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    146 Results in the "Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World" category


    • Chapter 106, Blazing Bird Peak – Part one Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “So... We have a lot to think about, but that's a pain so let's explore a labyrinth.”   Survivors went to the adventurer guild Fishermen for the first time in a while. They made their way through the usual crowd of people, secured a table for themselves, and started casually making plans for their next adventure.   “I don't know about that way of dodging responsibility but... Anyway, how was that magic item shop…
    • Chapter 105, Alice, the knight of the Order of the Sun Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   After Nick and Karan ended their visit, they headed north via carriage.   As a general rule, the further south-east one went in Labyrinth City, the less safe it became, and the further north-west one went, the calmer it got. The north-west of the city had many upper class neighborhoods, and shops that dealt with luxury and high class items.   They were not used to being in a place like that, but went there for a reason. The…
    • Chapter 104, Third meeting Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “What's going on?”   “He appears to be thinking about something.”   It was early morning and Karan, who made her way to Nick's room, was confused by what she saw. Not only was Nick doing a handstand, but he was doing it with one finger.   “Tei.”   Karan very lightly chopped him in his flank.   “Uoh!? Don't scare me!”   Nick almost fell, but flipped over his body and…
    • Chapter 103, Olivia’s explanation – Part two Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   The evil god is awakening. This shocking phrase took Nick completely by surprise, but Olivia looked at him and shrugged.   “Why are you looking at me like that? Do you realize the magnitude of what you just said?”   “No no, what did you think you were fighting? White Mask is a minion of those that worship the evil god. If something was done about the evil god and it was gone forever, they wouldn't be working so…
    • Chapter 102, Olivia’s explanation – Part one Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   The day started late for the publishing company Mysterious Terrane.   The kind of suspicious rumors that their journalists wrote about usually happened at night. They would talk to adventurers who were coming back from work, talk to women that worked during the night, or even go directly to where whatever they were investigating was supposedly taking place. They were usually done with work for the day past midnight. They would wake up…
    • Chapter 101, Delinquent priest – Part two Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “...What do we stand to gain from hiring delinquents like adventurers?”   “The prevention and early detection of Yellow Devil Disease and other infectious diseases.”   Rupard's face became more stern the more Sem talked, but Sem paid no heed and continued.   “Leaving aside whatever Nargava was scheming, his skill as a doctor was very real. His notes are being handed over to the order, but it is hard to see…
    • Chapter 100. Delinquent priest – Part one Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   The mess surrounding Stepping Man was close to being over, but the same couldn't be said for the cleaning up that had to be done afterwards.  Figuring out what happened and what to do in the aftermath was the way to put this case to rest, but putting it into practice came with its own problems. This was true both for Sem, and the inhabitants of the abandoned area.   “Excuse me.”   “You're...”   Sem stood…
    • Chapter 99, Tidings of peace – Part one Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   A lot of food was lined up on a table in Sea Anemone. It was not made by an employee trying to show off his talent, but rather by a chef, who due to a certain set of consequences, was temporarily out of work and was invited there.   “It looks great.”   “Thank you. It's the first time in a while that I got to flex my muscles...”   The chef, Gowen, responded to Nick's compliment.   He worked in the casino…
    • Chapter 98, Case details Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   After the incident in the abandoned factory and the rescue of the children, things were still busy.   It was a crazy case that invited a lot of suspicion and doubts. There was even the possibility that Nick and the others could be treated as people who murdered a volunteer doctor. There was no evidence of White Mask having killed Nargava, or that White Mask self-destructed, other than testimony from Olivia and Scott. Plus, the simple…
    • Chapter 97, The children’s decision – Part two Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “We have to get help anyway! Staying here isn't going to end well! Right!?”   I screamed, but the others looked downwards, not sure if they should agree. After a few moments of silence, Elmer responded.   “...I don't know. I think we'll at least survive if we stay.”   “How can you be so sure?”   “If he wanted to kill us, he wouldn't be going through the trouble of looking after us. And he…