Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 80, The Mantis Stalks Behind

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


The sudden loud noise attracted everyone’s attention. Even those who had already rushed to the periphery could not help but look back.


Under their gaze, the Divine Temple gate, which had not budged even under the combined efforts of several Martial Grandmasters, Luo Qingyu, and Wang Hailin, had actually opened!


“What’s going on?!”


Luo Qingyu and Wang Hailin turned back immediately. They soon saw a figure take down a glowing object from the upper left position of the gate, and then dart into the gate.


Along with him was a graceful, beautiful figure.


“It’s him!”


Those few people who had previously followed Miss Lu immediately recognized the figure darting into the Divine Temple. Their eyes instantly revealed an incredulous look.


That nameless kid actually had the means to enter that palace! No wonder he had led them towards this direction from the very beginning…


At this moment, they seemed to understand.


Miss Lu had seen through it from the start, which was why she had walked together with that kid!


After Qin Yichen and Miss Lu entered, the gate that had just opened began to close again.


“Damn it!”


Luo Qingyu and Wang Hailin immediately turned back, and rushed towards the closing gate.


“Get out of my way!”


Arriving at the gate, Wang Hailin suddenly attacked Luo Qingyu beside him, punching him and sending the unprepared Luo Qingyu flying. He squeezed towards the gate that was just about to close, with a wild smile of joy on his face.


He seemed to see the treasures inside already falling into his pocket.


However, the next moment, the smile on his face turned to panic.


Because, inside the gate, a handsome face was smiling at him.


“Kid, you dare!? I’ll make sure you die without a burial place!”


However, what responded to him was a huge fist.


*Bang!* With a muffled sound, Wang Hailin, who had already half entered the door, was blasted out and fell at the bottom of the steps.


“Agh!” He flipped and jumped up, looking at the now closed gate. His entire face instantly twisted into something fierce and terrifying. It had completely lost the previous air of a carefree scholar. He roared, “You bastard! I’ll definitely grind your bones to dust!”


*Hmph!* Luo Qingyu walked over at this time, looking at him with a gloomy face.


Although a hint of killing intent flashed in his eyes, Luo Qingyu loosened his clenched fist.


“Wang Hailin, you owe me an explanation!” Luo Qingyu’s cold snort made Wang Hailin’s mouth twitch again.


He had failed to steal the chicken and lost the rice he used to lure it!


He knew very well that if they were not currently surrounded by Evil Spirits, in a situation where it would be difficult for any of them to break through alone, Luo Qingyu would have attacked him already.


Even so, Luo Qingyu would be heavily guarded against him now. Luo Qingyu would never again give him an opportunity to take advantage of him.


“Young Master Wang, Young Master Luo…”


After they broke through, the two Martial Grandmaster youths, who had come with Miss Lu, came before them.


“That brat is really too naive. Does he really think that woman is so easy to deal with?” After hearing what had happened, Luo Qingyu snorted coldly, his eyes containing a hint of gloom.


If that nameless kid obtained the inheritance, it would be fine; they could force it out of him. But what if Miss Lu obtained it?


“Let’s go. We shall leave this accursed place first. I don’t believe they won’t come out!”


Looking at the continuously charging Evil Spirits, Wang Hailin gritted his teeth and turned to dart towards the exit of the ruin.


This series of battles had consumed a lot for them.


However, who knew when Miss Lu and that hateful kid would come out?


If they continued to stay here, even if they were made of iron, they would not be able to hold out for long. It was better to return to the top of Black Wood Cliff. He did not believe they would not come out.



Inside the Divine Temple, in a great hall.


Qin Yichen could roughly imagine what was happening outside. However, just as he had blasted Wang Hailin back, he felt a soft sword gleaming with a cold light at his neck.


“Don’t move!” Miss Lu’s voice came, making Qin Yichen sigh in his heart. He slowly turned around to face her.


In the dim light, she was like a Rakshasa Woman. Her face was frightfully cold, her beautiful almond eyes were flashing with cold light.


Qin Yichen smiled bitterly.


He had outmanoeuvred Luo Qingyu and Wang Hailin, but had forgotten about Miss Lu.


Indeed, how could someone, who even Luo Qingyu and Wang Hailin were wary of, be that simple? Even if she looked like a weak woman.


“Hand over that pearl.” Miss Lu’s gaze fell on the glowing pearl in his hand. As she spoke, the soft sword pressed closer to Qin Yichen’s neck, even cutting a thin line of blood.


“Wait.” Qin Yichen had already tilted his head as much as possible, but there was still a bloody cut, with fresh blood flowing out.


Feeling the coolness seeping into the wound, he became even more certain that the soft sword in Miss Lu’s hand was no ordinary weapon.


If his guess was not wrong, that soft sword should be forged from Ice Attribute Cold Iron. Once it cuts into a person’s flesh, the Ice Attribute energy would invade their body, freezing the flesh and tissue around the wounded area, making it unable to heal.


[There’s such a treasure in the Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty?] Qin Yichen could hardly believe it. Most likely, this soft sword was something this woman had obtained through some fortuitous encounter.


“Miss Lu, it’s not very nice of you to be so ungrateful” As he spoke, his gaze was scanning the situation inside the great hall. He was looking for a way to escape.


Inside the great hall, the light was dim, but under this dim light, Qin Yichen could still see the crisscrossing iron chains.


These chains were each thicker than a man’s thigh. Even after millions of years, they showed no signs of decay, gleaming coldly, giving a visual impact of indestructibility.


Soon, Qin Yichen noticed that these thick iron chains seemed to be interlaced in a peculiar pattern, forming the shape of a… Symbol.


And this Symbol, Qin Yichen found, seemed very similar to what he had seen in the cave before.


[Hmm!?] Following these chains, Qin Yichen’s gaze quickly fell on the centre of the great hall, and his pupils could not help but dilate.


Under those chains appeared a coffin.


The coffin was square, made of unknown material. Qin Yichen was not sure if it was an illusion, but he felt that under this coffin, there was an energy so strong it made his heart tremble with fear.


However, what attracted Qin Yichen’s gaze was not this coffin, but a thick iron chain that had fallen to one side!


One of the chains forming that sealing Symbol had actually broken!


[Didn’t that mean that this seal is now no longer complete? Could it be…] Qin Yichen’s gaze locked tightly onto that coffin, his palms starting to sweat.



| Alchemy Master |

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