Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 39, Effortless Mastery

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


Alchemy Guild, Apprentice Practice Room.


“Please stop for a moment,” Liu Qiong’er spoke up, catching their attention.


These Alchemist Apprentices, mostly of whom were from powerful Families, initially wanted to rebuke after being interrupted. However, seeing it was her, they reluctantly shut their mouths.


When they saw Qin Yichen standing beside Liu Qiong’er, confusion, envy, and jealousy flashed in their eyes.


Liu Qiong’er was the Goddess in their hearts. Seeing him so close to Liu Qiong’er made them all feel resentful.


“What’s he doing here?”


“Heh, isn’t he the genius with perfect scores in all three tests? Coming to our apprentice room, is he here to show off?”


“Who knows? Maybe this perfect-score genius is here to reinforce his basics.”


Words, clearly tinged with jealousy, came from all around, their eyes full of sarcasm.


Alchemy Masters have dedicated Alchemy Rooms.


This was the Apprentice Room.


If Qin Yichen could really refine Pills, what was he doing in the Apprentice Room?


This only served to enforce their suspicion on him having cheated that day.


“He’s going to refine Pills. You can observe from the side. How much you learn depends on your own fortune,” Liu Qiong’er said, noticing their cold looks.


She was well aware of those rumours, as was her grandfather Liu Wen. However, neither party had explained anything. After all, they believe ‘true gold fear no fire’!
(Silavin: a person of good character can withstand any test thrown his way.)


“He’s going to refine Pills?” These apprentices all showed surprised expressions.


This Apprentice Room only had one Medicine Cauldron, other Pill Furnaces were ones they brought themselves.


After a while, some who had brought good Pill Furnaces hid them behind their backs. They seemed afraid Qin Yichen would take them to use.


“Haha.” Qin Yichen did not pay any attention to them. Under their surprised gazes, he walked directly towards the Medicine Cauldron that was almost as tall as a person.



“Special Envoy, he has entered the Apprentice Room,” Liu Wen reported to Zhou Tianwei, who was not far away, after hearing the news on the top floor.


“En.” Zhou Tianwei nodded.


Liu Wen walked to one side and removed a black cloth from a cylindrical object. A glass ball-like object appeared before the two of them. As he infused his Spiritual Energy, the transparent glass ball emitted a faint light, and everything in the Apprentice Room appeared within it.



At this time, Qin Yichen had already arrived in front of the Medicine Cauldron.


“He… wants to use the Medicine Cauldron to refine Pills?” The surrounding apprentices were even more confused.


Although the material used to forge the Medicine Cauldron made it comparable to Human Rank Pill Furnaces, the Medicine Cauldron had nine open sides. It was completely unsuitable for Pill refining. It was inferior to even Ordinary Pill Furnaces.


“Interesting.” On the top floor, Zhou Tianwei also became interested.


He watched as Qin Yichen took out various medicinal herbs. When he saw the last ingredient, the Sirius Flower, his gaze could not help but sharply focus.


He had heard his Master, Grandmaster Gu Ye, mention the effects of the Sirius Flower.


Unlike ordinary herbs that help with Spiritual Energy, the Sirius Flower, while also able to increase Spiritual Energy, was far less effective than the most common Nourishing Spirit Flower. Given its rarity, its existence was even less noticeable.


However, Grandmaster Gu Ye had discovered its special property… it could make Spiritual Energy more condensed.


So, whenever refining particularly challenging Pills, Grandmaster Gu Ye would consume a Sirius Flower.


Now that Qin Yichen had taken out the Sirius Flower along with several other ingredients that help increase Spiritual Energy, Zhou Tianwei was bewildered.


As far as he knew, there was no Pill Formula that could incorporate the Sirius Flower.


Looking at Qin Yichen’s current setup, it seemed like he was going to use the Sirius Flower as the main ingredient to refine a Pill.


“What kind of Pill is he trying to refine?” Zhou Tianwei asked Liu Wen beside him, somewhat puzzled after looking at the medicinal herbs laid out in front of Qin Yichen several times.


“…I’m not sure,” Liu Wen shook his head.


“Could it be that he has his own special formula?” Zhou Tianwei snorted. It was too unbelievable. He thought Qin Yichen was being deliberately mysterious.


To this, Liu Wen could only bitterly smile.


From his old friend Ran Rui, he knew that behind Qin Yichen was a mysterious Master. If he mentioned it now, the person in front of him would most likely not believe him.


During this time, Qin Yichen in front of the Medicine Cauldron took out a small Pill Furnace from his bosom.


Under many puzzled and confused gazes, he placed the small Pill Furnace into the Medicine Cauldron.


Outsiders could not understand why he was doing this, even Zhou Tianwei and Liu Wen were also puzzled.


However, the Medicine Cauldron was not very precious. Even if it exploded, the loss would not be too great, so no one stopped him.


“Absorb!” Under Qin Yichen’s deliberate guidance, the medicinal properties settled in the Medicine Cauldron converged into a small stream, flowing into the small Pill Furnace.


As soon as these mixed medicinal properties poured into the small Pill Furnace, it was like dry land encountering rain. It frantically absorbed, even beginning to absorb autonomously like a bottomless pit.


The apprentices in the Apprentice Room could not see or feel anything inside the Medicine Cauldron. Naturally, Zhou Tianwei and Liu Wen on the top floor were the same.


Only Liu Qiong’er keenly sensed some changes inside the Medicine Cauldron.


However, she was not clear about the specific situation. She still believes Qin Yichen was going to refine Pills. She believes he was just separating those wanted medicinal properties to avoid interference from the chaotic medicinal properties in the Medicine Cauldron. Thus, she did not say anything.


Several minutes passed like this, and all the medicinal properties that had settled in the Medicine Cauldron for hundreds of years were completely devoured by the small Pill Furnace without a drop left.


At this time, those deep cracks at the bottom of the small Pill Furnace were coated with a faint lustre.


There were still no signs of repair though.


This did not surprise Qin Yichen, because although the medicinal properties in the Medicine Cauldron were numerous, they were chaotic and all came from the lowest Grade, most common medicinal herbs.


Trying to fully repair the furnace with these was basically impossible.


Only the essence derived from refining Pills and Medicinal Liquids could repair the cracks on it.


Still, this layer of medicinal properties was enough to support Qin Yichen in refining a Sirius Pill.


[Everything is ready.] Qin Yichen began to throw the prepared medicinal herbs one by one into the small Pill Furnace, which was already inside the Medicine Cauldron.


His immature, unorthodox method immediately drew a series of jeers from around.


Not to mention whether he had weighed the medicinal herbs properly, just this method of adding herbs like feeding grass to cattle was worse than any ordinary apprentice.


Zhou Tianwei naturally also frowned at the sight.


Pill refining emphasised two words… rigour.


But in Qin Yichen, he could not see these two words at all. There was only laziness and casualness.


In the entire scene, probably only Liu Qiong’er did not hold a contemptuous attitude.


Because during the test, that Third Grade Pill was refined by Qin Yichen in the exact same way.


It was precisely because she had judged it seriously from the beginning that she saw Qin Yichen’s series of actions as having a unique flow. If described in words, it would be… ‘mastery till effortlessness!’



| Alchemy Master |

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