Alchemy Master

Alchemy Master – Chapter 95, The Royal Family’s Heartlessness

| Alchemy Master |

Translator: Silavin


The Royal Family has no familial affection. This point was vividly demonstrated towards Lu Linghan.


In Lu Heze’s eyes, she was not even considered his Daughter, but merely a tool for political marriage.


Lu Linghan’s actions undoubtedly ruined herself!


Perhaps, this was the only way she could escape the fate of an arranged marriage.


However, her pregnancy was real. Moreover, her belly was growing much faster than normal. It was a visible change each day.


In just a few days since her return, Lu Linghan’s belly had already swollen to a visibly noticeable curve, and it was still growing daily.


Perhaps, she would not even need ten months of pregnancy to give birth to the child.


This situation was very strange!


Logically, with the Innate Yin Energy in her body, which was beyond her control, even if she became pregnant, the foetus should not be able to survive inside her. Yet, she was indeed pregnant.


What exactly happened in that Ancient Divine Temple, even Lu Linghan did not know.


Although she had some fragments of memory of what happened, they were very blurry. However, the child in her belly should be his.


Thinking of him, she could not help but think of the Secret Technique he left behind, the Profound Dark Eternal Body Technique. [Perhaps it is time to start practising it?]


“I don’t care what you’re planning, the arranged marriage will not be cancelled. If you can’t make a decision, then I’ll make it for you!” Lu Heze left with a flick of his sleeve, leaving behind a wooden-faced Lu Linghan.


In fact, Lu Heze still had some familial affection for her, otherwise, why would he let her choose her own Husband? However, this time, she had truly touched his bottom line.


*Haaaaaizz…* Lu Linghan softly sighed, her gaze turning towards the horizon outside the Royal Palace.


[Will he… come for me?] Lu Linghan felt some anticipation, but more than that, worry.


Soon, a message was sent out from the Royal Palace. On the first day of the first lunar month, the Princess would choose her Husband!


After the news spread, all young prodigies of the dynasty became active.


Princess Lu Linghan was recognised as the number one beauty in Heavenly Unicorn Dynasty. Her beauty and her status made men automatically overlook the flaws on her.


The people from the four Major Families in the Royal City did not care about it either. What they valued was not Lu Linghan as a person, but whether they could get closer to the Royal Family.


The news, of course, quickly reached Spreading Cloud City as well.


“The first day of the first lunar month?” Qin Yichen frowned, his gaze turning towards the direction of the Royal City, “That means there’s only about three months…”


He could not describe his feelings for Lu Linghan, but he felt… she was pitiful. Most importantly, how could others covet the woman who belonged to him, Qin Yichen!?


[Seems like going to the Royal City is now a must. Three months is neither too long nor too short. Now, I have to make preparations for it,]


Indeed, with Zhou Xiaocang around, Spreading Cloud City was peaceful and calm.


The Ye Family, Lin Family, and Li Family, after this turmoil, had become even closer, and they were recovering quite quickly.


“Qin Yichen!” Just as he came out of his room, Qin Yichen saw Li Lingyan bringing Liu Qiong’er over.


The two beauties, one youthful and energetic, the other gentle and graceful.


The two before him was like a beautiful painting. It made Qin Yichen feel refreshed.


“My Grandfather has something to discuss with you.” Liu Qiong’er explained their purpose for visiting.


“That’s perfect, I haven’t thanked the Guildmaster in person yet.”


Qin Yichen was a person who knew how to be grateful. Although Liu Wen did not appear in person, he provided crucial intelligence. Otherwise, it would have been very difficult for anyone from the Li Family and Lin Family to survive.


“Will you… blame my Grandfather for not taking action?” On the way, Liu Qiong’er kept staring at her toes, asking in a soft voice, her pretty face filled with guilt. She still did not dare to look Qin Yichen in the eye.


“Hmm?” Qin Yichen looked at her, then comfortingly smiled, “Miss Qiong’er, your Grandfather has already done his best. Why should I blame him?”


After all, Liu Wen was a member of the Alchemy Guild. If he had sided with the three Major Families and moved against the Du Family, the consequences would have been unbearable for him. Being able to pass on the message was the best he could do within his capabilities.


“So, you won’t blame my Grandfather?” Liu Qiong’er obviously breathed a sigh of relief. She had been worried that Qin Yichen would hate her Grandfather because of this.


“Of course not.”


The two continued chatting and laughing all the way to the Alchemy Guild.


“You’ve come.” Looking at the young man standing before him, Liu Wen’s eyes were full of admiration.


“When the Guildmaster has summoned me, how dare I not come?” Qin Yichen bowed to him gratefully, everything was understood without words.


“It’s good that you understand.” Liu Wen was wearing a smile as he said, “For this year’s Dynasty Alchemy Competition, I’ve recommended you to represent our Spreading Cloud City.”


“Dynasty Alchemy Competition?” Qin Yichen’s eyes lit up.


The Dynasty Alchemy Competition was a selection for Alchemists within the dynasty. If one had good talent and skills, there was a high possibility of being retained in the Royal City Alchemy Guild, which was almost equivalent to ascending to Heaven in one step.


Therefore, the annual Dynasty Alchemy Competition was very fierce.


Back then, Qin Yichen had also relied on his small Pill Furnace to stand out in the Dynasty Alchemy Competition, which led to many subsequent opportunities.


It was just that this time, it was a few years earlier.


At that time, as long as he could obtain the protection of the Alchemy Guild, even the Du Family dared not openly deal with him.


“Thank you, Guildmaster, for giving me this opportunity.”


Qin Yichen bowed to him once again.


Having lived two lives, being recommended twice, he would never forget Liu Wen’s kindness to him.


Putting all this aside, Liu Wen was definitely an Elder worthy of his respect.


Liu Wen’s face wore a smile, feeling that everything he had done for Qin Yichen was absolutely worth it.



In the gathering hall of the Ye Family.


“You want to go to the Royal City, alone?” Ye Hongyun and others frowned as they looked at Qin Yichen.


Although the Du Family had yet to invaded Spreading Cloud City again, it did not mean that going to the Royal City would be safe.


“Is it really necessary to go?” Lin Huarong also spoke up, his eyes showing concern.


“Yes.” Qin Yichen nodded, then smiled at them, “Don’t worry. I have the ability to protect myself. Besides, I’m representing Spreading Cloud City when participating in the Alchemy Competition. The Du Family won’t dare to go too far.”


Everyone fell silent.


They could not argue against this logic. Participating in the Dynasty Alchemy Competition was something many people sought but could not obtain. The benefits of it were clear to all those present.


Perhaps this was a good opportunity, an opportunity to advance into the Royal City.


“Be careful in everything that you do.”


Li Yuanfei and the others, feeling they could not keep him here, could only agree.


In their eyes, no matter how excellent Qin Yichen was, he was still just a young teen after all.


Only Ye Liangchen kept eating carelessly, seeming not to care about this matter at all.


He knew very clearly that someone like Qin Yichen would never do something he was not confident about.


“When I establish a firm footing in the Royal City, it will be time for us to gain a foothold there!” Qin Yichen appeared completely confident.



| Alchemy Master |

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