Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 41, Taking Advantage

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


“This is truly exhausting.” Qin Yichen’s current condition was not much better than on the day of the Alchemy qualification test.


Although he had the help of the medicinal properties settled in the Medicine Cauldron, the Spiritual Energy in his Knowledge Sea was nearly completely depleted, and his body was weak. At this moment, he really wanted to just lie down and sleep for a whole day and night.


In fact, the Sirius Pill in his hand was not even considered a First Grade Pill because nearly half of its medicinal properties had been absorbed by the Pill Furnace.


Although Qin Yichen was reluctant, with his current Spiritual Energy, he could only settle for second best.


While it was not considered a First Grade Pill, it was still not comparable to an Ordinary Pill.


For the current Qin Yichen, this Pill was enough. As long as he could condense a Divine Soul Bead, it would be much easier to refine Pills later.



“Go call him up!” On the top floor, Zhou Tianwei came to his senses and, without turning around, directly instructed Liu Wen behind him.


“Yes!” Liu Wen responded and quickly walked towards the door.



“How are you?” Seeing Qin Yichen’s exhausted appearance, Liu Qiong’er felt a sudden ache in her heart for some reason. She could not help but walk over and extend a delicate jade hand to support him.


Perhaps remembering what happened last time, her pretty face blushed slightly, as beautiful as a flower.


“I’m fine.” Qin Yichen smiled weakly at her, but his legs were weak. His whole body leaned towards Liu Qiong’er.


*Tsk…* This scene, into the eyes of many Alchemist Assistants, made them forget everything else. They all glared at him with red eyes. After all, this guy actually dared to offend their untouchable Goddess!?


However, what drove them mad with jealousy was that when this guy leaned into the Goddess’s arms, she did not push him away!


“Hmm…” Leaning against a soft, delicate body, Qin Yichen felt a rush through his whole body. He could not help but take a deep breath of this alluring young woman’s fragrance. As his body moved slightly, he could feel his back touching something soft. That warm, comfortable feeling made him unconsciously rub against it.


Liu Qiong’er did not react to this. She only felt a masculine scent coming towards her, and she found Qin Yichen leaning on her impressive bosom, which was firmly being pressed against.


Whether intentionally or not, this guy even rubbed against the sensitive parts of her snow peaks. A feeling she had never experienced before arose from the depths of her heart.


Perhaps due to the guilt from last time, Liu Qiong’er, who originally wanted to push him away, did not use much force.


This made the surrounding Apprentices unable to bear it any longer. Murderous gazes were all directed to Qin Yichen.


“Huh?” Qin Yichen also felt the abnormality, especially those two soft mounds behind him, which made him feel like he was leaning against Heaven. His body involuntarily stiffened and tensed up.


However, in his heart, he also felt a strange sense of achievement.


After all, in his previous life, Liu Qiong’er was a heavenly beauty. He did not even have the courage to look at her back then. But in this life, such a blessed event had occurred, which made him secretly feel pleased.


The love of beauty was merely Human nature. Moreover, Liu Qiong’er was a top-tier beauty. In the whole Spreading Cloud City, no one could compete with her in terms of charm and beauty. Not taking advantage of the situation would be unmanly of him.


“This guy actually dares to be so disrespectful to Miss Qiong’er!”


“So shameless! Let’s all get him!”


The secret pleasure and smugness on his face directly ignited the powder keg in everyone’s hearts. One by one, their eyes turned as red as rabbits’, and they cracked their knuckles. He soon surrounded Qin Yichen with hostile expressions.


If they did not teach this guy a good lesson, their resentment would be hard to dispel.


“What are you doing? What are you doing? So many people bullying a single person is…”


Qin Yichen looked scared. However, instead of doing anything else, he just burrowed further into Liu Qiong’er’s arms, as if seeking her protection. He was secretly taking full advantage of this.


[Shameless! Pervert! You are utterly devoid of conscience!] At this moment, Liu Qiong’er, who was already shy, had a face as red as if it was on fire. She suddenly pushed this shameless man into the fire pit.


“Hey, hey… don’t get violent, I really didn’t mean to.” Looking at those fierce Apprentices, Qin Yichen’s mouth twitched.


In his current condition, even a child could push him down, let alone dozens of young men.


“Let’s talk this out, Brothers. I’m still an Alchemy Master with a Medal from the Guild. You can’t disrespect your Seniors like this!”


Qin Yichen tried to use the Guild’s rules to protect himself, but he found it to have no effect. Instead, it made these people look even more fearsome.


Finally, Qin Yichen could only look towards Liu Qiong’er, but he found that she had already lowered her red face. She had turned around and looked at the floor, as if she had not seen anything.


[Damn it, it’s not like I actually did it with you…] Seeing her look as if she had suffered a great loss, and looking at the unfriendly men coming towards him, Qin Yichen suddenly felt like a thousand horses were galloping through his heart.


[If I had known earlier, I would have enjoyed it properly! Now, I’m going to get beaten for nothing!] He could not help but sigh. His gaze turned towards that curvaceous back, regretting he had not even held her hand.


“Huh, Guildmaster?” Suddenly, Qin Yichen’s gaze turned towards the door, and he could not help but let out a small exclamation.


“The Guildmaster rarely comes here once a month!”


“Beat him up! He’s still trying to deceive us!”


A series of angry roars quickly drowned out Qin Yichen’s weak voice. The furious Apprentices surrounded him even more tightly. Just as they were about to overwhelm him, an old voice filled with authority sounded at the door, “What are you doing? Stop right now!”


Hearing this voice, those who were about to teach Qin Yichen a lesson were all stunned.


The next moment, a series of dazed figures slowly turned their heads. When they saw Liu Wen with his slightly white hair and beard, they all immediately shrank back into the corner like startled rabbits. They immediately let go of Qin Yichen.


Although they were born into wealthy Families and had the status of Apprentices in the Alchemy Guild, which allowed them to act arrogantly in the city, they were nothing in front of this Elder.


Liu Wen was famous for being strict.


Not to mention anything else, just making a ruckus in the Guild was enough for Liu Wen to expel them from the Guild.


“Gui… Guildmaster…”


They looked panicked, seemingly already imagining their miserable lives after being expelled from the Alchemy Guild.


Liu Wen was about to rebuke them when he saw his Granddaughter, Liu Qiong’er, covering her pretty face and running out with a shy expression. It left him confused.


“Hehe, I am Qin Yichen, greetings to the Guildmaster.” Qin Yichen patted the dust off his body, got up from the ground, and greeted him with a grin.


Silavin: Congratulations! This has won first place in the voting poll! It got 135 votes out of 500!



| Alchemy Master |

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