Black Shroud of Corpses

Black Shroud of Corpses – Chapter 18, Moonlit Ancient Pagoda Tree

| Black Shroud of Corpses |

Translator: Silavin


Observing this ‘Blood Basin’ square pond, where the Yin Energy was extremely heavy, Wu Daoming knocked on the Pagoda Tree with his knuckle. It was hollow in the middle. There must be a passage connecting it to the pond, allowing that thing to crawl from the bottom of the pond to the treetop to absorb Yin Energy.


Wu Daoming turned his head to stare at the portrait of Mao Zedong in military uniform hanging on the red door. That was an object of extreme Yang Energy. At noon, when the Yin and Yang Energy of the pond were equally balanced, the Yang Energy from the portrait would radiate into the pond, forcing that thing to retreat into the ancient Pagoda Tree to avoid the Yang Energy.


This house was fortunate to have that portrait of the chairman, otherwise Zhu Biao would have already followed in his parents’ footsteps.


Just then, a large bubble silently appeared on the calm water surface, followed by a string of small bubbles. It formed a straight line towards the old Pagoda Tree.


Wu Daoming stood by the pond, silently watching. [Hmm, it is finally going to make its move.]


Keeping his eyes on the moving bubbles in the water, Wu Daoming moved along the pond’s edge, counting his steps. Finally, he arrived at the old Pagoda Tree.


In the deep night, where the moonlight was hazy, he placed his ear against the tree trunk to listen. Soon, he heard a rustling sound from inside the trunk, as if something was crawling up.


Wu Daoming retreated to the edge of the pond, lowered his head, and gazed at the water’s surface. In the clear water, the crescent moon was being reflected, along with a few thin clouds.


After a while, a small golden head appeared in the reflection of the crescent moon. It looked around, then stretched its neck. It opened its small mouth, and began to inhale and exhale, absorbing energy from the moon.


Wu Daoming thought, [You’ve finally come out, Golden Head Softshell Turtle.]


Softshell Turtles, as recorded in ancient books, were classified among armoured insects. Softshell Turtle was the largest amongst them, hence its character, ‘鼋’ includes ‘元’, meaning great.


This creature was not much to look at, with wart-like protrusions growing on its neck, it was also called the ‘Leprosy Softshell Turtle’. Such a beast had nearly disappeared from the Central Plains in the modern era. Wu Daoming had only seen one by the Ou River in southeastern Zhejiang over thirty years ago.


The Golden Head Softshell Turtle was adept at consuming Yin Energy. In ancient times, it was represented as a stone statue carrying steles in imperial tombs.


This creature has an extremely long lifespan, potentially over a thousand years. It also possesses immense strength. It could spray Yin Energy at those within ten steps, killing invisibly. In ancient times, Feng Shui Masters would avoid it from afar if they encountered one.


For such a creature to appear here was truly rare. It must be due to the Reflected Blood Basin formation and the old Pagoda Tree. It might have perhaps even come for the Taiji Halo.


Wu Daoming made a cold laugh. [Others might not be able to subdue you, but with my Yin-Yang Needle, nourished from the body of a sixty year old virgin male, injuring you will not be a problem.]


With that thought, he plucked a strain of hair from his chin, which was the Yang Needle. He reached into his pants and painfully pulled out a pubic hair, which was the Yin Needle. He twisted these two hairs together, spat on them, and straightened them. Thus, the Yin-Yang Needle was complete.


The Yin-Yang Needle was an extremely powerful hidden weapon in the Feng Shui world. A holy object for warding off evil. Only a virgin body could create one. Wu Daoming was a sixty year old virgin, so the power of this needle was extraordinary.


He held the needle in his palm, squinted his eyes to aim at the Golden Head Softshell Turtle, and was about to blow it out with one breath…


In the moonlight, a group of small heads appeared at the treetop, lined up in a row. They stretched their necks towards the night sky to inhale and exhale. It turned out this female Golden Head Softshell Turtle had children.


