Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 87, The Heavenly Blade

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


‘Heat Poison’ Just these two words made the Elder’s eyelids violently twitch.


To judge to this extent merely by sensing his Yuan Energy, it showed that the young man sitting before him was not as simple as he appears to be.


“You’re young, but your words are quite big.” Though his words were not polite, the coldness had clearly disappeared from the Elder’s tone.


“Hehe.” Qin Yichen made a faint smile, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked at him, “If I’m not mistaken, Sir, the poison in your body is not ordinary Heat Poison, but rather… Burning Poison!”


Upon hearing the words ‘Burning Poison’, the Elder suddenly reached out and grabbed, slamming the open door shut with a *Bang!* At the same time, a faint coldness gradually appeared in his turbid eyes.


“Who exactly are you?” The turbidity in the Elder’s eyes had completely disappeared, replaced by deep coldness and a piercing gaze. A powerful aura also spread out from his body.


As this aura spread out, it made Qin Yichen feel suffocated.


This aura far surpassed that of Lin Huarong!


Clearly, it was very likely that this thin Elder before him was a Martial Grandmaster at the third level of Peak Stage!


While there were many Martial Grandmasters in the kingdom, those at the third level fo Peak Stage were few and far between. Even in the Royal City, such a person would be an extraordinary existence!


Who would have thought that such a powerful expert was hidden in this small village?


Although Qin Yichen was shocked by this powerful aura enveloping him, his face showed no fear. Instead, a smile appeared on his face.


“Sir, please don’t misunderstand. I don’t know you. It’s just that my Spiritual Energy is really sensitive, and I’m particularly attuned to the energy fluctuations around me. Earlier, I happened to sense a faint burning sensation in your aura, so…”


The Elder did not respond to Qin Yichen’s words. His eyes, filled with coldness, kept staring at Qin Yichen, as if ready to crush him to dust if he carelessly said anything taboo.


“Originally, I thought it was ordinary Heat Poison, but that clearly wouldn’t trouble you. So, I can now confirm that what you’re suffering from is Burning Poison!”


Faced with the Elder’s aura being locked on him, and those cold eyes, Qin Yichen still spoke calmly without a change in his expression.


So-called Heat Poison was actually present to some degree in anyone who stay in hot areas for a long time. It was typically not a major problem. However, if the Heat Poison invades the body and was left untreated, it would definitely lead to body decay and death within a few years.


This shows how domineering Heat Poison was.


Burning Poison was an enhanced version of Heat Poison. However, Burning Poison has its own uniqueness. Generally speaking, those afflicted with Burning Poison must have been forcibly injected with it during a battle with a Fire Attribute expert.


Burning Poison was like acid injected into the body. If not removed promptly, those afflicted with Burning Poison would inevitably be eroded by it and die. It was a fate a hundred times more tragic than Heat Poison!


“I didn’t expect a kid like you to be so smart. Your analysis is spot on.” Seeing that Qin Yichen did not react as expected under his aura, and even confidently pointed out his hidden injury, the Elder could not help but take notice. However, a moment later, a shadow flashed in his eyes, and in the next instant, he moved.


As the Elder moved, Qin Yichen sensed a terrifying Yuan Energy fluctuation filling the inn. Before he could react, the Elder’s figure had appeared before him like a ghost.


“Tell me, who sent you?!” A low voice came from the Elder’s mouth. His eyes stared intently at Qin Yichen. The terrifying Yuan Energy around him swirling as if ready to erupt at any moment and destroy Qin Yichen.


“I’ve already said, I’m just passing by. Since you don’t believe me, I won’t bother you anymore. The Burning Poison in your body has already reached the limit you can tolerate. Within a month, you won’t be able to suppress it anymore. At that time, well, you know what will happen…” Faced with the Elder’s questioning attitude, Qin Yichen’s face also darkened.


He had rarely been so humble to anyone!


After speaking, he walked towards the door.


The Elder’s gaze flickered several times as he watched Qin Yichen’s back. Finally, just as he was about to reach the door, the Elder’s lips moved, “Trying to advance by retreating?”


*Puff!* Hearing these words, Qin Yichen found it laughable in his heart. He shook his head, said nothing more, and reached out to pull the door.


If he could not form a connection with this old man, he would not force it.


“Wait!” Suddenly, the Elder shouted, his palm moving. Not only did Qin Yichen fail to pull open the wooden door, but his body, without any resistance, involuntarily retreated to stand before the Elder again.


[Strong! Even when this Elder has been afflicted with Burning Poison, his strength does not seem to have been greatly affected.]


“You really aren’t sent by the Huyan family?” The Elder’s eyes glinted with sharp light as he scanned Qin Yichen again. Seeing the extremely impatient expression on his face, he finally relaxed.


“Huyan family?” This unfamiliar Family name made Qin Yichen’s eyes flash with surprise. In the Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty, he could not recall a powerful Family  called Huyan. Clearly, the Huyan Family was not from within the Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty.


The Elder kept watching the changes in his facial expression. After a while, he sighed, and the terrifying Yuan Energy fluctuations throughout the room slowly dissipated.


“Can you really remove the Burning Poison in my body?” Looking at his still somewhat youthful face, the Elder’s expression was complex, his brows slightly furrowed.


“Perhaps.” Qin Yichen casually shrugged, clearly still displeased with the earlier treatment.


“Perhaps?” The Elder was slightly stunned, then realised that the young man before him was angry at him.


“Young man, do you know my identity?”


“No.” Seeing Qin Yichen shake his head, the Elder was somewhat helpless. However, a look of pride soon appeared on his face as he explained, “My name is Zhou Xiaocang. You may not have heard this name, but I have another title that you should have heard of… Heavenly Blade!”


Upon hearing the words ‘Heavenly Blade’, Qin Yichen was first stunned, then his expression clearly changed. He looked at the thin Elder before him with disbelief.


Although he had never left Spreading Cloud City, the title ‘Heavenly Blade’ was as familiar as thunder to his ears!


Heavenly Blade Zhou Xiaocang was the number one expert in Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty. At the same time, he was also the only expert in the Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty in hundreds of years to break through the Martial Grandmaster Realm and reach the Spirit Realm!



| Alchemy Master |

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