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    146 Results in the "Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World" category


    • Chapter 121, Teacher and student’s conversation – Part two Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   Bellocchio asked Tianna if being an adventurer was her life's goal, which made her look back to the last few, turbulent months. She only knocked at the door of the adventurer guild because she needed money, but she met her partners there, and thought of it as the work of destiny.   “...Honestly, I won't deny I only saw it as a temporary job at first.”   “Hou...”   “But now... I like being an adventurer,…
    • Chapter 120, Teacher and student’s conversation – Part one Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   The rich lived in the northern area of the Labyrinth City, and it could be said that north and south were on opposite ends both geographically and financially. The north had many schools, sorcerers and researchers. It was common to see youths walking about wearing brand new robes. Tianna looked on at the busy streets through the window in the wagon she was riding, and felt a little sad about the distance she felt between inside and outside of the…
    • Chapter 12, Birth of the party “Survivors” Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “Uu... My head... I've never drank so much before...”   Nick felt it was morning and sluggishly got up. Apparently he fell asleep on the floor. He was used to sleeping in a huddle so it didn't hurt him, and it helped him hold back the alcohol still in his body.   Still, it was a pretty neat inn. There weren't any holes in the walls, the windows had, glass and the curtains were pulled. Nick had never stayed in such a high…
    • Chapter 119, Extra chapter – Bond’s scrap book Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   There were a lot of trees in Labyrinth City. In places like the forest on the foot of the five rings mountain range and the regular, non-labyrinth forest to the north of the Goblin Forest, it was possible to get good quality wood. There was also a lot of afforestation in areas with few monsters. Because of this, not only were many buildings made of wood, but it was also used as raw material for many manufactured goods. One that stood out among…
    • Chapter 118,  Katana user Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “...So there are people going around asking questions about you and your party. There may be people out there with a grudge against you, so be careful.”   “Ah...”   “They ask questions like ‘when was your party created’, ‘what have he been doing’, ‘what labyrinths have he conquered’, and ‘what does he usually do’. Quite persistent, don't you think?”   “Y-yes.”   “...What is…
    • Chapter 117, An unexpected visitor Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   In the back alley behind Sea Anemone, Tianna spoke at length about the time she met her master. Sometimes she would laugh as she remembered something, and her unintentionally girlish expression soothed Nick's heart.   “My master wasn't really like a noble... He wouldn't rely on servants most of the time, and he would stay locked up in his office instead of going home from time to time. At some point I had to start helping him…
    • Chapter 116, Tianna’s school days – Part two Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   When I started my fourth year in the academy for nobles, I was called to the teacher's room. There I was asked what I was studying, and to choose a master based on what my career path would be.  Everyone had to choose a master in order to graduate, but school policy dictated that students were free to pick their master.   Many students had to choose based on circumstances outside of school, and there were also times when some subjects…
    • Chapter 115, Tianna’s school days – Part one Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   Tianna laid flat on the ground, covered in sweat.   “I can't... I'm too tired.”   “You're going to get dirty lying there. Here's a towel. And some water.”   “Leave me. Let me stay here for five minutes.”   “Well I don't mind, but...”   They were in the area behind Sea Anemone. Much like when Nick was practicing Stepping, they explained their situation and borrowed this area to…
    • Chapter 114, Reunion with the master – Part five Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   As they worked out the details of the match, their conversation with Wilma was coming to an end.   “Both parties will begin their conquest of the labyrinth a week from today, early in the morning. The party that defeats the monster at the top, Ushikawa, wins. Only people present here today can participate, no more helpers will be allowed.  Use of tools and items is allowed. Fighting between parties is prohibited. Any…
    • Chapter 113, Reunion with the master – Part four Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   Nick sat down, trying to compose his breathing after getting worked up. Bellocchio was completely silent, and looked at Nick with a harsh expression.   “...I am not just ‘someone else’. I am her master, and I have a responsibility towards her well being, and her future.”   But Nick was not willing to back down here.   “And I'm her friend and leader. I have my responsibilities too.”   “Are…