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    272 Results in the "Live Dungeon!" category


    • Chapter 155, The Leader of Team Two Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   "Oh? You are against me being the leader of this party?"   "Um, no, it's just that Sir Tsutomu already assigned me..."   "...Very well, then. But keep in mind that hierarchies can always be altered. If you change your mind, feel free to assign me to the post instead."   "A-all right."   The four members entrusted with Melchor's mission - Daryl, Diniel, Xeno the Paladin, and Korinna the Channeler - were having a…
    • Chapter 162, Ollie’s Uncertainty Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   After receiving permission from Melchor to challenge the Mount Golem with his current party, Daryl had his responsibility as the leader to come up with their strategies. Two Scorchstone Robes were needed for his most optimal idea, so Daryl consulted with Ollie, who was in charge of the Clan's management, during one of his days off.   Ollie nodded without looking particularly troubled, as if she had already expected this.   "Mister…
    • Chapter 163, Reconciling with One’s Wife Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   As countermeasures against the Mount Golem, Daryl got a brand new armor set, and the two Scorchstone Robes were given to Xeno and Korinna. The team then agreed on the strategies they would employ, putting Daryl in the pivotal role. Everyone understood their duties and the general flow of things easily enough.   Xeno and Korinna were of educated backgrounds, having gone to school in the Royal Capital, so they had high understanding of…
    • Chapter 166, The Pressure of Pain Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Even monsters such as Shell Crabs and Fire Dragons would not look so threatening when viewed through the God Eye-projected Monitors. To an uninformed viewer, perhaps they would seem intimidating at first, but the audience was bound to get used to them after seeing them so often. This was the same feeling Xeno had as a result of spectating almost every single day.   But during his first times actually fighting the Shell Crab and Fire Dragon, Xeno…
    • Chapter 171, A Step Toward the Dungeon Maniacs Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   "I heard you guys won. Way to go!"   After the exploration team was done on layer seventy-nine, Tsutomu and the others returned to the Clan House, with all the commotion outside telling them that Daryl's team had managed to score their win on layer seventy.   In response to Tsutomu's congratulation, Daryl bowed deeply, while Diniel gave her usual nonchalant reply.   Xeno was not here right now, as Pico had dragged him away…
    • Chapter 214, DUAL WAAAAAAVE SLASH!! Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   The group that departed from Sentrea toward the frontlines of the Stampede comprised the Scarlet Devil Squad, Absolute Helix, Labyrinth Conquerors, and a portion of the marching band, totaling around a hundred members. Among them were also non-combatants such as cooks and handlers for miscellaneous tasks, most of which were provided by the Labyrinth Conquerors.   The Labyrinth Conquerors, being well-versed in Dungeon expeditions, ensured that…
    • Chapter 230, The Monsters’ Invasion Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Instructed by Christia to subdue the smaller one of the duo controlling the Stampede, the Scarlet Devil Squad headed straight to where they were -- atop the Elder Bone Tortoise.   Along the way, monsters crowded their field of vision, but their ranks were promptly scattered by Rook's Mount Golem Eidolon. Additionally, with a simultaneous attack by high-level Black Mages led by Alma wielding the Black Staff, the monsters in the vicinity were…
    • Chapter 247, A Little Change Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   "......"   "C'mon, Amy, cheer up."   "I'm not mad at all!"   Amy was, in fact, quite mad. The day before, she had seen Diniel putting Tsutomu in an arm lock on the castle balcony -- in her perspective, a sign of them opening up to each other. The tension between them lingered into the next day, but Diniel seemed unfazed, sensing that Amy was not angry enough for it to be a concern.   "All right, let's head…
    • Chapter 252, Former Self-sacrificing Healer Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Two hours passed, and Stephanie, along with the lower-rankers she had been grouped with, began to line up for the Guild's teleportation Magic Circles. Kisaragi watched from her seat inside the Guild, noting the tension that hung over the group like a dark cloud.     As a member of Ealdred Crow, Kisaragi was well aware of Stephanie's outstanding abilities. In fact, Stephanie was borderline legendary, so much so that even the Healers…
    • Chapter 265, A Source of Concern Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   Several days later, Ealdred Crow's Team 1 reached the eighty-fifth layer -- deeper than they had ever ventured. But there, they were unceremoniously wiped out, helpless against the monsters waiting for them. The mid-boss, the Fallen Lich, commanded a vast legion of Fallen Angels that eclipsed the blood-red moon, each minion overwhelming them with the elements of light and darkness.   Before this, creatures that could manipulate both elements…