Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 85, The Profound Dark Eternal Body Technique

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


As she made eye contact with Qin Yichen, for some unknown reason, the usually calm Lu Linghan felt a hint of panic in her heart. It disturbed the tranquillity of her mind.


But… thinking of the various situations in the Royal City, she quickly calmed down.


“About what happened in the ruin…” Lu Linghan bit her red lips, and a somewhat cold voice came from her mouth, “I hope you will never speak of it… Some things should be treated as if they never happened.”


The last sentence, perhaps even she herself did not notice, came out as a sigh. In fact, when she woke up, she had sensed something unusual about her body… It was highly likely that she was no longer pure…


“Pretend it never happened?!” Hearing these words, Qin Yichen’s anger immediately erupted, the blood in his body churning restlessly, his fists quietly clenched. [Could such a thing really be treated as if it never happened?]


However, he also understood that someone like Lu Linghan, from such a powerful background, would often be forced to do things against her will.


But he, Qin Yichen, was no longer the timid and cowardly youth from his previous life! What did it matter if it was the Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty’s Royal Family!?


“You should understand, if even a hint of what happened between us gets exposed, you will definitely face a catastrophic disaster. No matter what power you have behind you, it won’t be able to protect you!” As if sensing Qin Yichen’s angry emotions, Lu Linghan hesitated for a moment before softly advising him.


Perhaps, at the moment when this young man turned back to embrace her, a feeling that should not exist had sprouted in her heart…


“Hehe.” However, to Lu Linghan’s surprise, Qin Yichen let out a light chuckle, showing no signs of nervousness on his face.


Whether it was the four Major Families of the Royal City or the Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty, they were indeed enormous existences to him now, but… Qin Yichen truly never really took them seriously.


At his peak, the rulers of such small kingdoms or dynasties did not even have the qualification to approach him, so how could he fear them!?


“Of course, I won’t go around talking about such things, but since it has happened, I will definitely take responsibility. I will never pretend it never happened as you suggested!” Qin Yichen’s next words made Lu Linghan’s brows deeply furrow. [Take responsibility? Do you think it’s that simple!?]


“This is a secret technique, you can try cultivating with it. It will be beneficial for you!” Before Lu Linghan could say anything more, Qin Yichen tossed her a small package, then his figure darted away.


“You…” Lu Linghan caught the package, waved her delicate fist, and finally could only angrily punch the air.


Originally, because this guy had saved her, she had kindly warned him. Now, it seemed that such an ignorant and arrogant man should be left to fend for himself.


Because of her anger, she initially wanted to throw away the package, but after hesitating for a moment, Lu Linghan casually opened it…


Inside the package, there was a tiny jade bottle and a leather scroll. On the scroll were many characters, which, judging from the traces, seemed to have been written not long ago.


“Profound Dark Eternal Body Technique… Those born with Yin Meridians can practise it!” What was meant to be just a casual glance immediately made Lu Linghan’s gaze pause. Her eyes burst with an expression of disbelief. Her small hand trembled, and she quickly looked at the text below.


‘The world is divided into Yin and Yang, Yin Energy as the carrier, using Yin to face Yang, circulating through the eight meridians…’


This secret technique was written in extreme detail, including how to circulate and utilise Yin Energy, the order of meridian circulation, the Major Celestial Meridian Circuit route diagram, and various precautions. Everything was all clearly written out.


After reading this secret technique, Lu Linghan’s gaze was filled with shock. [He knew I was born with Yin Meridians!?]


Being born with Yin Meridians was an unsolvable condition…


Since she was five years old, she had always been sickly and cold. Later, by chance, a Master passing through the Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty helped check her pulse and discovered she was born with Yin Meridians.


Those born with Yin Meridians would generate Yin Energy in their meridians, and when the Yin Energy acted up each month, it was like being gnawed by ice, unbearably painful.


At that time in the ruin, when her Yuan Energy recovered, she was severely tortured by the icy pain, to the extent that she did not even have the strength to escape.


Of course, being born with Yin Meridians did not mean she could not cultivate. On the contrary, her talent was actually above the Three Outstanding Prodigies of the Royal City, if not for Du Junxiong’s fortuitous encounter.


However, because the Yin Energy could not be suppressed, the outbreaks became more and more frequent.


Previously, it happened once or at most twice a month, but it was now four to five times a month… If this continued, she would certainly not live to thirty, dying from Yin Energy consuming her body.


However, now Qin Yichen had given her a secret technique to control Yin Energy!


Only Lu Linghan herself knew how strong Yin Energy was. The reason her Physique was several times stronger than peers at the same level was due to the tempering effect of Yin Energy.


She had thought about controlling the Yin Energy in her meridians, but even after searching through all the ancient records in the entire kingdom, she could not find a cultivation technique related to those born with Yin Meridians. Moreover, according to ancient records, no one born with Yin Meridians had lived past thirty! They all died prematurely!


Even the Master who passed by back then said the same thing.


However, that Master did leave one method to save her life… which was to destroy her own meridians!


Once her meridians were destroyed, the Yin Energy would naturally dissipate. Although this would allow her to live, destroying the meridians meant she could never cultivate again. She could not use Yuan Energy, and would only be able to live as an ordinary person for the rest of her life. How could she be content with being an ordinary person!?


Being born with Yin Meridians was indeed an unsolvable condition in this era, but six thousand years later, a prodigy emerged. She created the Profound Dark Eternal Body Technique, circulating Yin Energy to cultivate a terrifying level of power, and was revered by the world as… the Profound Yin Ancestor!


Although this Profound Dark Eternal Body Technique was incredibly deep and powerful, it could only be practised by those born with Yin Meridians. So, the Yin Ancestor made it public, and Qin Yichen happened to obtain a copy, not expecting it to come in handy now.


He knew how powerful the Profound Dark Eternal Body Technique was, but Lu Linghan did not.


Still, rather than waiting to destroy her own meridians, she decided to take a gamble with fate.


“If it really works…” Lu Linghan’s eyes also revealed a hint of excitement.


She picked up the small jade bottle.


It did not label with what was inside, but it was noted that she should take one drop each time she practised the Profound Dark Eternal Body Technique.


This was, of course, a jade bottle of Thousand Year Old Spirit Milk.


Lu Linghan was indeed lucky. With the Profound Dark Eternal Body Technique and this Thousand Year Old Spirit Milk, she would become the first cultivator born with Yin Meridians in this world.


Qin Yichen did not know if she would become this generation’s Profound Yin Ancestor, but Yin Energy was indeed a powerful Special Attribute!



| Alchemy Master |

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