Black Shroud of Corpses

Black Shroud of Corpses – Chapter 20, Exploring the Valley

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Translator: Silavin


As Hansheng and Dummy advanced along the small path in the valley, upon closer inspection, the scenery of the two valleys did seem different. The cliff walls seemed steeper, and the scent emitted by the Camphor Trees also seemed stronger.


After walking for less than half an hour, they turned around a hill. A familiar scene appeared before their eyes. A simple mud-brick thatched house, with a small patch of lush green vegetables outside, with wisps of smoke rising from the chimney.


Hansheng excitedly quickened his pace, calling out loudly before reaching the door, “Uncle Uncle Hermit.”


A person walked out from inside, and Hansheng almost fainted at the sight…


The smiling person was none other than Jiang Laoer!


“Why have you come back again, kid?” Jiang Laoer asked with a surprised expression, squinting his triangular eyes.


It took Hansheng a while to catch his breath. “What do you mean come back? This is another valley.”


“Hmph, I just finished eating Mountain Rat Jerky, and you’ve turned back again. Take a look.” Jiang Laoer held out his bowl, and indeed, there was half a Mountain Rat’s head left uneaten at the bottom.


[Strange! Dummy and I clearly walked into the right-side of the valley.] Hansheng was puzzled. He stepped into the thatched house. The first thing he saw was that familiar wooden bed, simple table and chairs, walls painted with whitewash, and a few ink landscape paintings hanging on the wall…


[There are landscape paintings on this wall this time!] Hansheng turned to stare at Jiang Laoer, “Where is the Hermit of Wuchu Mountain?”


“I’ve told you, there’s no such Hermit you speak of here,” Jiang Laoer said with an unpleasant expression.


Hansheng crouched down, reached under the bed. He pulled out a glass bottle. He sniffed it and asked, “What’s this? There are still traces of my urine in it.”


Jiang Laoer’s eagle-like nose twitched. His triangular eyes fixed on Hansheng without speaking.


Hansheng stared back at Jiang Laoer, unwilling to back down.




Zhu Biao ran all the way back to Nanshan Village, covered in sweat.


After hearing Zhu Biao’s report, Wu Daoming remained silent for a long while before slowly asking, “Did you clearly see the old man’s appearance?”


“He looked about sixty years old. He was tall and thin, with a large eagle-like nose. He also had a yellow goatee. I didn’t dare get too close, so I couldn’t see more details.”


[Could this person be the mysterious Hidden Master behind Hansheng? China is vast with many hidden talents. It wouldn’t be surprising to find a few experts hiding within the hundreds of kilometres of Huangshan Mountain.]


“Take me there,” Wu Daoming decided to meet this reclusive expert.


“Tomorrow morning?” Zhu Biao asked.


“No, right now.”


The two quickly packed and headed straight for Dazhang Mountain.


Although Wu Daoming was already in his sixties, he moved through the mountain path as light as a swallow. This was thanks to him maintaining his sixty years of virginity. Zhu Biao was already drenched in sweat, while Wu Daoming’s complexion remained unchanged.


“Old Wu, you’re in great shape. Even I, a young man, can’t compare to you in terms of stamina,” Zhu Biao panted.


Wu Daoming made a small smile. He gazed at the majestic Dazhang Mountain in the distance. Seeing the main peak, Leigu Peak, undulating like a banner, he could not help but sigh, “The ‘Classic of Mountains and Seas’ calls this Dazhang Mountain the ‘Capital of the Three Heavenly Sons’, and indeed it has a regal air. During the Qin Dynasty, this land was divided into thirty-six counties. Here is what was known as the ‘Zhang County’. Their vision was truly unique. This place befits its title, where the spirit of the Central Plains converges.”


Arriving at the old Camphor Tree, there were two valley entrances. Zhu Biao pointed to the left entrance, “We went in through here.”


Wu Daoming gestured for Zhu Biao to lead the way, and the two entered the valley one after another.


*Caw caw…* Two large crows flapped their feathers and flew deeper into the valley, making strange cries.


As Wu Daoming walked, he observed the valley. It was filled with lush vegetation, with white clouds emerging from the mountains, babbling streams, with a dense forest of bamboo. He thought how anyone living in seclusion in this paradise must be an extraordinary person. They must be with an otherworldly air.


A mud-brick thatched house appeared ahead, with a few plots of lush green vegetables.


Zhu Biao whispered, “This is the place.”


Wu Daoming stopped, cupped his hands, and loudly stated, “What great man lives in seclusion here? Wu Daoming from Lingnan has come to pay an impudent visit.”


A tall, thin man walked out of the thatched house. It was Jiang Laoer.


“Excuse me, who are you looking for? There’s only one forest keeper here,” Jiang Laoer politely asked.


Wu Daoming’s piercing gaze swept over Jiang Laoer, secretly surprised.


This man was tall but not lanky, thin but not gaunt, with a face as deep as the abyss. He had a high and curved eagle-like nose. He also had a rare yellow goatee. As the saying goes, ‘a young man has two eyebrows while only a man has a beard’.


[This man has an unusual appearance. He surely possesses extraordinary qualities. He must not be underestimated.] Wu Daoming judged.


