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    271 Results in the "Live Dungeon!" category


    • Chapter 90, Differing Agendas Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Camille took Tsutomu's notes and headed to the Security Team's location, where she quickly spotted Bruno in the crowd thanks to the latter's hulking figure. Leon happened to also be here, in the middle of reporting to Bruno.   Leon rushed through his explanations of the Devourer Dragon's appearance and potential threat he had perceived, and when he turned around to leave, his eyes met with Camille's.   Camille was automatically wary…
    • Chapter 9, A Healer’s Usefulness Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TipToe Translator (October 3, 2024 Version): Barnnn   This day's descent into the Dungeon began at the fringes of the Swamp -- the twenty-first layer -- culminating in a confrontation with the Queen Spider, the formidable boss of this biome. As Amy raised her gaze to the intricate webbing that adorned the cave's ceiling, now empty of its mistress, she deftly wielded her dual blades to sever the strands that clung stubbornly to her body.   Light particles, remnants of…
    • Chapter 89, Devourer Dragon Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   While Leon was out warning the nobility about the Devourer Dragon, Tsutomu met up with Camille and presented to her a data sheet of the Devourer Dragon that he had written beforehand. After an explanation, he handed the papers over.   Camille read through only a bit of the Dragon's explanation before looking up again.   "...It's stronger than the Black and Lightning Dragons?"   "Without a doubt. Please take maximum…
    • Chapter 88, An Ominous Sign Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Tsutomu, called over by Amy to answer the journalists' questions, spoke with them without bringing up anything problematic. Most of what he ended up talking about were strategies against the Black Dragons and Garm's contributions to the fight. At the end of it, another one of the journalists approached him, holding a notepad in her hands.   "Excuse me, Mister Tsutomu. I'm a journalist representing Solit Company..."   Tsutomu's gaze…
    • Chapter 87, Flash Blasts in Black and Red Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Golden Tune's strategy against this Stampede was to increase the involvement of Tanks and Healers.   Past Stampeded had never been all that dangerous, and were perfectly manageable with Attackers. This time, however, things were much riskier due to the addition of enemy Dragons. Although unlikely, the situation had at least some chance of going hard south, so Leon had persuaded his Attackers to work behind the scenes. Fortunately, there were…
    • Chapter 86, The Power of Major Clans Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Ealdred Crow's top five parties, all wearing Red-thread Fire Coats, waited for their turns to exit the defensive perimeter of the barrier, while Rook stayed inside with three other Summoners and had yet to make a move.   A large number of Magic Stones had been piled up in front of the four Summoners, and now, one last Large Magic Stone was carried over and added to the pile by a brawny man. The Dwarf girl from the Magic Stone Exchange checked…
    • Chapter 85, Fighting the Black Dragons Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   The length of Black Dragons was not much different from that of the Fire Dragons, and they had the same defining features: long and slender snake-like bodies, thin wing webbings. The only difference was that Black Dragons had small, crooked horns on their foreheads.   In Live Dungeon, the Black Dragons were a palette swap, so their appearance was virtually the same as Fire Dragons, save for the ramped-up defense from their black scales, their…
    • Chapter 84, The Stampede Has Arrived Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   The next day came, and with it the scheduled arrival of the Stampede. Early in the morning, Leon went on a reconnaissance mission and estimated the time of attack based on the speed of the Dragons. Leon then informed the defending force that they would be here in about two hours, prompting everyone to quicken up their preparations.   The Explorers hurriedly transported the Magic Stones to be used as fuel for anti-monster magic tools, and the…
    • Chapter 83, Joint Training Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   The day after the meeting, all of the relevant organizations gathered to participate in a joint training session. With that said, it was mostly just Ealdred Crow using Golems to build some fortresses and bases of operations outside of the barrier, and Alma and the Black Mages wrecking the wasteland with <<Meteor>>, so as to make the terrain hard for the Stampede to get through.   This training session's purpose was, technically, to…
    • Chapter 82, Amy’s Past Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Once Tsutomu came to join the group, Camille started the meeting off by confirming everyone's abilities. Most of the twenty-five Guild Staff Members gathered here were at the high level of seventy, and although they were not as well-known as Garm and Amy, they were all very capable.   As for their Job types, most of them were Attackers, numbering at fifteen; of the remaining, six were Tanks and four were Healers. Tsutomu looked at all their…