Black Shroud of Corpses

Black Shroud of Corpses – Chapter 17, Ghost Infant

| Black Shroud of Corpses |

Translator: Silavin


Wu Daoming’s words reminded Doctor Zhu of something. This Mother and Daughter were alone and helpless, and Hansheng was already in his early twenties. He wondered about the girl’s appearance before her illness, and could not help but smile to himself.


“What’s amusing, Doctor Zhu?” Wu Daoming looked at him, puzzled.


“Oh, nothing. Mr. Wu, have you had breakfast yet? If you don’t mind, please join us for a simple meal,” Doctor Zhu asked.


“I’ll take you up on that offer then.” Wu Daoming said as he helped himself, scooping a bowl of porridge and starting to drink.


“Why did Mr. Wu move to the countryside? It’s quite different from the city here,” Doctor Zhu asked.


“Someone with a keen eye will always be able to spot talents. The Classic of Changes is profound and extensive, only those with the right aptitude can enter its gates. Please reconsider letting Hansheng be my disciple,” Wu Daoming stood up, cupped his hands in farewell, and said, “Thank you for your hospitality, I’ll take my leave now. Your porridge was delicious.”


Doctor Zhu remained silent.




As the sun set in the west, a peasant woman sat under the eaves of a bamboo farmhouse, breastfeeding her baby. Looking at the chubby, adorable child in her arms, the woman felt a content. Her husband would soon be finishing work in the fields. The iron pot on the stove was already done cooking rice, and its fresh fragrance permeated the air.


The sound of footsteps crunching on dry bamboo leaves came from the bamboo forest. The woman thought it was her husband returning.


A man emerged from the bamboo forest, with a sturdy, bear-like build. It was Zhu Biao, who had been asking around all day and finally found this place.


The peasant woman looked at the visitor with surprise in her eyes. This place was remote, and strangers rarely passed by.


“Sister, I’d like some water,” Zhu Biao said, noticing the infant in the woman’s arms.


The woman went inside and brought out a ladle of cold water, handing it to him.


“Sister, this child looks very strong,” Zhu Biao said as he drank, observing the infant.


Hearing someone praise her child, the woman was visibly pleased. Country folk always liked their children to be sturdy.


“How old is he?” Zhu Biao asked.


“Not even a month old yet,” the woman replied.


“He’s really fat and sturdy. Let me have a look. I want to see his little face…” Zhu Biao stepped forward to examine the child closely.


The baby was fair and chubby, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. His black pupils were bright and lively. He looked similar, those eyes were like they were carved from the same mould as Shen Caihua.


Zhu Biao immediately felt a pang in his heart and almost shed tears.


Suddenly, the child began to laugh *gugu*. The sound was shrill and piercing. His eyes were fixed on Zhu Biao, unblinking. Those black pupils had enlarged by more than half, pushing the whites to the corners of his eyes, leaving the eye sockets almost entirely black.


Zhu Biao was startled at first, then overjoyed. The old man from Guangdong had told him that anything against common sense was a sign of recognition. This child’s strange laughter must mean he was undoubtedly his Son.


[Caihua, this is our Son!] He thought as the tears he had been holding back finally fell.


“Hey, what’s wrong?” The peasant woman looked at Zhu Biao in surprise.


Zhu Biao realised he had lost his composure and quickly added, “Ah, I have a three-room house, but no child. Seeing this baby so healthy just made me a bit sad. Haaaa… if only I could be his Godfather.”


He had considered knocking out the woman and taking the child, but he was afraid of killing the Mother. He could not feed the baby himself, so he could not possibly use force against her just yet.


Hearing Zhu Biao’s words, the woman just smiled cautiously, holding the baby tighter.


The sound of footsteps came from the bamboo forest again as the woman’s Husband returned from the fields.


The man of the house was startled to see Zhu Biao and glanced at his Wife.


“He was passing by and had stopped for some water,” the woman told her Husband.


“Oh, then please come in,” the man said hospitably, as those from rural areas tended to be welcoming to visitors.


“No need, I’m leaving now. I’m Zhu Biao, the team leader from Nanshan Village. Anyone can tell you about me if you ask,” Zhu Biao said.


Hearing he was from Nanshan Village, the man immediately became more enthusiastic. “Oh, you’re from Nanshan Village? We are so grateful to Doctor Zhu from your village. Without him, a few days ago, wwe might have lost both Mother and child. How is Doctor Zhu?”


[So Doctor Zhu delivered my Son!] Zhu Biao thought. [I’ll have to be nicer to him in the future.]