Wu Daoming knew now that one Yin-Yang Needle was clearly not enough. If those small Turtles also launched a counterattack, it would be troublesome. Reluctantly, he had to reach into his pants again. He had to endure the intense pain of pulling out a tuft of pubic hair. He also had to pluck out more than ten from his chin. Tears almost fell as he made more than ten Yin-Yang Needles.


Wu Daoming aimed again and blew. In the moonlight, more than ten hair-thin black shadows shot towards the top of the old Pagoda Tree like arrows…


A series of *pop pop pop* sounds were heard, and a string of black shadows fell from the top of the old Pagoda Tree, hitting the ground with *splats*.


Wu Daoming approached for a closer look. A huge Golden Head Softshell Turtle slowly turned over on the ground. Its back shell was dark reddish-brown with pale yellow spots. Its belly shield had symmetrically arranged red patterns. Its head was golden, and its neck was covered with golden warts with a Yin-Yang Needle stuck inside about three centimetres deep. Its limbs had webbed toes, and its large eyes seemed to have tears rolling from them.


Scattered on the ground around it were seven or eight small Golden Head Softshell Turtles, each sprawled out with a Yin-Yang Needle stuck in their necks.


The large female Golden Head Softshell Turtle lifted her head to look at Wu Daoming, her eyes seeming to beg for mercy. One drop, two drops of tears slowly seeped from her eyelids.


She was really begging for mercy. The Yin-Yang Needle had already sealed her meridians. Like Turtles, Softshell Turtles could retract their heads into their shells. Furthermore, over time, their meridians would open up by themselves. ‘A Turtle could live a thousand years, a Softshell Turtle could live ten thousand years’. Their lifespan far exceeds that of other creatures in nature, allowing them to have powers as they aged. However, the Yang Energy of the Yin-Yang Needle had blocked this Mother Golden Head Softshell Turtle’s meridians, essentially nullifying her powers. She was now no different from ordinary Softshell Turtles and Turtles. She could no longer harm people.


[*Haaaaa…* just go], Wu Daoming felt a pang of compassion. He waved his hand, allowing the Mother Golden Head Softshell Turtle to lead her little ones as they crawled unsteadily towards the depths of Nanshan.


[Well, I just lost a few strands,] Wu Daoming thought, already forgetting the pain of plucking them earlier.


He did not notice that one small Golden Head Softshell Turtle had fallen back into the tree hollow from the top and was now quietly crawling back to the pond.




On the desolate burial ground, the waning moon cast a slanting light. The weeds rustled, and a chilling wind gently blew.


Zhu Biao excitedly arrived at Shen Caihua’s grave. Tonight, he would bring her body back, and from now on, they would be together, day and night. He had heard that foreigners had crystal coffins, where the dead looked as if they were still alive. Unfortunately, he could not afford one. He would have to make do with burying Caihua next to the thatched house.


Estimating that it was around 11pm, Zhu Biao impatiently raised his iron hoe. As the hoe hit the ground, it made a clear, ringing sound, which was particularly distinct in the quiet dead of night.


Before long, he had dug out a large pit. Thinking it was deep enough, Zhu Biao threw down the hoe and squatted, using his hands to scoop out the earth. He did not want the iron hoe to damage Caihua’s body.


Bit by bit, he cleared away the loose soil and removed grass roots. He finally revealed a coarse sack tied with an iron wire.


In the moonlight, the sack was bulging. Zhu Biao reached out to touch it, feeling a human body beneath his hand. Suddenly, he felt his blood rushing upwards, as his heart pounded incessantly. With trembling hands, he untied the iron wire and opened the sack. A pale woman’s face was revealed. Her eyes were tightly closed. She had long eyelashes, a slightly upturned nose, colourless lips, with a rope still around her neck.


