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    146 Results in the "Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World" category


    • Chapter 18, Adventure in the goblin forest part 3 Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   《Icicle dance》   Tianna raised her staff and cast a spell, and like the name implied, it shot several icicles.   After the sneak attack was a success, Nick and Karan jumped out to attack... Or at least that was the plan.   “Oh?”    “...Yes, all ten are down.”   Tianna's icicles pierced the goblins' skulls.   “Hum, let's move on shall we?”   A flustered Tianna…
    • Chapter 20, Adventure in the goblin forest part 5 Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   The thin icicles that were shot from Tianna's staff rained down on the goblins like a hail of bullets.   “Gugyaah!!!???”   “Wha-what!?”   “Humans!”   The hobgoblins and the ogre reacted with broken language and by shaking in anger.   “Eh... They evolved to the point where they can speak!”   And that was when Nick bolted in a straight line.   By…
    • Chapter 24, Search for the Sacred Sword Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “Hmm...”   Survivors had just finished exploring a labyrinth called Ice Den Of The Rakshasa. It was a dungeon for adventurers between D and F rank, and Survivors had been hunting there lately.   As the name implied, the cave was cold even during the summer. It had as many monsters as the Goblin Forest, but they were acclimatized to the cold and never left the cave. Because of this, it was seen as a low priority target…
    • Chapter 25, Search for the Sacred Sword Part 2 Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   No one's eyes lit up after hearing about the Sword of Bonds. They all looked puzzled.   “...What's that? Tianna, do you know?”   “I've never heard of it.”   Karan and Sem also shook their heads, and Wilma smiled as she looked at them.   “Of course you don't know, it's a legendary artifact that can only be found in the Labyrinth of Bonds. It concentrates the strength of people bound by trust and…
    • Chapter 27, Search for the sacred sword part 4 Cover
      by Gills Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   The Labyrinth of Bonds was a training labyrinth.   The first three floors were the upper level, and the wood golems were meant to see if the adventurers could fight at all. The fourth, fifth, and sixth levels were meant to test the vanguard, and they had bronze golems that were resistant to magic but vulnerable to physical attacks. Then there were the seventh, eight, ninth, and tenth levels, where the nature of the labyrinth changed…
    • Chapter 32, Search for the sacred sword part 9 Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “All adventurers are haphazard. Anyways, do you have any ideas Tianna?”   Nick asked Tianna, and she started thinking with her hand on her chin.   “Hmm... First, we should disguise the Sword of Bonds so they think it's another magic sword. Then, we report to the guild that we couldn't find it, and keep using it. That's fine right? No one has ever seen the Sword itself. The people in the guild know its features but not what…
    • Chapter 34, Search for the sacred sword part 11 Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   After receiving their payment and finishing their paperwork, survivors left Fishermen and went to Tianna's apartment.   After confirming that everyone was inside, Nick locked the door, carefully closed the curtains, and listened closely to make sure there was no one in the attic or in the room next to Tianna's.   “Are you an idiot?”   He yelled at Bond.   “W-What!? It is fine is it…
    • Chapter 35, Bare-knuckle arithmetic – part one Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   Basically, Karan insisted on wanting to live somewhere cheap because she wanted money to buy somewhat nice clothes, to be able to enter restaurants with a dress code... She tried to play it off as something lady-like, but it was 100% due to her gluttony.    But Nick and the others argued that leaving nice clothes in a cheap inn would inevitably lead to them being stolen, and those clothes would be ruined if they started smelling like shady…
    • Chapter 43, Bare-knuckle arithmetic – Part nine Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   The night-time red-light district had a surprising amount of information about adventurers. Being an adventurer was a fickle job. There were days when profits were big, days when they were next to nothing, and moments when a split decision meant the difference between life and death. Because of this, most male adventurers were drawn to the nightlife of the city, to forget about the fleetingness of their line of work. In this place they would…
    • Chapter 45, Bare-knuckle arithmetic – Part eleven Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Hidamarisou Editor: Silavin   “Claudine! This isn't the time to be looking at your opponent!”   Wilma warned Claudine, who was fixated on Karan. Claudine frantically looked away towards the question sheet, but she didn't become any less flustered.   “Kuh... Why...?”   Claudine knew very well that dragon people were not particularly bright, even among people from rural areas. They were blessed with physical strength and magic energy…