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    348 Results in the "Let’s Manage the Tower" category


    • Chapter 7, Pre-Revolution Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Kazumi Editor: Kabur & Silavin   The rumor spread quietly but quickly through the northern town.   The rumor was that the northern town was in talks to become part of Razequa Amamiya.   The residents of the town were waiting with bated breath to see what the outcome would be.   They were hoping it would be in the direction of joining Razequa Amamiya.   The fact that the northern town had been left behind by the other three towns over…
    • Chapter 6, Conference Without a Conference Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Kazumi Editor: Kabur & Silavin   One of the nobles from the northern city exclaimed, "Enough!" in an angry voice, echoing in the specially prepared venue.   The people sitting around him were shouting "Yes, yes, yes," in agreement with the nobleman.    However, the people who were being heckled seemed to have no idea what the nobleman and his supporters were talking about.    The heckled people did not seem to be holding back their confusion…
    • Chapter 5, Salani Kingdom Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Kazumi Editor: Kabur & Silavin   The Blue Patriarch smiled as he looked over the document in his hand.   "Kukuku; Razequa Amamiya has done it too. I didn't expect them to come up with such conditions."   The document in the cleric's possession contained the conditions that Razequa Amamiya had imposed on the northern city to become a part of it.   The Blue Church, which has had a close relationship to the Northern City for many years, had solid…
    • Chapter 4, Terms Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Kazumi Editor: Kabur & Silavin   Lucas, still smacking the man smiling in front of him in his mind, said the words without changing his expression.   "So you are saying that there will be no further compromises on your part?"   "That's what I'm saying. Well, if you want more, we're willing to talk."   The man's expression was so glum that Lucas realized there was nothing more he could ask for.   The man in front of him was a…