enormous tree, resembling an Ox, that seemed to be holding up the sky.


However, that was not the most important thing. What was truly striking was that as soon as Spirit Cat arrived in this strange place, every pore of her body seemed to relax as an indescribable power surged into her body, nourishing every cell in her body. Even the hidden injuries left by the Lightning Tribulation were slowly healing.


Although the healing was slow, it was indeed happening.


Spirit Cat was having a hard time digesting that the injuries that even her self-healing ability could not heal were  showing signs of healing in this peculiar place.


*Haaaa…* Spirit Cat took a long, deep breath, suppressing the shock in her heart. She realized that this strange place she had arrived in was quite terrifying.


Because, as she looked up, a colossal figure, leaning lazily against the tree that resembled an Ox, gazing intently on a nearby stone stele, entered her sight.


It was none other than Behemoth of Emperor Valley.


At this moment, he seemed to be studying something, occasionally gesturing with his massive claws.


The next moment, her gaze shifted again as she saw a Platypus with deep red patterns like lava winding around its body in the distance, standing before another stone stele, its eyes flickering.


The Red Beak Platypus, also known as the Red Beak Tyrant, was one of the most terrifying Tier-4 Transcendents in Australia.


“What are they doing?”  Somewhat puzzled, Spirit Cat murmured to herself.


“They are learning Divine Abilities…” Just as this voice rang in Spirit Cat’s ears, her complexion changed slightly.


As she subconsciously raised her guard, Spirit Cat astonishingly discovered a golden figure standing behind her at some point.


Just then, seemingly aware of the Spirit Cat’s vigilance, the Mermaid Queen, Elsa, smiled and explained, “I am the guardian of the Pocket of Vitality, Elsa.”


At this point, Elsa pointed to the distant Behemoth and Red Beak Beast, saying, “They are members of Master’s Sentinel, codenamed Behemoth and Redbeak. The steles before them are Divine Abilities passed down by Master. For example, Behemoth is learning the Divine Ability — Enlarging and Shrinking at Will. While Redbeak is learning the Fire-Attribute Divine Ability—Feather Firestorm.”


Listening to Elsa’s explanation, Spirit Cat gradually understood the situation before her.


“So, as a member of the Sentinel, can I also learn Divine Abilities like them?”


“Yes.” Nodding slightly, Elsa pointed towards the end of the continent.


Looking in the direction she pointed, Spirit Cat could indeed see several stone steles standing quietly at the end of the continent.


“Here, you all can freely choose to learn Divine Abilities. However, it’s best to specialize rather than generalize and choose one.”


As she finished speaking, Elsa glanced at Spirit Cat, and seemingly sensing something, she flashed a smile and stated, “Your old injuries have not healed. The priority is to recuperate. You can meditate by the Lake of Vitality daily, accelerating your recovery with its rich vitality. At the same time, you can come to me for an hour or two each day. I can sing the Mermaid’s Song for you, repairing the injuries to your Soul.”


The Mermaid’s Song was Elsa’s most eerie and mysterious ability.cIt not only could kill enemies but also heal wounds. Moreover, these wounds were not physical but rather the most mysterious type, Soul Injuries.


That was why in the previous era, the Mermaid Clan had close dealings with many powerful beings. After all, no strong individual could guarantee their Soul would not be harmed, and the Soul was precisely the most mysterious sector. It was very difficult to heal through ordinary means.


Using the orthodox ways, only a few treasures and abilities could heal Soul Injuries. Among them, the Mermaid’s Song of the Merpeople Royal Clan was the most renowned.


“Uh…” A look of complete bewilderment flashed on Spirit Cat’s face. She could not find the words to refuse.


With a few words, Elsa had already arranged everything for her like a butler Not only did she arrange for the treatment of her old wounds, but she also chose a Divine Ability for her: Minor Divine Ability — Traveling Thousand Miles like the Wind.


It significantly increases speed and allows one to merge into the wind, making movement incredibly elusive.


This was one of the Minor Divine Abilities left by Golden Monkey, prepared for the younger generation of Misty Mountains.


As of now, there were no less than ten inheritance of Divine Abilities in the entire Pocket of Vitality. Among them, Yu Zi Yu had passed down several Elemental Divine Abilities.


Divine Abilities were different from Unique Abilities. They were an extraordinary power displayed through constant cultivation of one’s form and spirit.


Compared to individual Unique Abilities, Divine Abilities were tens or even hundreds of times more complex.


However, this complexity didn’t mean Divine Abilities have no benefits. The greatest advantage of Divine Abilities was that they could be passed down.


For example, Yu Zi Yu’s Unique Ability, Immortal Mist, could not be taught to others. Other creatures would find it difficult to produce white mist and even harder to control it as Yu Zi Yu could.


But Divine Abilities were different.


For instance, Yu Zi Yu’s Fire-Attribute Divine Ability, Feather Firestorm, could be mastered as long as one had an understanding of ‘fire’ and could grasp the Principles behind it. This was why Divine Abilities were more valuable than Unique Abilities. Each Divine Ability could be continuously perfected as it passed down through generations.


Now, the stone stele left in the Pocket of Vitality, though recording few Divine Abilities, each hold their unique wonders. If these Mutant Beasts could Master them, it would greatly enhance their combat power. After all, their future battlefield was the starry sky.


Yu Zi Yu would not treat them unfairly. In addition to imparting Divine Abilities, they were allowed to refine their bodies by the Lake of Vitality. When necessary, they could also go to the Pocket of Lightning to remove or refine impurities.


One could say, from the moment these beings became members of Yu Zi Yu’s Sentinels, their treatment was no less than that of the core members of Misty Mountains.


The results are evident. Take Behemoth for example. In recent days, its gray iron-colored fur had gradually transitioned to a greenish hue, indicating it was evolving towards a more advanced form, Bronze Behemoth.



| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

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