“Doctor Zhu is fine. He lives at the east end of the village, and I live under the old Pagoda Tree at the north end. Come visit sometime. I really like this baby and wonder if I could be his Godfather?” Zhu Biao asked sincerely.




Zhu Biao continued, “I’m the production team leader, an outstanding Communist Party member, a Five Virtues Community Member for many consecutive years, a Youth Shock Troop, and a militia platoon leader…”


“Team Leader Zhu, we’re planning to visit Doctor Zhu in Nanshan Village in the next couple of days to thank him. Let’s discuss this matter then,” the man said cautiously, deflecting the request.


Hearing this, Zhu Biao felt a bit more hopeful. They had not outright refused him, which means they wanted to inquire more about him and understand his situation first. [There’s hope!]


“What’s your name, Brother?” Zhu Biao asked.


“My surname is Shen, you can call me Tianhu,” the man replied.


“Alright, Tianhu. When you visit Doctor Zhu, make sure to stop by my place too.”


“Okay,” Shen Tianhu agreed.




The sun soon sets. While in the mountains, as soon as Zhu Biao left the bamboo forest, it was already dark. The burial ground was just ahead, and the crackle cries of crows could be heard.


Zhu Biao stood before the lonely, desolate grave, his eyes reddening.


[Caihua…] He thought, [I’ve finally found our Son. He’s fair and sturdy. Now, you can rest in peace. Don’t worry. I’ll definitely bring him back to my side and raise him. I won’t look for another woman in this life. The days I spent with you were the happiest. I want to bring you back home to bury you right under the old Pagoda Tree. Is that fine with you? That way, we can be together day and night, and the three of us can see each other every day.]


Zhu Biao was heartbroken and could not help but sob.


From the burial ground came the faint sound of a woman’s heart-wrenching sigh. It was mournful and desolate, as if reluctant to let go…


Zhu Biao kept looking back as he gradually walked away.




The crescent moon hung like a hook in the sky. From afar, he could see the great author, Old Wu, standing quietly under the old Pagoda Tree in the moonlight, his hands clasped behind his back.


Hearing footsteps, Wu Daoming slowly turned around and smiled gently at Zhu Biao, stating, as if he already knew. “From your hurried yet steady footsteps, with the spring in each step, it seems you’ve found your child.”


“Old Wu, you’re truly extraordinary. Indeed, I found him in a household not far from where Caihua was laid to rest. The child even looks a lot like me,” Zhu Biao said excitedly.


Wu Daoming silently smiled.


“Old Wu, I’m planning to bring Caihua home tonight. I don’t want her to be alone there anymore. Do you think it’s alright for me to do so?” Zhu Biao eagerly asked.


“That’s fine. Life and death are intertwined. Seeing how devoted you are, I’ll give you some guidance. Remember, only open the grave at 12am. Use mud to seal the corpse’s mouth and nose, and carry it on your back. No matter what you encounter on the way, don’t respond. Understand?”


“Understood,” Zhu Biao readily agreed.


“Good. For now, you can dig the new grave three metres and thirty centimetres to the west of the thatched house to prepare for her burial.”


“Old Wu, please go back and rest. I’ll make you some food before I start digging,” Zhu Biao said respectfully.


“No need. I don’t feel like eating tonight. I’m planning to do a major cleaning of your house.”


“A major cleaning? Is my house that dirty?” Zhu Biao asked, confused.


“Of course,” Wu Daoming smiled grimly.


The night was cool. The crescent moon was reflected in the square pond, and a few withered leaves fell from the old Pagoda Tree. It was late autumn.


Wu Daoming slowly walked around the pond, watching the mirror-like water surface. Occasional frog croaks came from the water plants on the shore.


[This Zhu Biao has the face of a despicable man,] he thought. [Shen Caihua was a woman of integrity. She was willing to die rather than reveal who the Father of her child was. If Zhu Biao was a man of true courage, he would have stepped forward. What a pity. Considering that this man is willing to take back her corpse out of loyalty even after her death, I’ll help him clear that thing out. I’ll consider it a favour for Shen Caihua.]


Wu Daoming waited quietly, looking up at the night sky. It was nearly 9pm, the time when Yin Energy began to sprout.


[That thing should be coming out soon…] When he first arrived here last night, he immediately recognized the Reflected Blood Basin formation. Seeing the red-painted door of the Zhu Family and the portrait of Chairman Mao in military uniform, he had already made his plans.


“Old Wu, I’ve dug out Caihua’s new grave. I’m going to bring her back now,” Zhu Biao said, running over with sweat covering his forehead.


“Remember what I told you?” Wu Daoming reminded him.


“I remember,” Zhu Biao said, shouldering his hoe and hurrying away.



| Black Shroud of Corpses |

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