Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 23, The Test

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


“Grandfather.” Liu Qiong’er stepped forward, hugging one of Liu Wen’s arms, and stood obediently by his side.


*Hmph!* After giving a light snort at the grinning Li Yuanba, Liu Wen then asked her, “What’s going on?”


“It’s him. He wants to take the Alchemy Master qualification test.” Liu Qiong’er stuck out her little tongue, her sudden obedient and cute demeanour made many men’s hearts surge.


“He wants to take the Alchemy Master qualification test?” Liu Wen merely glanced at Qin Yichen briefly. His brows furrow involuntarily. However, when he noticed the positions where Li Yuanba and Qin Yichen were standing, a special glint flashed in the depths of his eyes.


“If he wants to take it, let him. Our Alchemy Guild doesn’t restrict anyone from taking the test. However, the material fees required for it must be paid in advance!”


Almost beyond everyone’s expectations, Liu Wen did not drive Qin Yichen away. Instead, he calmly advised, “The youth haven’t tasted failure. Let him try to learn how to forfeit on foolish dreams.”


This last sentence made the hearts of many present calm down, slightly.


If everyone could take the test at will, what would the Alchemy Guild become?


Although there were no restrictions, everyone maintained a bottom line. Those taking the test at least needed to condensing their Divine Soul Bead!


However, this young man came with Li Yuanba. In their view, Guildmaster Liu Wen probably agreed because of Li Yuanba’s presence.


“Thank you, Guildmaster, for giving me this opportunity.” Qin Yichen was slightly stunned, but after seeing the latter’s meaningful look at him, he understood why.


Liu Wen and Ran Rui’s relationship was a friendly one. Perhaps it was because Ran Rui had mentioned him before.


“Grandfather?” Hearing Liu Wen directly agree, Liu Qiong’er did not react for a moment.


Liu Wen was famously strict. Even Alchemy Apprentices who had successfully condensed Divine Soul Beads had to practise hard for a year after failing the test before they could take the next test.


Yet, he agreed to let a young man, who had not even condensed his Divine Soul Bead, take the test. The difference in treatment was too great.


“We’re not doing anything else anyway.” Liu Wen chuckled at her and led Qin Yichen into the Alchemy Guild.


As Liu Qiong’er followed, many people in the hall started to move.


Behind the main hall of the Alchemy Guild was the testing hall. The three stages of the Alchemy Master qualification test were conducted in three rooms within this testing hall. It was a completely transparent and open test, without any favouritism or fraud.


“Name, age.” At the entrance of the first stage in the testing hall, an Elder wearing Alchemy Master attire sat there. On his chest robe, the Pill Furnace emblem had a very conspicuous silver-white pattern carved on it.


Obviously, he was not only the test supervisor but also a First Grade Alchemy Master!


“Qin Yichen, sixteen!” Qin Yichen answered truthfully.


As soon as his age was revealed, it immediately drew some strange looks.


He was only sixteen years old, someone who had yet to condense his Divine Soul Bead. He most likely could not condense Pills yet. In their view, this test was simply a huge joke.


“Let’s wait and see him make a fool of himself.” Including Lin Shiyun, everyone who had followed him into this hall all harboured this thought.


After registration, Qin Yichen walked into the first room.


Inside, someone was already waiting.


Qin Yichen was very clear about the first stage of the test.


The guild would mix ten different medicinal herbs together, and the examinee must identify these herbs, stating their names, effects, and so on. As long as six types were identified, they would pass the first stage of the test.


These ten herbs were different each time, so cheating was impossible.


For Qin Yichen, this was not difficult at all.


While people outside were waiting to see him make a fool of himself, the test official for the first stage was dumbfounded.


In just a few minutes, Qin Yichen had already separated that messy jumble of medicinal herbs into roots, stems, and leaves. One by one, they were neatly laid out. He even wrote out the names, uses, and effects of each herb, without a single mistake.


“*Ahem* *Ahem* Did I make a mistake?” Seeing the test official silent for a long time, Qin Yichen coughed lightly twice and reminded him.


“Huh?” The test official was stunned, then quickly reacted, hurriedly stating, “No, no, it’s just that you identified them too clearly…”


He was very impressed because Qin Yichen had even neatly separated even the tiniest of roots. From this, he could see that this seemingly young man before him had probably reached the level of identifying herbs by smell.


That was something many Second Grade Alchemy Masters could not do.


“This is your test form. You can go for the second stage of the test.” The test official, without any hesitation, gave him a perfect score and handed it to Qin Yichen.


The entire first stage of the test took less than five minutes before Qin Yichen walked out of the room.


The people outside were only slightly stunned before immediately revealing expressions of bewilderment. In their view, Qin Yichen should have gotten eliminated. Otherwise, how could he possibly identify those messy herbs in such a short time?


To them, this was simply impossible.


However, just as they were about to open their mouths to mock, they found that after walking out, Qin Yichen did not come towards them. Rather, he took the test form and walked directly towards the room for the second stage of the test.


“Eh, he passed the first stage?”


“It, it seems so…”


“Damn! Is this guy so lucky that he just happened to encounter all common herbs!?”


“*Tsk!* He really has some dogshit luck. But this first stage doesn’t really count for much in terms of ability. As long as he memorises hard enough, and has a bit of luck, passing is quite normal. But for the upcoming tests, he won’t be able to use his luck. To pass the second stage, he would need to refine Third Grade or above Medicinal Liquid. Luck alone won’t help him!”


As Qin Yichen walked into the second room, whispers began to quietly rise.


However, Liu Qiong’er standing beside Liu Wen did not believe it would be as they said.


Even for this first stage of the test, relying on luck was absolutely impossible. Moreover, Qin Yichen had only been in there for a few minutes. How could he possibly identify six different medicinal herbs by luck?


She glanced at her grandfather beside her, who wore a faint smile. A thoughtful look flashed in her eyes. [This young man most likely really has the ability to pass!]


*Creak.* However, before the doubtful voices of the crowd had subsided, the door of the second test room had already been opened. Qin Yichen’s figure walked out unhurriedly again.


“Haha! See? I told you this kid was just lucky. He passed the first stage due to luck. Hey, weren’t you the one who didn’t believe me!?”


“A young brat who has yet to even condensed his Divine Soul Bead dares to come take the Alchemy Master qualification test. He’s really just here to seek attention!”


Seeing him walk out in less than three minutes after entering, many people chuckled.


In their view, Qin Yichen must have failed right at the start. He could not refine the Medicinal Liquid and was then driven out by the test official.



| Alchemy Master |

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