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    685 Results in the "Humanity’s Great Sage" category


    • Chapter 515, A String of Unfortunate Events Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Huge energy blasts never stopped hammering at the luminescent walls of the trap ward. Waves and waves of Spiritual Power emission surged from inside and the brightness of the walls was growing dimmer at speeds that the naked eye could see.    Lu Ye had employed eight ward keystones and several more flags for this trap ward, but it was just a hastily-constructed magical ward that was subsistent on Spirit Stones, making it mediocre…
    • Chapter 514, Trap Ward Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Days went by with the trio of Lu Ye, Li Baxian, and Feng Yuechan complying strictly with the tactic of shifting to another location after a successful bushwhacking, reaping rewards almost every day from at least three to five hundred Carnage Points each time. The accumulation of Points this way showed how well the plan was working.   There weren’t many changes to the rankings on the Carnage Roster but once-second-placed Xia Liang…
    • Chapter 513, Having A Go At Me Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Li Baxian and Feng Yuechan's ambush had taken up all of the enemy Cultivators' attention and the enemy Spell Cultivator did not notice another opponent behind him. By the time Lu Ye had delivered his blow, it was too late.    He instantly crashed to the ground after barely taking flight. The impact left him breathless and dizzy for a second before he saw the glint of steel descending down on him.    Frantically, the…
    • Chapter 512, The Hunt Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Lu Ye was finally ready. So were Li Baxian and Feng Yuechan. With tonnes worth of ward flags sitting in mountains inside the subterranean cavern, they were ready to rumble.   They stood up together. Li Baxian and Feng Yuechan both extracted something together and slapped it on their faces.   Lu Ye looked. Face masks. Li Baxian’s was a rosy-lipped and ivory-teethed mask of a boy grinning whilst Feng Yuechan’s was one…
    • Chapter 511, I’m Number One Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Inside the vastness of the underground cavern, Li Baxian and Feng Yuechan were staring blankly at Lu Ye.    Seconds ticked by in silence before the stillness broke with Li Baxian uttering his question, "Wait. I thought you said that it was someone else."   "That was what I thought at first. By my calculations before, I did not have that many Carnage Points. The name in the first place has a thousand points more than…
    • Chapter 510, Blessed With Luck Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Lu Ye finished unlocking the magical seals of the Storage Bags while they chatted.    The number of enemies was only five, but the amount of Storage Bags that Yi Yi had recovered was a good twenty-odd of them.    The five did not need so many Storage Bags. Most Cultivators had no more than three Storage Bags for convenience and classification of their items and equipment.    Yet they had more than twenty…
    • Chapter 509, Rendezvous Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Lu Ye was right. Li Baxian came with Feng Yuechan and they were fighting side-by-side with each other—he with his Telekinesis and she with her Spiritual Power pulsing in huge undulations as she fired one spell after another at their assailants.   But there were not three, not four, but five assailants in all.    Had been, more like. One of them was sprawled on the ground with a spreading pool of red beneath him. There…
    • Chapter 508, An Incredible Figure Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   A ray of light landed just outside the Carnage Colosseum. It was Li Baxian and Feng Yuechan.    They had rushed all the way here nonstop for two days.    Despite the need for haste, they did not recklessly rush inside. They might not have participated in the Carnage Colosseum, but they had heard enough about the event to know that Cultivators would be hiding in ambush around the entrance, waiting to waylay any…
    • Chapter 507, Number One Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   After another two days of slaughter and butchery—which was just two normal days by the Carnage Colosseum reckoning—Lu Ye's name on the Carnage Roster had plunged beyond the eightieth mark. One could almost say that it was just a matter of time before his name fell further and out of the list entirely. But killing the Spell Cultivator had seen his name regain a sudden spurt of life, propelling up to somewhere in the fifties. That was an…
    • Chapter 506, Who Dares Win Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Amidst the disarray of the mountainous cavern, the Spell Cultivator's gaze fell upon his adversary who had abruptly materialized out of nowhere earlier, now buried under a mountain of rocks, and clearly unconscious. Beneath the tattered face mask was a comely and youthful countenance, but that was not what the enemy Spell Cultivator was looking at. It was a shimmering glint that had caught his attention. He looked closely and when he…