Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 100, A Waste of Heaven’s Gifts

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


Now Shu Xin had only one feeling… it was such a waste!


She felt that even if she got fatally wounded, taking one of these Pills would quickly restore her, let alone her minor injury. She felt that half a Pill, no, a third, would have been enough.


“Big Sister, is this Healing Pill… really given by that awful guy!?” Shu Xin asked Shu Ruyan beside her in disbelief. [Would he really be so kind-hearted?]


“Of course it’s from him. We ran out of Healing Liquid long ago… Why? Is there something wrong with this Pill?” Shu Ruyan was also anxious, and a bit nervous, fearing that her Little Sister might have some adverse reaction.


“This one Healing Pill must be worth over a thousand silver!” Shu Xin’s voice trembled. She never imagined that the guy she bullied every day would be willing to give out such a Pill. Although she was willful and capricious, she was not completely ignorant. Pills with such effects, even in the Royal City, was something she had never heard of before.


It was truly a Pill that cures everything! A cure all!


If such Pills were sold in the Royal City, each one would be no less than a thousand silver coins, maybe worth even more!


The wealthy, for the sake of their own safety, would not care about this small amount of silver.


“Silly girl, there’s no Healing Pill that expensive.” Hearing Shu Xin’s words, Shu Ruyan could not help but tap her forehead.


In her view, Shu Xin must be talking nonsense because her injury had healed. After all, Shu Xin’s injury was not that serious to begin with, so it was not surprising that she recovered.


Seeing that Shu Xin was fine, a weight was lifted from Shu Ruyan’s heart. Taking the remaining Healing Pills, she walked outside, “I’m going to distribute these to the injured guards. You take a good rest.”


“Big Sister…” Shu Xin wanted to tell her more, but she had already left the carriage. [Perhaps, Big Sister doesn’t even realise that the bottle of Pills in her hand is already equivalent to half of our goods!]


“Strange, how could that guy… have such Pills?” Wondering this, Shu Xin also stepped out of the carriage.


At the same bonfire, from the same angle, a pair of vaguely visible long, beautiful legs once again appeared in Qin Yichen’s view.


“Am I dreaming?” Qin Yichen, who was almost asleep with his eyes squinted, fixed his gaze upon seeing those beautiful legs. “Hmmm, not bad, not bad…”


While admiring, he also made many sounds of appreciation.


“Looks nice?”


After he had been enjoying the view for quite a while, a voice that was almost teeth gritting sounded above Qin Yichen.


“Yeah. Quite pleasant to the eyes.” Qin Yichen answered almost instinctively. Then, the next second, his body violently shuddered. He was instantly wide awake. He reflexively rolled to the side and stood up.


*Ahem…* Looking at the fire-eyed Shu Xin in front of him, Qin Yichen coughed a few times, his gaze turning to the distance as he wore an innocent expression.


“Stinking pervert!” Qin Yichen, who had just obtained the potential to become a good person in her eyes, instantly fell back to being a pervert.


Shu Xin glared at him resentfully.


The more innocent he pretended to be, the more her anger flared. If it was not for those Pills… she would have whipped him by now.


“Where did you steal those Pills from?” Shu Xin looked at Qin Yichen with sideways glances. She found that no matter how she looked at him, she felt annoyed, and her hand was itching to a whipping.


Coincidentally, as she said this, Qin Yichen’s hand was also itching for a spanking!


Just as he was about to grab this little girl and give her a good spanking, his expression suddenly turned solemn.


“Quick go tell your Sister that someone is coming!”


Qin Yichen’s gaze turned towards the darkness, his voice filled with gravity. [Trouble really comes and can’t be avoided, huh!?]


Shu Xin opened her mouth, originally wanting to retort, but following his line of sight, she saw some flickering lights rapidly moving towards the caravan.


“Not good!” Her face changed, and she quickly darted towards the caravan.


Soon, a group of people arrived in front of the caravan.


There were not many, only five. However, each one was a Martial Grandmaster, and one of them was even a first level Peak Stage Martial Grandmaster!


Walking at the front was a young man. When he saw the setup of the caravan before him, he was visibly stunned.


“Cousin Ruyan, from the looks of it, you don’t seem to welcome me.” A young man said to Shu Ruyan with a smile that did not reach his eyes. His gaze lingering on her charming figure, burning hot with desire.


“What are you doing here?” Shu Ruyan’s tone was unusually cold, and she was very wary of the man who called himself her Cousin.


“Of course, I’m here on my Father’s orders to escort you back. I just didn’t expect Cousin to be so polite, preparing such a rich dowry. Your Cousin is truly unworthy…” The man said this as if it was already a matter of course.


This immediately caused Shu Ruyan’s face to turn ashen. [How could a person be so shameless!?]


“You disgusting Toad, get lost! My Big Sister won’t be marrying you!” Shu Xin’s fiery temper could not tolerate anyone bullying her Sister. She immediately lashed out with her whip.


“Hehe, Cousin Xin’er, are you so eager to get intimate with your Cousin? Don’t worry. After you come back with me, I will take good care of you.”


The young man easily avoided her whip, his hand reaching out at an odd angle to grab her small hand, frightening Shu Xin into repeatedly retreating.


Only after this did she remember that this young man was already a Martial Grandmaster. She was no match for him at all!


Qin Yichen watched from the side, speechless. [To think there are such relatives in this world. The Shu Sisters are truly unfortunate.]


Shu Ruyan’s felt even more bitter.


The Shu Family had started in business. Initially, her Father had made a small name for himself in the Royal City’s business world, managing to thrive in the complex environment of the Royal City.


That was also the happiest time for the Sisters.


However, tragedy struck on a certain day a few years ago…


Their Parents went out and were ambushed by villains, unjustly dying.


Poor Shu Ruyan, not even twenty, had to shoulder the burden of the Shu Family. She did not know how much she had to endure these past few years.


First came the suppression from competitors, causing the Shu Family’s market share to shrink and its business to become increasingly difficult to maintain. What made her even more desperate was a group of undermining relatives!


For example, the young man appearing now was the Eldest Son of her Uncle, Shu Huili.


These relatives all viewed their Family as a cake, each wanting to come and take a bite.


“Please restrain yourself, Cousin!” Shu Ruyan stared at him with cold eyes. At the same time, she also understood why they had encountered so many attacks while on their journey.


First, to exhaust her caravan’s people to the point of collapse, then capture them all at once… such thoughts were truly malicious!


If it was not for the bottle of Healing Pills given by Qin Yichen, her caravan’s elites would not have been able to fight back.



| Alchemy Master |

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