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    271 Results in the "Live Dungeon!" category


    • Chapter 63, Signs of Improvement Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Afterward, Tsutomu ate dinner with Amira and Camille while discussing with them mainly about topics relating to the Dungeon. Seeing how Camille's expressions were the brightest she'd had all day while everyone was trading their knowledge about the Dungeon, Tsutomu could not help but pull a wry smile while he tidied up the table.   Amira, Camille's daughter, had told Tsutomu that she had recently reached the forty-first layer and was already…
    • Chapter 64, Team Graveyard Graduation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   For the ten days until the end of the month, the party continued their training in the Team Graveyard. The first three days had been a horrible disaster -- from Barbara having arrows stuck to her head, to Eunice dying from being targeted by Skeletons. It had been a good opportunity for Tsutomu to experience the aggro generated by <<Raise>> for himself instead of seeing them through broadcasts, but Diniel had frequently grumbled that it was…
    • Chapter 65, The Prince Called Leon Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   After two more days of training, Tsutomu had Barbara and Eunice begin operating together with the Clan's main party. Tsutomu suggested to Leon that they explored the Canyon as they had done the first time, and Leon cheerfully, immediately agreed.   "S-so, do you think it'll go all right?"   "You'll be fine. Probably."   "P-probably!?"   "Just do your best out there! If nothing changes from before, I'll be the one…
    • Chapter 66, To Ealdred Crow Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   While the guild was buzzing with excitement over Ealdred Crow's success in defeating the Fire Dragon, Tsutomu looked at the party shown on Monitor #1 and nodded in admiration. One Tank, one Healer, two Attackers... and the Clan Leader, a Summoner, so Tsutomu did not quite know how that worked, but he guessed from the composition that it was also a Tank-type Job.    "Ooh, they sure work fast, don't they?"   "Man, they beat us to it. I…
    • Chapter 67, Volcano on the Sixty-first Layer Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Regarding the Enchanter who was going to be trained as a Buffer, they had originally retired as an Explorer and returned home to take over their family's business. What Tsutomu could do about that now was to wait for them to be brought back here, so first he went to check out Ealdred Crow's current main party Healer instead.   When Tsutomu asked Rook about the main party's composition, he found that they had prevailed over the Fire Dragon with…
    • Chapter 68, Premature Ambition Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   At Rook's signal, Stephanie cast <<Protect>> for the team's Tanks, namely Bittman and the Golem, then put her left hand behind her back and began counting the time. Rook, before jumping off his Golem's shoulder, instructed it to charge at the Rock Beetles.   "<<Haste>>."   Stephanie then waved her staff like a conductor stick to make it shoot <<Haste>> to the Golem. This time, she tapped her left…
    • Chapter 51, Disclosure of Information Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   After the meeting with the young man called Daryl, whom Garm had introduced to him, Tsutomu went to send another set of his letters to the major Clans; this time, they included the details regarding the project and the remunerations it would entail. Then on the next day, he received replies from all three Clans confirming their choice to participate in the conference.   After that, Tsutomu went to discuss with both of the newspaper publishers…
    • Chapter 52, A Turbulent Information Session Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Tsutomu raised his head, while the newspaper staff began handing out stacks of documents to each member of each Clan. The neatly arranged papers contained all of the materials that Tsutomu was going to explain today.   "First, an explanation of long-range skills. Please refer to page two of your handouts as we go."   As Tsutomu prepared to go over his original copy of the documents, the participants opened up the pages of their…
    • Chapter 53, Role Guidance Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Tsutomu's information session ended with a round of applause from the three Clans. Afterward, the newspaper companies proceeded to interview the three clans about this project and their recent activities. Since these news coverages were a compensation they agreed to in exchange for Tsutomu's information, the three Clans assertively responded to the questions they were given. The large man of the Labyrinth Conquerors had refused most interview requests for…
    • Chapter 54, A Prince’s Clan? Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Tsutomu ended the discussion by deciding that the training would take place on the fifty-sixth layer; together with him, Eunice reluctantly went to explain the process thus far to Leon. Tsutomu had figured that layers with fewer multi-wave battles, such as the fifty-fifth or a few layers lower, would have been better for training, but Eunice had refused, citing the public reputation that a major Clan had to maintain. Tsutomu wondered whether or not the…