“Caihua…” Seeing the woman he had been longing for day and night, Zhu Biao’s pent-up emotions burst forth like a flood. He threw himself forward, kissing the cold face of the corpse incessantly, unable to hold back his sobs.


*Caw…* The cry of a crow interrupted Zhu Biao’s weeping. He raised his head, remembering Old Wu’s words. He must not miss the right time.


Looking at Caihua’s clean, white face, her sleeping yet pitiful appearance, Zhu Biao really could not bear to smear mud on it. He thought, even if Caihua bites him, he would willingly accept it.


He did not follow Old Wu’s instructions to seal the corpse’s mouth and nose, and even directly carried her on his back. He did not even pick up his hoe, and directly headed back.


The moonlight in the mountains was pale and hazy. The corpse on his back was bone-chillingly cold. Caihua’s head rested on Zhu Biao’s shoulder, her long hair occasionally floating up to cover his eyes. Carrying the woman he loved, Zhu Biao felt great pride and satisfaction. His feet felt soft, and he wished he could keep walking like this forever.


He did not encounter anyone on the way, nor did he hear any voices calling for him. [Seems like Old Wu was being too cautious.]


After crossing a small hill, he could see Nanshan Village in the distance. Going downhill, Zhu Biao’s steps were vigorous, almost as if he was running.


A *huuu, huu* sound came from behind his head, as if there was breath blowing on his neck. Zhu Biao’s heart skipped a beat. However, he knew he could not turn around and answer this feeling. They were almost home anyway, so he gritted his teeth and ran even faster.


On Zhu Biao’s back, Shen Caihua’s chest and abdomen were jolting and compressing, causing air to pass through her throat and make a series of strange noises.


The faster Zhu Biao ran, the louder the sound behind him became, sending chills down his spine.


Ahead was his home. They were finally home. As his steps slowed, Caihua, lips against his neck, suddenly bit down…


With a scream, Shen Caihua’s two rows of white teeth sank into the back of Zhu Biao’s neck, penetrating a centimetre in. Fresh blood seeped through the gaps between her teeth.


Wu Daoming came out of the house, coldly laughing, “I told you to seal the corpse’s mouth and nose, but you didn’t listen. Now, you know the consequences.”


Zhu Biao’s face was contorted with pain, his eyes brimming with tears.


“Come in,” Wu Daoming let Zhu Biao, who was still carrying Shen Caihua, enter the thatched house first. He then walked around to examine Shen Caihua.


“Hmm, this woman did not commit suicide. She was murdered,” Wu Daoming frowned.


“What did you say!? Caihua was killed by someone!?” Zhu Biao, ignoring the pain in his neck, hurriedly asked.


“That’s right. She was strangled from behind. Ah, poor woman,” Wu Daoming sighed.


“How… how do you know?”


Wu Daoming explained, “Look. If she had hanged herself, the rope mark should be angled upwards. But the rope bruise is horizontal and towards the back. This indicates that she was forcibly strangled from behind. No wonder her resentment is so strong, unwilling to dissipate after all this time. Who could have done this? This is a double murder.”


“Meng Zhuqi. He was the one who killed Caihua…” Zhu Biao cried out in anguish.


“Chairman Meng?” Wu Daoming was shocked.


“Shen Caihua was married to his Son, the one without testicles,” Zhu Biao sobbed.


[Oh, I see how things are…] Wu Daoming began to consider the situation.


Meng Zhuqi was the chairman of Nanshan Town, a local tyrant. His Brother-in-law, Huang Qiansui, was also an official in Wuyuan County. They had invited Wu Daoming here, so clearly siding with them would be beneficial to him. However, these people had murdered a pregnant woman out of spite, which was a truly despicable act. From their bone structure and facial features, he had long seen these people as ill natured and evil, but he had come here for money though…


“Team Leader Zhu, when you dug up the corpse, did you do anything that Shen Caihua would find familiar or unforgettable? Something that might have caused her yet to dissipate resentment to gather again, leading her to bite you? She seems to be trying to tell you something,” Wu Daoming asked.


