Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 46, Condensing the Martial Body Bead

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


“Now that I’ve condensed my Divine Soul Bead, I can try to condense my Martial Body Bead!” Qin Yichen took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and quickly calmed his mind.


The noble status of Alchemy Masters was due to the existence of Martial Artists!


The more powerful the Martial Artist, the more precious and difficult to refine the Pills they needed.


It was due to the prevalence of Martial Artists that the status of Alchemy Masters was highlighted. Ultimately, in this world, the Dao of Martial Arts was still supreme!


Powerful Martial Artists were omnipotent. Great Masters could overturn rivers and seas, summon wind and rain, accomplishing things that Alchemy Masters could never dream of. Moreover, the more powerful the Martial Artists, the longer their lifespans, which was why people pursued the Dao of Martial Arts.


Alchemy Masters could use some Pills to maintain their lifespan, but that was not a long-term solution.


After condensing his Divine Soul Bead, Qin Yichen took out the Pill Furnace and prepared the materials. He began refining Pills right in his room.


The first Pill he refined was the Yuan Stabilising Pill.


As the name suggests, the Yuan Stabilising Pill could stabilise Yuan Energy and strengthen ones’ meridians.


Condensing a Martial Body Bead still carried some risks. The more excellent one’s Martial Arts cultivation talent, the greater the impact on the Dantian and meridians when the Yuan Energy within the body became turbulent.


One careless mistake could lead to failure and damage to the meridians or Dantian.


The Yuan Energy in Qin Yichen’s body had been refined by the Heaven Earth Spirit Pearl and was already extremely pure. However, the strength of his meridians had not kept pace. Therefore, Qin Yichen needed to refine Yuan Stabilising Pills.


Yuan Stabilising Pills, of First Grade, was quickly and successfully refined. Qin Yichen did not feel much pressure and could continue refining Pills.


This was the benefit of having condensed a Divine Soul Bead. Before condensing his Divine Soul Bead, Qin Yichen certainly would not have been able to do this so easily.


Next was the Yuan Gathering Pill.


This was the key Pill for whether he could condense a Martial Body Bead or not. It was also a First Grade Pill!


Its function was to increase Yuan Energy. Taking one Pill could immediately generate Yuan Energy equivalent to that of the Martial Master level. If he did not have enough Yuan Energy to condense his Martial Body Bead, the medicinal properties of the Yuan Gathering Pill would play a decisive role!


Qin Yichen rested for a moment to recover his Spiritual Energy before starting to refine. With his ten thousand years of experience, refining a First Grade Pill beyond his level naturally was not a big problem. Without any unexpected issues, the Yuan Gathering Pill was successfully refined.


A series of fluid actions followed, displayed in his hands. Pill after Pill was produced continuously, and the entire room was filled with a refreshing medicinal fragrance.


In just half an hour, more than a dozen different Pills were laid out in front of Qin Yichen.


Everything was ready.


Qin Yichen sat cross-legged, placing his palms on his thighs, palms facing up. The Yuan Energy in his body began to circulate slowly along the path of the Spirit Body Technique through his meridians.


Next, he began to take the Pills.


Condensing a Martial Body Bead was actually a relatively simple matter. As long as his Yuan Energy reached a certain limit, it would not be a problem to condense his Martial Body Bead.


So what Qin Yichen needed to do now was to accumulate!


One Pill after another went down, transforming into streams of pure Yuan Energy that poured into his meridians and Dantian.


The immense impact made Qin Yichen’s body tremble.


The newly added Yuan Energy, like waves and huge billows, did not obey his will at all. It crashed about wildly in his meridians and Dantian.


The enormous impact felt like countless heavy hammers smashing all over his body. Pain came from all over, and in that instant, it almost made him faint.


Fortunately, his willpower was extraordinarily strong. He managed to hold on.


Even so, Qin Yichen’s entire body was convulsing, his face looking somewhat ferocious, veins bulging, and sweat covering his skin.


Without any hesitation, Qin Yichen took a Yuan Stabilising Pill.


The medicinal properties of the Yuan Stabilising Pill quickly took effect, spreading throughout his body, attaching to his meridians, forming a protective barrier.


Immediately, Qin Yichen felt the pain lessen considerably.


*Whoosh…* Yuan Energy flowed, converging into a river, pouring into his Dantian.


In just a short while, Qin Yichen had the feeling that his Dantian was already full.


“It’s time.” Under Qin Yichen’s Spiritual Energy control, suddenly, the Yuan Energy in his Dantian began to violently compress.


This was like a fully inflated balloon under pressure from all sides, bursting left and right. Even though Qin Yichen had prepared for this, some rampant Yuan Energy still escaped from his containment, fleeing from his Dantian and rampaging through his meridians.


This Yuan Energy was completely out of control. They were like wild Bulls, making Qin Yichen extremely uncomfortable. Even with the medicinal properties of the Yuan Stabilising Pill maintaining things, a tearing pain still came from his meridians.


“Hold it!” Qin Yichen gritted his teeth. He knew that this was the most crucial moment in condensing his Martial Body Bead. As long as he endured this period and condensed the Martial Body Bead, all of this would pass.


However, what he had anticipated happened…


In his Dantian, that ball of Yuan Energy had already been compressed to an extreme degree, but there was still no sign of condensing into a Martial Body Bead.


If it was someone without experience, they would certainly panic, leading to failure in condensation. However, Qin Yichen knew very clearly that this was because he did not have enough Yuan Energy. He could even gauge exactly how much more Yuan Energy was needed.


“I’m afraid one Yuan Gathering Pill won’t be enough…” A cautious look appeared in Qin Yichen’s eyes.


The Yuan Gathering Pill was a First Grade Pill, able to release medicinal properties of the Martial Master level. He was not even a Martial Artist yet, and his meridians might not be able to withstand the impact of that much Yuan Energy.


So, he directly took three more Yuan Stabilising Pills, then took out two Yuan Gathering Pills. After that, he split one of the Yuan Gathering Pills in half and only swallowed half a pill.


“Argghhhh…” As soon as the medicinal properties of the Yuan Gathering Pill was released, it was like a wild beast breaking free from its chains. The Yuan Energy galloped through his meridians. If it was not for the thick layer of Yuan Stabilising Pill’s medicinal properties maintaining things, Qin Yichen’s meridians would have been torn apart long ago.


Even so, the pain was unimaginable, even for Qin Yichen.


This was unfortunately unavoidable. This Yuan Energy had to pass through the meridians before it could enter the Dantian.


*Siiiii…* Qin Yichen drew in cold breaths, enduring as his whole body trembled uncontrollably, almost wanting to cry out in pain.


This pain lasted for about five or six minutes before this rampant Yuan Energy flowed into his Dantian.


However, even after entering the Dantian, this Yuan Energy was still out of control. It wanted to continue rampaging. Just as Qin Yichen was feeling a headache coming in, an unexpected scene occurred…


The Heaven Earth Spirit Pearl, which had been floating in his Dantian without any movement, suddenly trembled. Then, that rampant Yuan Energy, as if it had been tamed like little beasts, obediently surged over, absorbed by the Heaven Earth Spirit Pearl. It was then refined into purer Yuan Energy and released.



| Alchemy Master |

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