“May I ask your esteemed name, sir?” Wu Daoming asked respectfully.


“Jiang Laoer,” the man replied, his voice as grating as a broken gong.


Wu Daoming frowned. As the saying goes, ‘birds have no voice, and beasts are without sound’. A man of tranquillity would make as little sound as possible. This man had a voice without sounding like a beast, yet his name was crude. [I need to be extra cautious.]


“Sir, have you been living in seclusion here for many years?” Wu Daoming probed further.


“For decades. Oh, by the way, are you here to steal Loquats? I thought it was those monkeys doing it,” Jiang Laoer said.


“Nonsense. Do we look like thieves to you?” Zhu Biao could not help but interject from the side.


Wu Daoming glared at Zhu Biao, then smiled at Jiang Laoer and asked, “Sir, you jest. May I ask, did you see a young man with a yellow dog enter the valley this morning?”


“No,” Jiang Laoer answered.


“You’re lying. I clearly followed them into the valley and saw you talking to them earlier,” Zhu Biao loudly accused.


Wu Daoming smiled silently, quietly watching Jiang Laoer.


Jiang Laoer’s cold triangular eyes were fixed on Zhu Biao’s face. Zhu Biao suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.


“Haha, we’ve come from afar. Won’t you invite us in for a cup of tea, sir?” Wu Daoming laughed.


“Alright, please come in,” Jiang Laoer stepped aside.


It was a very simple mud-brick thatched house, with whitewashed walls. It just had a wooden bed and some tables and chairs.


“Sir, you live a simple life, but your spirit is so lofty. You don’t look like a forest keeper. You are not, are you?” Wu Daoming coldly said. It was time to go on the offensive; there was no time for small talk.


“Then, what kind of person do I look like?” Jiang Laoer seemed displeased.


“I’m not very skilled, but I have some small accomplishments in face reading. I see that you have a yellow beard and old Yin Energy in you. You have the appearance of a tomb keeper,” Wu Daoming casually stated.


Jiang Laoer was startled for a moment, then chuckled and changed his crude tone, slowly speaking, “Forgive my poor eyesight, you are…?”


Wu Daoming bowed. “I am Wu Daoming from Lingnan.”


“And this is…?” Jiang Laoer’s eyes swept towards Zhu Biao.


Before Wu Daoming could answer, Zhu Biao puffed out his chest and said, “I am Zhu Biao, the team leader of Nanshan Village and a militia platoon leader.”


“Hmm, Team Leader Zhu. Since you came here this morning, you must be tired. Why don’t you lie down and rest for a while?” Before Jiang Laoer finished speaking, his finger suddenly shot out like the wind, hitting Zhu Biao’s sleep acupoint, which was on his waist.


Zhu Biao was about to say he was not tired, but before he could speak, he fell, limp. Jiang Laoer reached out, picked Zhu Biao up, and threw him onto the wooden bed.


Wu Daoming looked on approvingly. He knew that the following conversation would be very important, and that there was indeed no need for Zhu Biao to hear it.


“Well, Mr. Wu, you’ve come all the way from Lingnan to Wolong Valley. What can I do for you?” Jiang Laoer asked in a solemn tone.


Wu Daoming pondered for a moment and said, “Please forgive me for being rude. I dare not inquire about Mr. Jiang’s affairs, but I would like to ask one impertinent question. Hansheng, who entered the valley this morning, is my friend. What is your relationship with him?”


“We have no relations,” Jiang Laoer answered flatly.


“Oh, then why did he drag his injured leg for dozens of kilometres to come to this very valley?”


“Maybe he wanted to steal my Loquats? When I saw him, I had sent him away.”


Wu Daoming thought to himself, [Could it be that Jiang Laoer is not the expert behind Hansheng? No, this man’s eyes are shifting. He’s clearly lying! The decisiveness and swiftness with which he dealt with Zhu Biao earlier shows that he’s no ordinary man!]


“There’s only one mountain path back to Nanshan Village, and I didn’t encounter him returning. Although I’m not very bright, I know he’s still in the valley,” Wu Daoming said, while remaining alert. After all, this other old man’s moves were quite fast.


“What does your friend’s business have to do with me?” Jiang Laoer angrily rebuked.


Seeing that the conversation was not going well, Wu Daoming changed the subject, saying, “Just now, I saw your technique. Was that the Dharma Acupoint Fist, right?”


“So what if it is?” Jiang Laoer was stunned, his words disrespectful.


“Sir, the old Yin Energy in your body is too strong. Using the Dharma Acupoint Fist to control your Qi and strike at someone else’s acupoint will result in negative effects. The old Yin Energy will enter the Ren Meridian. If not careful, wouldn’t Zhu Biao lose his ability to have children?” Wu Daoming softly said.


A cold, murderous aura suddenly rose from Jiang Laoer’s body.


Silavin: ‘this was thanks to him maintaining his sixty years of virginity’ wtf. This takes the thirty year old virgin thing to another level. Man, I’d be going out slapping my public hair and facial hair all over the place to ward off ghosts.

Anyways, this is the last Chapter we are translating due to the low vote count for this novel. It was actually an interesting read.



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