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    272 Results in the "Live Dungeon!" category


    • Chapter 195, To Layer Eighty, to Face the Winter General Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   "This way."   The first Absolute Helix team was advancing through the seventy-ninth layer, where their visibility was reduced by frequent snow storms. This time, they had started exploring from around noon, with the plan being to find the Black Gate to the eightieth layer and challenge the Layer Boss in the evening.   Tsutomu, whose robe seemed to blend seamlessly into the surrounding white landscape, narrowed his eyes and pressed…
    • Chapter 196, Not So Fitting Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   "Xeno, time to switch with Garm," Tsutomu commanded.   "Understood! <<COMBAT CRY>>!!" Xeno shouted out as if to boost his own morale, and unleashed his silver aura.   And just as Xeno noticed the Winter General set its sights on him, the blade on its left hand had already opened a cut on his arm, prompting him to contort his boisterous grin.   "<<Air Blade>>.…
    • Chapter 197, Cat Habits Die Hard Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Garm's brief slip in performance was quickly rectified, in turn making the team's performance against the Winter General exceptionally stable. With Tsutomu supporting Garm, who had put himself back into the zone of his physical limits, they could now confidently handle the boss monster.   "I'm right behind you!" Xeno said as he stood within the perimeter of <<Area Heal>>, sounding quite lively despite being covered in blood. "Ready…
    • Chapter 198, Xeno’s True Value Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Xeno shook off the fear-induced trembling in his legs and faced the horse-mounted Winter General's charge head-on.   Whenever Garm was the main Tank, Xeno would cast <<Ember Aura>> on his team members, but that was not the only thing he was good for. He had also been closely observing the battle between Garm and the Winter General.   As Tsutomu had informed them beforehand, the Winter General's attacks from horseback were…
    • Chapter 199, Unexpected Contributions Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   "Ayy! Let's hop into the bath! C'mon!"   "Wha--!?"   "Huh, you're actually kinda heavy, Hannie," Amy said and proceeded to chuckle while looking over Hannah's shoulder.   "You lifted me up without warning, and THAT's the first thing you have to comment on!?"   Hannah flapped her wings furiously, her face beet-red with frustration.   "Korinna, c'mon! Amira and Leleia, too!"   "Oh, bug off!…
    • Chapter 200, A Mental Theory Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   While dinner was being prepared, the evaluation meetings were held separately among the members of the two teams, and afterwards, everyone ate at the table together. The topic of conversation at this time was all about the Winter General, which the members of Team 2 listened to quite attentively.   "Don't worry about it too much, Korinny -- Tsutomu's too weird to copy!"   "Like you're one to talk, Amy... You managed to steal those…
    • Chapter 201, One Crazy Dragonewt Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   "Look, guys, I'm sorry about earlier."   "......"   During Team 2's evaluation meeting, the first one to apologize was Amira, prompting Leleia to turn to the former with a look of suspicion. Irritated by how different Amira was now compared to the selfish and foul-mouthed leader of her old Clan, Leleia scratched the scales on the back of her neck.   "What is wrong with you? Your behavior is creeping me…
    • Chapter 202, Omens of a New Stampede Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   After some further discussions, Leleia agreed to stick to the plan and apologized to Amira the next day, ending this incident without the two of them having a duel. As a result, Amira looked as if she was having trouble digesting the breakfast she had just eaten. While Daryl was minding his own business, she grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, seemingly taking him away as a dueling opponent in Leleia's place.   "C'mon, let's go on a date! And…
    • Chapter 203, Hannah, Inheritor of the Magic Fist Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   At a time when the sun had barely even risen, Tsutomu was awakened by a sudden shaking of his body. Tearing open his half-sleep eyes, he saw the indigo-furred man with dog ears throwing open the room's window curtains.   "Tsutomu, come on, let's get going."   "...Huh? Wait, again?"   "One day of running won't do you any good," Garm said as if it was an obvious fact, "It's supposed to be a daily…
    • Chapter 204, Too Kind Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   For Absolute Helix's Team 2 to be able to win against the Winter General, each of its members had to practice their own roles. At one point, Tsutomu observed Korinna while she explored the Dungeon with her teammates, and then talked with her about his findings.   "You know, Korinna, maybe you're... too nice."   "...Huh?"   Being told that so suddenly, Korinna could only stare blankly back at Tsutomu, her eyes large and…