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    146 Results in the "Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World" category


    • Chapter 16, Adventure in the goblin forest Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   In the reception hall of the adventurer guild, there were adventurers sitting at the tables, chatting and making arrangements. The excitement over new adventures brought about a cheerful mood that you would not expect from adventurers living life day-by-day.   On the board there were quests for monster hunts and medicinal herbs and mineral collecting, and in front of it were new adventurers staring at it intently.   This…
    • Chapter 17, Adventure in the goblin forest part 2 Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   Nick and the others decided to go to the Goblin Forest first.   It was the closest labyrinth to the city, and it took five or six hours on foot and two to three hours on horseback to get there.   Goblin forest was just that, a forest, and not a cave or some sort of building. It was called a labyrinth because in this world, labyrinths refer to places where miasma gathered. Whether it was a cave, a forest, or a desert, if it was a…
    • Chapter 7, Dragon warrior/Scam victim/Lonely glutton Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   24 hours passed.     Karan woke up. Her aching body was screaming in pain, but she couldn't stay lying down forever.    “Where am I...?”   She looked around, but all she could see was the corpse of the pot snake. No, not even the corpse, materials like the fangs and skin had been removed, and all that was left was its sad remains.   “It wasn't... a dream...”   Karan was…
    • Chapter 8, Dragon warrior/Scam victim/Lonely glutton Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   Afterwards, Karan started following Fifth. She went to the same places and ordered the same things.   Mutton on skewers   Shrimp and mushrooms simmered in oil.   Beef stew.   Fried mackerel sandwich with vinegar sauce.   Fried rice with celery and mutton.   Every single one of them surprised Karan with their sensational flavor, and no one treated Karan poorly because of her shabby…
    • Chapter 10, Priest/False pedophilia charge/Red-light district regular Sem part 2 Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   As always, Sem was working hard making medicinal herbs and treating injured people.   There was no doubt that Sem's treatment was very thorough, and a lot of  patients would come to see him, not just girls after his pretty face. That day, as usual, there were a lot of people lining up to receive Sem's treatment. Sem gave some medicine to a mother and child that caught a cold, and she complimented him.   “Thank you so…
    • Chapter 9, Priest/False pedophilia charge/Red-light district regular Sem Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   The town of Rhodiane was famous for its medicine.   This town was close to the front line during the war against the demons, so medicine was in high demand, and the ones making said medicine were the priests that worshiped the god Medlar in the temple of Medlar. In this temple priests offered their prayers to god, and studied healing magic and medicine. Among them was the intermediate level priest, Sem. “Mister Sem! I picked some…
    • Chapter 11, Priest/False pedophilia charge/Red-light district regular Sem part 3 Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “You should go to the Labyrinth City and become an adventurer.”   Heard Sem, as he woke up the next morning.   “With healing skills like that you could make good money here, but you would be better somewhere else, you know?”   “Well... Yes.”   Sem learned from Velkia what it was like to be pinned down by a woman.   Sem was a young man, and he enjoyed this situation. In fact, if he…
    • Chapter 12, Birth of the party “Survivors” Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “Uu... My head... I've never drank so much before...”   Nick felt it was morning and sluggishly got up. Apparently he fell asleep on the floor. He was used to sleeping in a huddle so it didn't hurt him, and it helped him hold back the alcohol still in his body.   Still, it was a pretty neat inn. There weren't any holes in the walls, the windows had, glass and the curtains were pulled. Nick had never stayed in such a high…
    • Chapter 13, Birth of the party “Survivors” part two Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   And then, they ended up in Tianna's apartment.   There was no other option since the other three were staying in inns rented day by day. Tianna got up while dealing with a headache brought about by a hangover. Next, Nick tried to remember what happened the previous night.   “I'm starting to remember it... We got kicked out of the tavern because it was closing, bought alcohol, and came here to drink some…
    • Chapter 14, Birth of the party “Survivors” part three Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   A pitiful voice echoed throughout ‘New Beads’.   “Please save me Wilma.”   “Save me...? You're just doing paperwork to set up a new party aren't you?”   The receptionist Wilma let out an exasperated sigh as she went to help the new receptionist, Lily.   “B-But look at this line-up.”   “Eh... Let's see... Ah, the one that was kicked out of ‘All Martial Arts’ is the…