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    146 Results in the "Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World" category


    • Chapter 112, Reunion with the master – Part three Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   Everyone quietly listened to Nick. He started feeling awkward, turned away, and continued talking, seemingly justifying himself.   “No, well, sorry for getting all worked up before even confirming any of that.”   “It's fine... Suisen is too forceful, so she had it coming.”   Mumbled Karan, while not looking at Nick. Both seemed awkward and fidgety.   “That's enough. Stop making the mood turn…
    • Chapter 113, Reunion with the master – Part four Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   Nick sat down, trying to compose his breathing after getting worked up. Bellocchio was completely silent, and looked at Nick with a harsh expression.   “...I am not just ‘someone else’. I am her master, and I have a responsibility towards her well being, and her future.”   But Nick was not willing to back down here.   “And I'm her friend and leader. I have my responsibilities too.”   “Are…
    • Chapter 114, Reunion with the master – Part five Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   As they worked out the details of the match, their conversation with Wilma was coming to an end.   “Both parties will begin their conquest of the labyrinth a week from today, early in the morning. The party that defeats the monster at the top, Ushikawa, wins. Only people present here today can participate, no more helpers will be allowed.  Use of tools and items is allowed. Fighting between parties is prohibited. Any…
    • Chapter 122, Teacher and student’s conversation – Part three Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “So, is that all you have to ask?”   Asked Bellocchio, but Tianna shook her head.   “Can I take the opportunity to ask one more question?”   “You still seemed determined so, go on.”   Bellocchio smiled as he nodded.   “What kind of adventurer were you?”   “...I was an idiot fitting of the words ‘youthful enthusiasm’.”   Tianna looked at the mature man…
    • Chapter 131, Thousand Sword Peak – Part three Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   When Bellocchio reached the point where the two paths converge, he was a little disappointed, as he was not rushing on the way there.   Still, he did have a plan. This was practically his garden.   This was a place that was supposedly rough for a sorcerer like Bellocchio. However, the idea that magic did not work in Thousand Sword Peak was a little misleading. To be more precise, it was a place where magic could not be fired into…
    • Chapter 134, Thousand Sword Peak – Part six Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   The earth route was filled with rugged rock, and felt desolate with its lack of vegetation. Instead, swords and spears stuck to the ground like grave markers. The sky route was not much different, so people familiar with classic literature would say it was like the Asura’s world.  Asuras were mythological beings. People obsessed with fighting and always hungering for battle would turn into an Asura, and become trapped in an endless battle even…
    • Chapter 144, White Mask returns – Part three Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   With the hint he got from Alice in mind, Nick imagined a street performer controlling a spinning top.   When a spinning top stopped, it fell, obviously because the area actually touching the ground was too small. However, it stood straight when it spun, and was more stable the faster it spun.   A skilled street performer could make it spin on top of a tobacco pipe or folding fan, or even from one end of a rope to the…
    • Chapter 145, White Mask returns – Part four Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   Danger approached even as Nick and the others spoke in secret.   Garosso was enraged by Karan's provocation and stopped holding back. He kicked her hard enough to send her flying through the air, and Suisen lost her mind, thinking her sister was dead. Nick was also on the verge of losing it, when Bond took their hands and held them together.   “Direct that anger towards your opponent... It is time!”   “That…
    • Chapter 16, Adventure in the goblin forest Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   In the reception hall of the adventurer guild, there were adventurers sitting at the tables, chatting and making arrangements. The excitement over new adventures brought about a cheerful mood that you would not expect from adventurers living life day-by-day.   On the board there were quests for monster hunts and medicinal herbs and mineral collecting, and in front of it were new adventurers staring at it intently.   This…
    • Chapter 17, Adventure in the goblin forest part 2 Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   Nick and the others decided to go to the Goblin Forest first.   It was the closest labyrinth to the city, and it took five or six hours on foot and two to three hours on horseback to get there.   Goblin forest was just that, a forest, and not a cave or some sort of building. It was called a labyrinth because in this world, labyrinths refer to places where miasma gathered. Whether it was a cave, a forest, or a desert, if it was a…