“I just kissed her…” Zhu Biao mumbled quietly.


“Hmm, no wonder. You awakened the remaining energy in her body. The man she loved didn’t dare to step forward when she was in danger. That’s the cause for her resentment. The child in her belly, connected by flesh and blood, that’s love. Being unjustly strangled to death by her Husband’s Family, that’s hatred. These three emotions: resentment, love, and hatred are deeply intertwined. It’s only natural she bit you.”


“Old Wu, how can I get Caihua to let go?” Zhu Biao pointed at the corpse on his shoulder, his face full of distress.


Wu Daoming sighed, “Tell her your future plans. If she’s satisfied, she’ll let go.”


Zhu Biao hurriedly spoke to the body behind him, “Caihua, I’ve brought you home from the desolate burial ground. Are you satisfied?”


Shen Caihua continued to bite down tightly, not letting go.


“Caihua, I’ll bring our Son back. We can be together as a Family, okay?” Zhu Biao said again.


Shen Caihua still did not let go.


Cold sweat broke out on Zhu Biao’s forehead. “Caihua, do you want me to avenge you?”


Shen Caihua finally released her jaw, her body sliding straight down from Zhu Biao’s back onto the ground.




Wu Daoming shook his head, “She was indeed a strong-willed woman.”


Without tending to the wound on his neck, Zhu Biao silently picked up Shen Caihua’s corpse and walked out of the door. He walked to the newly dug grave and gently laid her by a pile of soil. He returned to his room, lifted a long wooden chest, took out all the clothes and bedding, then carried the empty chest out to the west side of the house. He placed the wooden chest in the grave, then gently laid Shen Caihua inside.


“Caihua, time is short, and I couldn’t prepare a proper coffin. Please make do with our Family’s chest. This was my Mother’s dowry,” Zhu Biao muttered.


“Don’t leave a grave mound to avoid future trouble,” Wu Daoming said coldly from behind.


The moon was bright, and stars were sparse. The late autumn night was bone-chillingly cold.


Zhu Biao kissed Caihua’s cold lips one last time with tears in his eyes before he closed the chest lid. He soon began to fill the earth. His heart was filled with indescribable grief and anger. [Revenge, how could I possibly take revenge?]


After burying Shen Caihua, following Old Wu’s advice, he did not leave a grave mound. In fact, Zhu Biao knew in his heart that a new grave suddenly appearing next to his house would inevitably arouse suspicion.


He stuck three incense sticks in the ground, knelt down, and solemnly kowtowed three times. In his heart, he silently vowed, [Caihua, I will definitely avenge you.]


Zhu Biao’s face was contorted with pain, his eyes brimming with tears.


“You want revenge?” Wu Daoming suddenly asked.


“Yes,” Zhu Biao said firmly, “Please help me, Old Wu.”


Wu Daoming pondered for a moment, then slowly said, “I can.”


“You’re really willing to help me?”


“En, but you need to do something for me first.”


“Alright, Old Wu. I will do whatever you ask. I, Zhu Biao, will do it even if it means crushing my bones to powder,” Zhu Biao promised.


Wu Daoming thought to himself, [Like I thought, this guy will be useful to me.]


“Keep an eye on Doctor Zhu’s Family for me, especially Zhu Hansheng. Watch for any unusual behaviour,” Wu Daoming said, his gaze fixed on him.


“Why is Old Wu interested in them?” Zhu Biao asked, confused.


“From now on, don’t ask why. Remember that,” Wu Daoming’s face darkened.


“Understood,” Zhu Biao quickly agreed.


“Over the next couple of days, they might go wandering around Nanshan. You need to keep a close watch on both Father and Son. Be careful not to expose yourself, and report to me at any time.”


“Rest assured, Old Wu. This task is easy,” Zhu Biao said, full of confidence.



| Black Shroud of Corpses |

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