Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 659, Barbarian Warriors

| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


Invasion, regardless of the reason, good or bad, destined the invaders for bloodshed and slaughter simply because they were outsiders.


And Yu Zi Yu and his companions had no good intentions upon their arrival.


Plunder, and plunder.


From start to finish, Yu Zi Yu and his companions’ goal was plunder.


From seizing resources from villages and towns to plundering resources from continents and even the world.


Now, everything Yu Zi Yu was doing was to get his Natural Disaster Legion accustomed to the role of ‘invaders.’


If ‘invasion’ and ‘being invaded’ were predestined, then Yu Zi Yu would undoubtedly choose ‘invasion.’


“Anyone who resists, except for women and children, can be slaughtered without mercy,” roaring, the Deputy Chief of the Polar Bear Clan, one of the three top Clans of Misty Mountains, had already issued orders to each Clan Member.


“Yes, Deputy Chief!” Responding in return, hundreds of Mutant Polar Bears began to charge.


Although there were only a few hundred, they resembled an army of thousands, trampling the ground with weights of tens of tons. Their sharp claws tore through the earth.


*Roooaar…* Giving a roar towards the sky, the first Polar Bear to reach the Bear Barbarian Tribe had its Spiritual Energy surge.


At the same time, its snow-like fur froze, transforming into sharp spikes.


The Polar Bear Clan predominantly possessed Ice-Attributes, because of this, many Mutant Polar Bears of the White Bear Clan were skilled in using the Ice Armor, which could freeze their bodies, greatly enhancing their defense and impact force.


*Booooom…* Accompanied by a thunderous crash, a stone house several meters high shattered instantly.


Following that…


*Booooom, booooom, booooom…* One crash after another reverberating through the sky, countless stone houses were smashed by these Mutant Polar Bears.


Pieces of rocks flew everywhere, mixed with blood.


“No, don’t.”


“Help, please…”



Cries of fear and despair filled the air as numerous members of the Bear Barbarian Tribe issued pleas for help.


Yet, whether by intention or coincidence, the impact of these Mutant Polar Bears mainly aimed to destroy the stone houses, sparing most of the women and children inside.


This was as Yu Zi Yu had instructed.


Unlike other worlds, Yu Zi Yu regarded this world more as his own. In his opinion, everything belonged to him. And therefore, he regarded the entire world as his ‘farm.’


And a ‘farm’ naturally could not be exploited recklessly.


Of course, Yu Zi Yu did not completely adhere to this rule and he admitted it. In the event his or his companions’ personal safety was threatened, Yu Zi Yu would not mind his Mutant Beasts unleashing their killing instincts.


All rules were based on the premise of ensuring their own safety. That would always be the top priority, over everything else.


“Stop right there!”


“Bastards… I’ll kill you.”



With bloodshot eyes, one Barbarian Warrior after another rushed out.


Their Spiritual Energy surged as the totems on their bodies flickered.


Some of the warriors even summoned the phantom of a ‘Giant Black Bear’ behind them.


This was the Barbarian Clan’s unique Totem Technique.


Unfortunately, facing one of the top Clans, renowned even in Misty Mountains, all resistance was futile.


With a thunderous clap, a Tier-3 Barbarian was swatted tens of meters away by a Tier-3 Mutant Polar Bear, only stopping after crashing through several stone houses.


However, the moment his body came to a stop, his pupils could not help but shrink, because right at that very moment, the Tier-3 Mutant Polar Bear slammed its paw into the ground with immense force.


*Zzzzz…* Amidst a continuous strange sound, a massive iceberg, dozens of meters tall, erupted from the ground, thrusting toward the Barbarian Warrior.


“I will kill you!” At this moment, the Barbarian Warrior who had been swatted away stood up as if unscathed.


Furthermore, seeing the approaching iceberg, the Barbarian Warrior advanced instead of retreating, charging towards it with his arms crossed like a tank.


*Booooom, booooom, booooom…* Shattering the iceberg continuously, a bloodied but increasingly ferocious figure of Barbarian Warrior advanced towards the Mutant Polar Bear.


“This Barbarian Clan is indeed impressive…” Echoed a faint voice.


Atop a mountain peak, White Tiger slowly rose and his eyes couldn’t help but narrow, witnessing the battle below.


“Indeed, not only do they possess bodies strong and robust enough to confront our Polar Bear Clan head-on, but they also have a fearless spirit,” said Giant Lightning Bear, the Deputy Commander of the Legion of Lightning, with a grin and a gleam in his eyes.


“I’m quite looking forward to encountering a Natural Disaster-Class Warrior of this place.” With a touch of anticipation, White Tiger gazed into the distance.


This was just a small tribe of the Barbarian Clan. Extremely powerful individuals were unlikely to be present here.


The entire Bear Barbarian Tribe had only three Tier 3 Transcendents, and one of them had already been controlled by Aurora.


“You’ll encounter them,” replied Giant Lightning Bear, his limbs flickering with lightning and a fiery battle spirit igniting in his eyes.


Now, only Natural Disaster-Class Warriors could attract the attention of the various Legions of Misty Mountains.


For small tribes like this, they would not even garner attention if not for curiosity.



Meanwhile, deep within this continent…


*Booooom, booooom, booooom…* Like the beating of war drums, a deep, resonant sound echoed for kilometers around.


Looking closely, there stood a city.


However, it was different from Human Cities.


It was ancient and vast.


The so-called palace was actually constructed from massive stones piled together.


In the distance, a towering city wall stood to the north of Savannas. Its walls was dark red, seemingly stained with blood, exuding the vicissitudes of time.


This was the Beast Suppressing Wall, the most famous wall of the Barbarian Clan. Over three years, it had withstood attacks of countless Beast Tides. It was said that beneath this wall were buried no less than ten million Mutant Beasts.


This was quite a terrifying number. However, it also indirectly proved the fearsome nature of this city.


At this moment, in this most renowned Imperial City of the Barbarian Clan, the war drums echoed, summoning the strong like the call of a war horn.


The last time these war drums sounded, millions of Beasts were charging towards the Imperial City from the Savannas.


And now, these drums sounded once more.


“The enemy is here! Worse, it is an enemy we cannot easily withstand…” A deep and resonant voice slowly emerged from the depths of the Imperial City.


Accompanying this was a sound.


*Thud, thud, thud…* Like stepping on the chests of the people, the sound of footsteps slowly approached.


Looking up, they saw a burly man holding a toothed club made from unknown beast bones. His black hair was fluttering along the wind, and his Barbarian Totems, resembling tattoos carved into his skin, were constantly flashing like.


Upon closer inspection, within the flashing Barbarian Totem, one could see the small-sized ethereal figures of powerful Mutant Beasts such as Lions, Elephants, and Rhinoceroses, roaring towards the sky.



| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

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