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    271 Results in the "Live Dungeon!" category


    • Chapter 171, A Step Toward the Dungeon Maniacs Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   "I heard you guys won. Way to go!"   After the exploration team was done on layer seventy-nine, Tsutomu and the others returned to the Clan House, with all the commotion outside telling them that Daryl's team had managed to score their win on layer seventy.   In response to Tsutomu's congratulation, Daryl bowed deeply, while Diniel gave her usual nonchalant reply.   Xeno was not here right now, as Pico had dragged him away…
    • Chapter 170, Mount Golem Spectators: Two Ladies 2 Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   After the Mount Golem turned red as a result of its wide-area attack, Xeno continued to struggle, dying several times, but the crowd's reaction was still positive. It had already been known that this was Xeno's first time on layer seventy, and the strategies involving dying and reviving repeatedly were generally accepted as viable.   "Is his VIT really that much lower than Daryl's? Now he's switching out after taking just one…
    • Chapter 17, A New Party Cover
      by Silavin Translator: TipToe Translator (November 6, 2024 Version): Barnnn   Tsutomu's newly-formed party now found themselves standing before the Shell Crab, the boss monster of the Beach biome. What had started as a simple expedition to observe Camille's fighting style had spiraled out of control. Despite Tsutomu's reluctance, Camille had thrown caution to the wind, opening the Black Gate on the forty-ninth layer and pulling them all into the battle.   Tsutomu thought with mild…
    • Chapter 169, Mount Golem Spectators: Two Ladies Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   After finishing the dinner preparations in the late afternoon, Ollie entrusted the rest of the housework to her apprentice, and went by herself to the crowded square where the Monitors were. Then, once she reached the area of the single-digit Monitors, she looked around, looking for someone.   She had started to have some free time thanks to her apprentice being able to take over some of her work, so she had been spending it watching the…
    • Chapter 168, At One’s Limit Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Diniel felt quite demotivated to see the glittering light particles near Korinna. Having been out of the shotgun attack's range, she had seen Melchor defend Korinna, dying to the rocks as a result.   But if he was someone who would die that easily, he likely would not have lasted this long in the first place. He had decades of combat experience in environments where death was permanent, and despite his age, he still held the record for…
    • Chapter 167, Death Foresight Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Seeing that the Mount Golem was charging up its wide-area attack, Daryl ordered everyone to get to their positions. Diniel retrieved Xeno's Scorchstone Robe and threw it back to him, then flew away as far as she could. Melchor paired up with Xeno, and Daryl with Korinna, and they curled up under their respective Scorchstone Robes in mid-air.   Then a red stream of light burst forth from the Mount Golem's eyes, melting away the ground as it…
    • Chapter 166, The Pressure of Pain Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Even monsters such as Shell Crabs and Fire Dragons would not look so threatening when viewed through the God Eye-projected Monitors. To an uninformed viewer, perhaps they would seem intimidating at first, but the audience was bound to get used to them after seeing them so often. This was the same feeling Xeno had as a result of spectating almost every single day.   But during his first times actually fighting the Shell Crab and Fire Dragon, Xeno…
    • Chapter 165, The Eyes of a Reaper Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   "Everyone! Bombardment incoming! Fly up as soon as you can! And Sir Melchor, I'll carry you!"   As the Mount Golem prepared to scatter a large number of Bomb Golems, Daryl prompted everyone to retreat. Considering that Melchor was not a very good flyer, Daryl lent him a shoulder to get him up with the rest.   "Water," Diniel said to Korinna, the team's luggage carrier, once she caught up with…
    • Chapter 164, Height of Enthusiasm Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Daryl, Diniel, and Korinna spent the next morning confirming their preparations in the Clan House. Ollie assisted them, re-checking if they had forgotten anything in the long list of items they needed for layer seventy. At the same time, Hannah and Amira came to talk to them.   "So you're going down there today? Give it your best shot, Daryl!"   "Right. We will."   "Meh, you're gonna curl up like a little puppy again…
    • Chapter 163, Reconciling with One’s Wife Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   As countermeasures against the Mount Golem, Daryl got a brand new armor set, and the two Scorchstone Robes were given to Xeno and Korinna. The team then agreed on the strategies they would employ, putting Daryl in the pivotal role. Everyone understood their duties and the general flow of things easily enough.   Xeno and Korinna were of educated backgrounds, having gone to school in the Royal Capital, so they had high understanding of…