Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 81, The Terrifying Coffin

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


Beneath the coffin, this intense fluctuation was something Qin Yichen had never seen before. [So, this coffin is the location of the Spirit Devouring Array’s Array Core!]


The Array Core itself was not scary. What was terrifying was that this Array Core had accumulated a million years of horrifying energy!


Moreover, from the current situation, it seemed that the purpose of the Spirit Devouring Array was to nourish this coffin.


[How terrifying would this be!? A million years of energy absorbed by a single coffin! Just what kind of horrifying creature will it give birth to!?] Even the well-experienced Qin Yichen was sweating. Especially since the Sealing Array that sealed this coffin had been broken. Right now, who knows what kind of monster might jump out from that coffin.


His anxiousness was so strong that he completely ignored the soft sword at his neck, which greatly displeased Miss Lu.


“Do you think I won’t kill you?”


Miss Lu’s cold voice brought Qin Yichen back to reality.


*Siiii…* The new wound on his neck made Qin Yichen involuntarily draw in a cold breath. Icy energy seeped in, making it difficult for him to breathe.


“I can give you the bead, but Miss Lu, I think we should quickly leave this place…” The existence of that coffin really made Qin Yichen’s heart pound. He had completely forgotten about the Divine Inheritance Bead.


No matter how valuable something was, it was not as important as one’s own life.


“Enough nonsense!” Miss Lu thought he was trying to divert her attention. She coldly snorted, but then she noticed the unusual look in Qin Yichen’s eyes. His pupils had dilated as if he had seen something terrifying.


At the same moment, she seemed to hear a sound like teeth grinding coming from behind her, making her hair stand on end.


In this moment of distraction, Qin Yichen escaped from her control. However, he did not choose to flee, but instead rushed towards the coffin, jumping onto it and pressing down on it.


“What are you waiting for? If the thing inside comes out, none of us will leave here alive!”


Miss Lu had not yet recovered when she heard Qin Yichen’s shout. She realised that Qin Yichen was firmly pressing down on the coffin lid, preventing it from opening.


“Could it be…” Feeling the powerful fluctuation from beneath the coffin, Miss Lu’s mind trembled. Without hesitation, she put away her soft sword and went to help.


As she got closer to the coffin, she realised how extraordinary it was.


On it were carved various patterns that seemed very similar to the scenes at the bottom of the cliff.


A Divine Temple.


A Giant Cauldron.


In front of the Giant Cauldron stood a huge figure, hands raised high, as if performing some ritual. In front of the Divine Temple, kneeling figures filled the space. Even though it was just a carving, she could still feel the sincerity and fervour on the faces of those figures.


“What’s inside this thing?” Feeling the great pushing force from inside the coffin, Miss Lu asked Qin Yichen with a trembling voice.


“You’re asking me!? Who am I supposed to ask!?” Qin Yichen rolled his eyes. [Damn it! I was too greedy. I’ve almost forgotten how weak I am right now.]


Sweat rolled down his cheeks. He feared that with just the two of them, they would not be able to prevent the coffin from opening.


Qin Yichen was almost certain now. [This Divine Temple has sealed itself here! It had laid down the Spirit Devouring Array to nourish whatever is inside this coffin. Given its location, it has not been discovered for a million years. Just what terrifying methods do they possess to accomplish all of this?]


[Damn it! I didn’t expect to stir up such a major accident.] Qin Yichen cursed inwardly. In his previous life, because he was timid and ignorant, he had not touched the seal of the Divine Temple. But now, if such a monster was released, who knows what disaster it might cause.


*Bang! Bang!*


With two muffled thuds, Qin Yichen and Miss Lu were both sent flying, crashing into the surrounding walls before falling down.


*Cough cough…* Qin Yichen coughed up blood. He did not care about his own condition, but after getting up, his gaze remained firmly locked onto the coffin.


The coffin lid was slowly rising, and a ball of glowing light flowed out from inside the coffin, gradually illuminating the entire hall.


“We’re done for!” Qin Yichen’s face was filled with a bitter smile. [Is my journey in this life going to end at the foot of Black Wood Cliff!?]


On the other side, Miss Lu was equally desperate.


As a woman of a Royal Family, only she knew how tragic her fate was. Even the most useless men in the Royal Family would end up as wealthy Princes. But it was different for women. From birth, they were destined to be sacrificed for the sake of others’ interests.


Marriage alliance!


This was a Royal Family’s typical method of rallying the powerful in the Royal City. Only through this could the Royal Family prosper for generations.


She was none other than Lu Linghan, the Eldest Princess of the Heavenly Unicorn Royal Family. She was not an exception to this! Unless she could become strong, stronger than anyone else. Only then could she control her own destiny.


She was excellent, her talent even surpassed that of Luo Qingyu and the others, but then Du Junxiong appeared!


If she could not become stronger than Du Junxiong, her fate would be sealed.


She was not willing to accept this, which was why she, a Princess of the Royal Family, had come to such a dangerous place as the Black Demon Mountain Range.


Yet now, all of this was about to end…


*Roar!* A huge roar came from inside the coffin. An indescribably powerful aura, like a deity descending, spread out, sweeping in all directions.


Qin Yichen and Lu Linghan, who were in the hall, were thrown back again. They heavily crashed into the surrounding walls before blacking out and losing consciousness.


They were the only ones affected. Outside of the palace, within the ruin, all the Evil Spirits let out desperate screams after this roar. They soon turned into wisps of smoke and disappeared into thin air.


Luo Qingyu, Wang Hailin, and others who had already left the ruin and were preparing to climb the cliff, all involuntarily trembled. They turned their heads, looking towards where the Divine Temple was with shocked expressions.


The two looked at each other, only to find gratitude for their fortune in their eyes.


Judging from this roar, whatever was inside was definitely not something they could contend with. Even though they had already left the ruin, those with weak minds were bleeding from seven orifices due to the roar. If they were inside… just thinking about it made one’s blood run cold.


Almost without hesitation, they began to climb the cliff, each moving faster than ever, as if afraid the monster might burst out of the ruin.


Luo Qingyu and Wang Hailin were no exception.


It was not that they were not afraid of death. On the contrary, they feared death more than the rest. After all, these peasants had nothing to lose, so dying was just dying. However, it was different for them. They already had a bright future ahead.


Apart from them, within a ten kilometre  radius of Black Demon Mountain Range, all Demonic Beasts knelt down, trembling. Their heads touched the ground, not daring to rise for a long time.


For a moment, almost half of the Black Demon Mountain Range was silent!



| Alchemy Master |

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