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    226 Results in the "Pivot of the Sky" category


    • Chapter 43, A Song of Ice and Fire Cover
      by Gills Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon The immediate life-threatening danger preceded his mind from having other thoughts. Instead of worrying about his sorcerer identity, what mattered now was to save his own life. The ice shield formed by water magic was, unfortunately, not very effective. It was not even widely acknowledged as defensive magic. But water magic was the first magic that Amon had learnt and could cast without a thought. Besides, he was in the middle of a river. Water was…
    • Chapter 42, Where Is the Devil? Cover
      by Gills Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon It was unlikely that Amon could be adept at all types of magic as well as a master artificer and a formation expert. But it would be very useful for him to have a full understanding of them, at the very least. Crazy’Ole was not sure if Amon could find Bair, but what he had hoped for was that Amon could solve the secret of the gods, so the more he knew, the better his chances. Crazy’Ole had also invested tremendously in Amon’s staff, making…
    • Chapter 41, A Divine Wager Cover
      by Gills Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   Inanna leaned her voluptuous and tender body onto Amon and whispered in her mellow voice, “I’m not scared, with such a strong and handsome hunter by me… But why did you choose to let them go? They tried to kill you. They don’t deserve your mercy. An enemy pardoned is still an enemy.” Amon thought for a second and answered, “I’m not interested in killing, and I don’t think there is any worth in doing it. They are not my…
    • Chapter 40, On the Grassland in the Curtain of Night Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   There was a lot of speculation, the most common one being the young man had run away with a beautiful slave girl of a noble clan and fled from Hittite to Bablon. Some began to think that if they had been the young man, they would probably dress her up too, but perhaps privately. They were secretly more interested in undressing her.   Amon continued to drink while the people in the room continued daydreaming. Finally, a high,…
    • Chapter 39, The Lost Lamb Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   The town of Som had a population of over a thousand. It was gigantic compared to the sporadic villages around it. For Amon, it was just a small town compared to Duc. Nevertheless, he enjoyed the blue sky and wooden houses here. Most locals wore cotton and even linen clothes. Observing the richly-grown croplands, the flocks of sheep, chicken and other livestock, Amon could tell that this town’s inhabitants live a much better life than the…
    • Chapter 38, The Woman at the Foot of the Mountain Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   The way Inanna spoke was soft and sweet. It was a voice Amon had never heard before. It presented traces of a unique graceful quality, like singing a song. Amon felt so comfortable, with an unnerving itch in his chest that made his heart palpitate. He nodded and replied, “Don’t worry. If it didn’t go far, we can find it. Where did you lose the lamb?”   “There,” Inanna pointed in the direction Amon came…
    • Chapter 37, You Are My Only God Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   It was Lynk’s habit to have his mouth agape when shocked. But at this moment he mouth paralysed. His face turned red and his hair stood up. His nose sounded like it was chortling but his mouth failed to produce any words.   It was when Amon stepped forward and put the staff in his hands that he began to take it in. Falling to the ground, his nose meeting the soil, he greeted, “My god Amon! Please tell me I’m not…
    • Chapter 36, Please Tempt Me Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   After the flood, the Charcoal Marsh would rise to the west of the newly emerged land, and with it came the impossibility for large-scale troops to pass through. Hittite’s army would have to first head south and enter the Syah Desert, thereafter they would have to turn to the northeast and march along the newly-formed lake before they could arrive. To its north, there was still the high mountains of the Syah Plateau. The Assyrian army…
    • Chapter 35, Divination Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   There was a popular joke that circulated among the common people on this continent. “When the dear mages launched magics, they are not only showing how good they are at using the divine power they owned, they are also showing how good they are at throwing away money.” Even the cheapest staff demanded a standard parangon atop. The amount of money a precious or rare staff was worth could definitely bury any rival of its…
    • Chapter 34, Horus’ Wrath Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   Amon did not tell Lynk where he had gone the day before. It was too complicated, and it was better to keep his privacy intact. Amon asked Lynk if there were any marshes or pools in the nearby iron-rich areas so that the Ironbacks could find a new home.   “I know of a good place, indeed,” Lynk answered after thinking a short while. “There’s a pool in the thick forest below the rocks to the southeast of the village, not…