Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 79, Door Opens

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


[Damn it!] Facing the Evil Spirits pouncing towards him, Qin Yichen cursed inwardly. A fierce look flashed in his eyes. He moved his feet continuously, dodging the attacks of several Evil Spirits while kicking towards the head of one Evil Spirit.


“Miss Lu, we’re here to protect you.” Those two men came to Miss Lu’s side, as if they had done something insignificant, and flattered her.


*Hmph!* However, to their surprise, Miss Lu only glanced at them coldly, let out a light snort, then moved her delicate body and darted towards where Qin Yichen was.


For some reason, compared to these people, she actually trusted Qin Yichen, a stranger, more.


With her help, Qin Yichen immediately felt the pressure decrease significantly. Seeing Miss Lu actually come to his aid, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.


He really had not expected Miss Lu to help him.


“I’ll remember you guys!” Qin Yichen looked deeply at those two Martial Grandmasters with resentment. He then focused on dealing with the Evil Spirits pouncing and biting at him.


Seeing this scene, those two Martial Grandmasters were deeply astonished, and then their faces turned gloomy.


They wanted nothing more than to tear Qin Yichen to pieces, but they were clearly wary of Miss Lu and dared not to make any moves openly.


In the end, after cursing under their breath, they still walked into Wang Hailin’s troops.


Under the charge of the two teams led by Luo Qingyu and Wang Hailin, in just a moment, they had already rushed through more than half the distance.


However, this had already cost the lives of more than a dozen people, and many were injured. Some were already exhausted.


“Ah!” As a scream rang out, a Martial Master was pounced on by a Tiger-shaped Evil Spirit. In an instant, several Evil Spirits swarmed over, tearing him to pieces, making the crowd feel panic-stricken.


As one person fell due to exhaustion, it seemed to trigger a chain reaction. One by one, experts were torn to pieces by the biting and tearing of the Evil Spirits, and the ground was dyed red.


Luo Qingyu and Wang Hailin turned a blind eye to all of this.


They had brought many Pills, but did not distribute them to these people. They chose to ignore the deaths of these people.


In their view, the lives of these people were not as valuable as a single Pill in their hands.


“Form a group and charge forward with me!” Just as many were thinking of retreating, Luo Qingyu’s loud shout rang out. Immediately, the remaining hundred or so people gathered together and charged towards the gate of the Divine Temple.


After they stopped dispersing, the casualties in their team were obviously much fewer. Seeing this, Wang Hailin also imitated, leading the remaining people in a desperate charge.


The two teams, like sharp swords, slaughtered their way deeper into the crowd of Evil Spirits. Wherever they went, Evil Spirits were crushed.


Although there were many Evil Spirits, they were, after all, only transformed from Level 1 or 2 Demonic Beasts. For these teams who were at least Martial Masters, with many Martial Grandmasters, the threat they posed was still limited.


Soon, Luo Qingyu’s team had charged to the front of the Divine Temple.


The gate of the Divine Temple was covered with scratch marks, obviously left by the Evil Spirits.


“Open it for me!” Several metres away, Luo Qingyu leaped up high, then punched fiercely at the  gate.


*Bang!* A loud noise spread out, even blasting several Evil Spirits around the gate away. However, the gate remained intact, tightly closed.


“How is this possible?” Looking at the gate covered in copper rust in front of him, Luo Qingyu’s eyes were full of astonishment.


Although he could not use Yuan Energy, this punch was definitely equivalent to a full-force strike from a Martial Grandmaster! Yet, it was not enough to even shake the gate.


Looking at the swarm of Evil Spirits surging from behind, the experts who followed him all revealed desperate looks in their eyes.


Having charged this far, they almost had no strength left, no power to return.


Soon, Wang Hailin’s people also arrived at the gate.


After ordering people to hold off the Evil Spirits, he came over to Luo Qingyu.


“How is it?” Wang Hailin’s brows were deeply furrowed.


If they could not get what was inside this time, by the time news spread, even if there was something, it might not be their turn to get it.


“Bad.” Luo Qingyu’s face was covered in sweat, looking unwell.


Although they could escape unscathed, they would probably return empty-handed.


How could they be content with this?


Especially when they thought of the two consecutive Heavenly phenomena, their hearts burned with desire.


If only they could obtain the inheritance of a powerful expert, they would be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Du Junxiong!


When Qin Yichen and Miss Lu arrived, Qin Yichen did not rush forward. Rather, he took the time to observe the pattern on the gate, which no one else had taken note of.


Because too much time had passed, the pattern had become blurry. Many portions had already decayed. Although incomplete, there were still some vague outlines.


This was a special Totem. It had some kind of scenery with it, with mountains, sea, and a sunrise.


“Hmm?” As his gaze swept over the sunrise area, a light flashed in Qin Yichen’s eyes.


In the place where the Sun was supposed to be rising, there was a hole. Because it had been positioned in the upper left corner, no one had noticed it.


[Could it be…] Qin Yichen felt the pearl he had obtained from the cave in his pocket. Compared to that hole, he found that the size of the pearl matched it perfectly.


As his thoughts turned, Qin Yichen roughly understood.


[To truly enter the Divine Temple, one would have to obtain the pearl from inside the shrine’s God Statue. I coincidentally managed to get it prior to coming here…] Knowing how to open the gate, Qin Yichen did not rush forward.


He knew very well that if he went forward to show off now, Luo Qingyu and Wang Hailin would not let him go, and would definitely force him to reveal the origin of the pearl.


So, he chose to wait.


Time passed bit by bit, and almost every minute, several people would fall exhausted. These people began to collapse.


“I quit, I want to get out!”


“Quick, let’s leave this accursed place together.”


“What kind of Young Masters are they? They clearly just want us to be cannon fodder.”


Under the threat of death, these people disregarded everything and rushed towards the outside. In the blink of an eye, the two teams of nearly three hundred people scattered.


“Damn it!” Luo Qingyu cursed under his breath, once again punching fiercely at the gate. A look of unwillingness was flashing in his eyes.




Seeing the situation was lost, Wang Hailin also had thoughts of retreating. If they persisted like this, all of them would be engulfed by Evil Spirits.


They could only retreat!


Just as Miss Lu sighed and prepared to follow them in retreat, she found that Qin Yichen showed no intention of retreating. Instead, he walked towards the gate.




Just as Luo Qingyu’s and Wang Hailin’s people had retreated back into the crowd of Evil Spirits, the gate of the Divine Temple suddenly made a violent noise and slowly opened up.



| Alchemy Master |

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