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    272 Results in the "Live Dungeon!" category


    • Chapter 5, Role Suggestions Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TipToe Translator (September 29, 2024 Version): Barnnn   Tsutomu and his companions returned to the Guild, where they updated their Status Cards. Tsutomu had reached level 10, unlocking the more advanced healing spell, <<High Heal>>, along with the revival spell, <<Raise>>, capable of restoring a fallen comrade so long as it was cast within three minutes of death.   With these updates confirmed, Tsutomu made his way directly to the reception…
    • Chapter 6, Precedent and Reality Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TipToe Translator (September 30, 2024 Version): Barnnn   Four days had passed since Tsutomu's party resumed their journey from the twenty-first layer, and they now found themselves standing on the brink of the forty-first.   "Whoa! The sea! I can smell it!" Tsutomu exclaimed, his voice laced with wonder as the scent of salt filled his lungs.   Before him stretched the emerald expanse of ocean, its surface glittering under the sunlight. Behind him, Garm and…
    • Chapter 12, Get Across the Wall Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TipToe Translator (October 7, 2024 Version): Barnnn   After trailing the markers for nearly twenty minutes, Tsutomu came to a stop atop a small sand dune. With a swift gesture, he signaled for the others to crouch down, then reached into his Magic Bag and drew out a pair of binoculars. His gaze settled on two distant palm trees.   "There it is," he murmured.   Hunkered low against the dune's slope, Tsutomu's eyes picked out a pile of fish sinking beneath…
    • Chapter 51, Disclosure of Information Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   After the meeting with the young man called Daryl, whom Garm had introduced to him, Tsutomu went to send another set of his letters to the major Clans; this time, they included the details regarding the project and the remunerations it would entail. Then on the next day, he received replies from all three Clans confirming their choice to participate in the conference.   After that, Tsutomu went to discuss with both of the newspaper publishers…
    • Chapter 55, The Volatile Tank and the Volatile-minded Healer Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   It turned out that Tsutomu had been wrong right from his initial assumptions. He had heard from Misil that Lorena, Silver Beast's White Mage, had succeeded in learning the long-range <<Heal>> in just half a day. With Lorena belonging to a mid-tier Clan, and her being able to do it so easily, Tsutomu had assumed that the act of using long-ranged healing skills itself was not all that difficult.   However, Lorena could be considered…
    • Chapter 60, Nightmares in the Team Graveyard Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Tsutomu's team of four wasted no time to head to the Wasteland of the thirty-ninth layer, getting there before noon. Tsutomu had told Diniel that he would like her to fight with a little less force, and had also confirmed a few things with Barbara beforehand.   Barbara hadn't been able to use her skills much in battle since then, so for now, Tsutomu instructed her to unleash Combat Cry as soon as she had enough mental energy to spare. Then,…
    • Chapter 61, Evaluation Meeting of the Golden Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   The party returned home, two of their members in a gloomy mood. Then the next day, Eunice did not respond to Tsutomu when he tried talking to her, so he instead focused on Barbara's training while they were exploring the thirty-ninth layer.   Barbara was showing great signs of improvement, perhaps thanks to the practical experience gained from dealing with ten Skeletons at once yesterday. The number of Skeletons she could reliably take on had…
    • Chapter 63, Signs of Improvement Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Afterward, Tsutomu ate dinner with Amira and Camille while discussing with them mainly about topics relating to the Dungeon. Seeing how Camille's expressions were the brightest she'd had all day while everyone was trading their knowledge about the Dungeon, Tsutomu could not help but pull a wry smile while he tidied up the table.   Amira, Camille's daughter, had told Tsutomu that she had recently reached the forty-first layer and was already…
    • Chapter 64, Team Graveyard Graduation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   For the ten days until the end of the month, the party continued their training in the Team Graveyard. The first three days had been a horrible disaster -- from Barbara having arrows stuck to her head, to Eunice dying from being targeted by Skeletons. It had been a good opportunity for Tsutomu to experience the aggro generated by <<Raise>> for himself instead of seeing them through broadcasts, but Diniel had frequently grumbled that it was…
    • Chapter 65, The Prince Called Leon Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   After two more days of training, Tsutomu had Barbara and Eunice begin operating together with the Clan's main party. Tsutomu suggested to Leon that they explored the Canyon as they had done the first time, and Leon cheerfully, immediately agreed.   "S-so, do you think it'll go all right?"   "You'll be fine. Probably."   "P-probably!?"   "Just do your best out there! If nothing changes from before, I'll be the one…