Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 33, Effortless Counterattack

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


The Knowledge Sea was the most mysterious place in the human body. It is the dwelling place of the Human Soul. Its structure was even more profound, equivalent to a building.


For Martial Artists, they do not cultivate the Soul, only the body. However, as their cultivation realm increases, although their Spiritual Energy would not improve, their Knowledge Sea would still nevertheless be strengthened.


For example, an ordinary Alchemy Master, with Spiritual Energy alone, could never break through the Knowledge Sea of a Martial Master.


Alchemy Masters mainly cultivate the Soul, and their Spiritual Energy was powerful, but this does not mean their Knowledge Sea was impenetrable. On the contrary, the solidity of their Knowledge Sea was closely related to their Martial Arts Cultivation Realm.


Back then, Qin Yichen could not advance further because his Knowledge Sea was too fragile, so fragile that it could not withstand greater Spiritual Energy.


If we compare the Knowledge Sea to a celestial palace, then the strength of the human body was the thickness of the palace walls.


Although Mo Yun had already stepped into the realm of First Grade Alchemy Master, attacking his Knowledge Sea would be like killing the enemy of a thousand while losing eight hundred.


Moreover, Qin Yichen was extremely experienced with Alchemy. He also had decent Spiritual Energy cultivation. If he fortified his Knowledge Sea, it would be even more difficult for someone like Mo Yun to break through.


One of the ways was to disrupt the mind. This was actually a method of Spiritual Energy attack. Once a person’s mind was in chaos, the Knowledge Sea would be without active resistance and it would be easily conquered at that time.


It was due to this that Mo Yun did not rashly attack Qin Yichen’s Knowledge Sea.


However, if he waited until Qin Yichen was fully focused on Pill refining, he could disrupt his mind and then attack Qin Yichen’s Knowledge Sea at lightning speed, which would guarantee breaking through his Knowledge Sea.




Sure enough, not beyond Lin Shiyun’s expectations, when Qin Yichen was concentrating on Pill refining, a subtle fluctuation emanated from Mo Yun.




A cold glint flashed in Mo Yun’s eyes. In the space before him, it was as if a ripple appeared, a strand of Spiritual Energy shot directly towards Qin Yichen’s Pill Furnace.


[Die!] He seemed to have already envisioned the scene of Qin Yichen clutching his head in pain. At that moment, he would use Spiritual Energy to break through Qin Yichen’s Knowledge Sea, and Qin Yichen would be crippled. He might even die!


*Bang!* However, something unexpected happened to Mo Yun. When his Spiritual Energy hit the Knowledge Sea on that Pill Furnace barely larger than a palm, he was stunned to find that his Spiritual Energy could not penetrate the Pill Furnace. Thus, he could not bombard and interfere with Qin Yichen’s Spiritual Energy.


[This Pill Furnace is strange!?] Mo Yun looked deeply at the Pill Furnace in Qin Yichen’s hand, a glint of greed flashing in his eyes.


Regardless of the Grade of this Pill Furnace, just this protective layer alone would put him in an invincible position if he used it to Pill Battle with others.


He naturally wanted to obtain this Pill Furnace.


[Don’t blame me for being ruthless!] With a thought, he condensed his Spiritual Energy into a fine needle and pierced towards Qin Yichen’s Knowledge Sea.


As a First Grade Alchemy Master, he was confident he could crush the Knowledge Sea of someone who had yet to even condensed his Divine Soul Bead.


Just as Mo Yun moved his thoughts, Qin Yichen’s eyes also narrowed, a cold light flashing in his eyes.


Just before Mo Yun’s Spiritual Energy was about to reach Qin Yichen’s Knowledge Sea, a sharp Spiritual Energy shot out like a cold light.


“Hmph! A mere apprentice who has yet to even condensed his Divine Soul Bead dares to resist? Die!” Mo Yun coldly snorted, without any attempt to avoid it. He directly took on the incoming cold light, not taking the attack that was many times weaker than his own seriously at all.


He wanted to crush the person who dared to provoke him in an overwhelming manner, then destroy this brat’s Knowledge Sea. He wanted everyone to know what the consequences would be for offending him!


*Sizzle sizzle…* The two Spiritual Energies collided in a flash, but to Mo Yun’s surprise, that small cold light was unusually solid. It was not destroyed immediately, and still managed to temporarily resist.


However, Mo Yun did not pay much attention to it. After all, he was actively attacking, and he still had the toughness of his Knowledge Sea to rely on. It seemed reasonable that it could not be conquered immediately.


“Die! Die!” Mo Yun did not hesitate at all and directly shouted, almost all the Spiritual Energy contained in his Divine Soul Bead surged out, carrying a faintly oppressive aura.


Mo Yun’s Spiritual Energy was like waves beating towards the opponent’s stubbornly resisting cold light.


What was called overwhelming? Crushing the opponent with absolute strength, that was what it meant to be overwhelming!


Under his full force, Mo Yun seemed to have already seen Qin Yichen’s shocked face. The smile on his lips became even more intense.


“This is bullshit.”


However, in the next moment, Mo Yun’s pupils slightly contracted because he clearly saw that when his Spiritual Energy was fully unleashed, there was not a trace of panic on Qin Yichen’s face. Instead, a faint smile appeared.


Qin Yichen’s defence was harder to break through! How could Qin Yichen not know this?


If Mo Yun had, like before, left half of his Spiritual Energy to guard his Knowledge Sea, Qin Yichen would not have had any chance. However, as expected, Mo Yun did what Qin Yichen had expected.


He was so confident he could break through that he put his all into attacking!




Faced with the overwhelming wave-like Spiritual Energy, not only did Qin Yichen not show any sign of retreat, but with his light shout, like a sharp sword, he directly broke through that Spiritual Energy that was in a standoff. He fearlessly stabbed towards that wave-like Spiritual Energy.




Under Mo Yun’s horrified gaze, Qin Yichen’s Spiritual Energy directly tore through his waves like Spiritual Energy, and without losing momentum, directly attacked his Knowledge Sea. That momentum not only did not weaken, but even showed signs of becoming stronger.


“This… what kind of Spiritual Energy control is this?!”


At this moment, Mo Yun was in panic. His arrogance was built on his mastery over Spiritual Energy. But now, he found out that this young man who had not even condensed his Divine Soul Bead had reached a level of mastery over Spiritual Energy that was far beyond his reach!


What level of attainment does it take to achieve this?


At this moment, he suddenly understood why the Li Family’s Alchemist Assistants called Qin Yichen Grandmaster when he appeared.


But it was too late! Qin Yichen would not give him a chance to defend.




The sword-like Spiritual Energy directly hit Mo Yun’s Knowledge Sea.




Just like the sound of glass breaking, Mo Yun’s Knowledge Sea, which was as solid as city walls, had a spider web-like crack appear.


“No! NO!” Mo Yun, who was domineering just a moment ago, in the next moment, had his face turning completely pale. Before he could even beg for mercy, his Knowledge Sea cracked.


It was like a balloon with a hole poked into it. His Soul was no longer stable, and his Divine Soul Bead fluctuated. It shattered into pieces and scattered in the wind.



| Alchemy Master |

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