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    272 Results in the "Live Dungeon!" category


    • Chapter 103, Amira’s Power Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   The meeting for countermeasures against the Rotten Swordsman and the Shell Crab passed without incident. That night, Amira never returned to the Clan House, showing up in the next morning instead. According to her, she had gone hard partying, had gotten too much to drink, and slept through the whole night at the bar. Tsutomu, hearing that, promptly facepalmed. He then looked at Amira, and saw that she was already fully equipped.   "So... we had…
    • Chapter 105, Daryl VS Amira Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   After a short break, Tsutomu proceeded to explain to Daryl and Amira the rules of the Shell Crab aggro-grabbing competition.   "So here's the deal: the winner is the participant who accumulates the most aggro time from the Shell Crab in thirty minutes' time. Simply put, the competition for how long one is targeted by the Shell Crab -- it's not a quickest-to-kill contest like before. Do keep that in mind."   "I know!" Amira responded…
    • Chapter 106, Diniel, Elf of the Forest Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   It had been twenty years since the beginning of Diniel's journey. Having lived in her home forest for eighty years until her body was decently developed, she had been alive in this world for a total of one hundred years -- exactly the age at which she would be considered a full-fledged adult among Elves.    The reason for Diniel's departure from her Elf settlement at the age of eighty was simple: her parents had told her to go outside instead…
    • Chapter 107, An Imperfect Dragon Form Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   If there was one lesson that Amira had learned from her father's death three years ago, it was that the weak die while the strong survive. The official cause of her father's death was illness, but that had in fact been the result of an assassination attempt by the remnants of a criminal Clan. Ever since Amira understood that, she had begun to shun weakness in any way, shape or form.   The weak obey their masters, and the strong assert their…
    • Chapter 108, Result of the Test of Strength Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Daryl carried the unconscious Amira back to the Clan House and, seeing that she was not about to wake up yet, put her on a sofa in the living room.   "Let's try throwing a bucket of water on her face!" Hannah proposed, her blue wings flapping; apparently, she was still angry about being called 'Feather Tank' all the time.   "Hannah, you're starting to scare me..." Daryl promptly put a stop to her idea.   Tsutomu more or…
    • Chapter 109, Their Final Decisions Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   A week had passed since Amira and Hannah's acceptance into the Clan, and now the probation period was finally over. Tsutomu informed the two as such when he returned from a trip to the Guild, and Amira instantly looked nervous, seeming to have just remembered how important that was to her. Hannah, on the other hand, looked as if she had forgotten altogether that it was even a thing.    "So... would you like to become our long-term…
    • Chapter 111, Dragon Form Practice Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Over the next five days, members of Absolute Helix spent their time exploring the Dungeon and fighting monsters, practicing their party coordination, and accumulating combat experience. Diniel, being a veteran Explorer, and Daryl, having been trained by Garm, held up just fine after consecutive battles.   Hannah and Amira, on the other hand, were so exhausted by the end of the days that they struggled to even stand. This was not the result of…
    • Chapter 113, The Mystery of Diniel Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   "Ah! Yes, there! That's the spot! Ah-hah!"   Tsutomu, Amira, and Daryl, returned to the Clan House after wrapping up their experiment on the use of <<Dragon Form>> in battle. They were welcomed by Hannah's provocative voice echoing from the living room. Tsutomu and Daryl turned to each other and tilted their heads, then the former knocked on the living room's door and waited for about ten seconds before letting himself in.   "Ah,…
    • Chapter 114, A Hollow Victory Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   On the morning after the two days off, Diniel looked somewhat sad as she sipped on a bowl of corn soup for breakfast. Daryl finished off his meal in no time, and Amira gobbled hers down as if to compete with him, creating a little mess as a result.   "Oh, like I said yesterday, Amira will start using <<Dragon Form>> now. Do keep that in mind."   "Got it, Teach!"   "If I forget to cast <<Medic>> quickly enough,…
    • Chapter 115, Dragon Form Improvement Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   It had been two weeks since Hannah's empty victory, and one month since Absolute Helix had commenced operations with five members.   Over the past month, Tsutomu and the team had gone to the Wasteland, Beach, Valley, and Canyon layers to battle monsters and improve their coordination and cooperation. The synergies among the two core combat pairs -- Hannah and Diniel, and Daryl and Amira -- had been improving especially over the past two…