Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 67, Destination Black Wood Cliff

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


In the Black Demon Mountain Range, Demonic Beasts and Ferocious Beasts roamed freely, making it extremely dangerous. Traveling alone was the easiest way to attract attacks from these Beasts. Therefore, most mercenaries and adventurers enter the mountain range in a group. Except for a few highly skilled and daring individuals, all else would travel in a group.


It was precisely because of this that mercenary groups came into existence.


People entering the Black Demon Mountain Range all had very clear purposes; absolutely no one dared to wander around aimlessly inside. It had to be noted that even powerful experts like Lin Huarong, at the second level Peak Stage Martial Grandmaster, still chooses to travel with companions. That was why he had a group of Brothers who lived and died together.


The current Qin Yichen could at most handle one or two Level 1 or 2 Low Grade Demonic Beasts. If he encountered a Level 3 Demonic Beast, whose strength would be comparable to a Martial Grandmaster, he could only run away. In fact, he might not even have the chance to run. Therefore, he did not have the ability to enter the Black Demon Mountain Range alone and charge through recklessly.


Of course, he had his own plans.


As long as he could improve his Spiritual Energy by one level, or breakthrough to the Martial Master Realm, he would have the ability to protect his life even when faced against a Level 3 Demonic Beast.


After walking out of the room, Qin Yichen came to the village entrance.


This was where people formed teams to enter the Black Demon Mountain Range.


At this time, at the village entrance, there were already many mercenaries gathered together, with constant shouts, mainly looking for people with the same or similar purposes.


After arriving at the village entrance, Qin Yichen did not rush to join any mercenary team. He secretly securitised for a team suitable for himself.


He did not dare to join those veteran teams.


Although they seemed to be the most enthusiastic, Qin Yichen knew very well that they were the kind of people who would eat others alive.


So, Qin Yichen was looking for a newly organized team with decent strength.


After all, in the dangerous Black Demon Mountain Range, the slightest of carelessness might lead to a tragic team wipeout. If there were one or two members with decent strength in the team, it would provide more safety along the way.


While observing, Qin Yichen also heard some idle chatter, seemingly about some recent changes in the Black Demon Mountain Range.


Hearing about these changes, Qin Yichen deliberately inquired a bit more. However, those chatting mercenaries were not extremely clear about the situation. All they knew was that a few days ago, there were celestial phenomena in the direction of Spreading Cloud City. Many powerful Forces believed it was a sign of a treasure emerging in the Black Demon Mountain Range. Because of this news, there were recently more powerful experts in the Black Demon Mountain Range.


Of course, for these weaker mercenaries, who did not even have the qualifications to enter the middle region of the Black Demon Mountain Range, they naturally had no way to verify this information.


“Celestial phenomena?” Qin Yichen had also heard Li Yuanfei describe it. However, all he knew was that there was a dazzling divine light and finally a Dragon’s roar. Even he could not figure out exactly what had happened.


Because the divine light was so dazzling, no one could look directly at it, so they could not clearly see what had happened. As for the Dragon’s roar, that was a bit too far-fetched.


Qin Yichen knew very well what kind of existence a Dragon was. Even in his previous life he never came into contact with one.


Such beings had long disappeared from the world. How could they possibly appear in a small place like the Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty?


“Could there really be something in the Black Demon Mountain Range?” Qin Yichen also looked towards the depths of the Black Demon Mountain Range with confusion.


He had not been there before. He had seen descriptions of the Black Demon Mountain Range in some ancient books, but they were just brief mentions…


In the depths of the Black Demon Mountain Range, there was apparently an ancient altar.


However, even this could not be verified, because powerful experts had deliberately searched for it but found nothing.


Just as Qin Yichen was in deep thought, the crowd at the village entrance suddenly became agitated. An excited shout rang out, “Master Zhang is going to collect herbs near Black Wood Cliff. There are twenty spots available. Your strength must at least be in the Martial Master Realm or above. Hurry up and apply, everyone!”


This shout immediately attracted the attention of many people. Most of the mercenaries, who considered themselves to meet the requirements, rushed over to apply.


Master Zhang was a Level 1 Alchemy Master, who lived in this small village. He often entered the Black Demon Mountain Range to collect herbs. Being able to join his team would undoubtedly provide a layer of protection. Perhaps he would even provide some free Healing Liquid for his team members if they were injured.


Hearing that it was a team of at least twenty people, Qin Yichen’s heart stirred. He quickly squeezed to the front with his agile movements.


Black Wood Cliff.


That was also the destination of his journey.


It was actually only at the boundary between the outer and middle regions of the Black Demon Mountain Range. However, below Black Wood Cliff was a dead zone. No one who fell down had ever survived.


Fortunately, even if there was something ferocious at the bottom of the cliff, they would not be able to come up, so it was not that dangerous.


“There’s one last spot left!” In the middle of the crowd, a middle-aged man smiled and waved the parchment in his hand, saying to the crowd of people.


“Me!” After squeezing in, Qin Yichen gasped for breath and quickly said.


“Hmm?” Hearing this somewhat immature voice, the middle-aged man was slightly stunned, then smiled and said, “Little Brother, our condition is that you must at least be in the Martial Master Realm!”


He especially emphasised the strength requirement.


The youth in front of him was only in his teens. How could he already have the strength of a Martial Master? That was simply impossible!


“Where did this brat come from? You’ve not even grown your hair down there and you are already wandering around!”


“Kid, just get out of here, don’t waste our time.” Seeing that the last spot was about to be taken by a teenager, the burly mercenaries standing on the outskirts immediately cursed and shouted.


Faced with these curses, Qin Yichen acted as if he had not heard them. He just slowly squatted down, then clenched his fist tightly. A faint layer of Yuan Energy covered his fist like a light screen. Then, with a light shout, his fist, mixed with a fierce energy, slammed heavily onto the ground.


*Bang!…* With a muffled sound, dust flew up from the ground. As the dust slowly dissipated, shocked gazes looked at the several cracks that had spread out like a spider web from his punch.


The curses had abruptly stopped.


“I should be qualified now, right?” Qin Yichen stood up, lightly patted his hands, and smiled at the dumbfounded middle-aged man.


He possessed Yuan Energy with some kind of special Attribute. This punch was definitely not inferior to those in the Martial Master Realm.


“Not bad, Little Brother. Your talent is truly formidable. At such a young age, you already possess the strength of a Martial Master. You’re truly a once-in-a-century genius!”


The middle-aged man exclaimed in admiration, nodded, and said to Qin Yichen, “Alright, the last spot is yours. The pay is thirty silver coins. You are to escort Master Zhang safely to and from his herb collection. I’ll give you half the pay right now. the rest will be given when we return.”


Qin Yichen did not care about this small amount at all. So, he just quickly agreed.


For him, as long as he could reach the vicinity of Black Wood Cliff, that was enough!


At that time, after obtaining what he wanted and breaking through, Qin Yichen would have the ability to protect himself.


Seeing that the last spot was snatched by a kid who had appeared out of nowhere, the surrounding observing mercenaries reluctantly dispersed. However, as they left, many mercenaries could not help but cast some strange glances at Qin Yichen.


At his age, possessing such formidable strength, many were already guessing which great Family this youth hailed from.


The truly mighty Families never raise greenhouse flowers!


If there were no Successors, no matter how big the Family was, it would quickly decline. Therefore, they were not too surprised to see Qin Yichen out here, gaining experience at such a young age.



| Alchemy Master |

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