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    226 Results in the "Pivot of the Sky" category


    • Chapter 34, Horus’ Wrath Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   Amon did not tell Lynk where he had gone the day before. It was too complicated, and it was better to keep his privacy intact. Amon asked Lynk if there were any marshes or pools in the nearby iron-rich areas so that the Ironbacks could find a new home.   “I know of a good place, indeed,” Lynk answered after thinking a short while. “There’s a pool in the thick forest below the rocks to the southeast of the village, not…
    • Chapter 35, Divination Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   There was a popular joke that circulated among the common people on this continent. “When the dear mages launched magics, they are not only showing how good they are at using the divine power they owned, they are also showing how good they are at throwing away money.” Even the cheapest staff demanded a standard parangon atop. The amount of money a precious or rare staff was worth could definitely bury any rival of its…
    • Chapter 36, Please Tempt Me Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   After the flood, the Charcoal Marsh would rise to the west of the newly emerged land, and with it came the impossibility for large-scale troops to pass through. Hittite’s army would have to first head south and enter the Syah Desert, thereafter they would have to turn to the northeast and march along the newly-formed lake before they could arrive. To its north, there was still the high mountains of the Syah Plateau. The Assyrian army…
    • Chapter 24, Metatro’s Ambition Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   Amon became the dearest guest of the tribe. The cavemen invited him to live in the biggest house. Even Schrodinger got a pile of hay with a leather cushion. After Amon went to rest for the night, Lynk, the headman and Metatro held a private conversation in the big cave of fire.   “My dear friend, I have been treating you with good food and good wine. I told my men that you are a friend of the gods. When you were in danger, I…
    • Chapter 25, The Birth of God Amon Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   Metatro stopped digging. Amon said he was a mage, so he let it be. After all, it was useless to talk about it here. He poured some wine for Amon and looked at him eagerly.   The caveman’s wine was made from fruits found in the mountains. It was sour and opaque, but it had a special sweet aftertaste that was not present in other wines. Amon drank the wine and asked, “Your great-grandfather was a priest of the Marduc Shrine,…
    • Chapter 26, A Bone Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   Lynk held the Terroculus in his left hand and waved his bone staff with his right, mumbling and shaking his head elatedly. It was actually impossible for him to use two magic media at the same time. He was just using the Terroculus, which sufficed just as well. It was simply a long-lasting habit to wave the bone as a symbol of the headman.   The quiet water near the cave started to spin, forming a whirling vortex. As the vortex…
    • Chapter 27, Duc’s Disaster Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   Everyone would be confused and distracted sometimes. It wasn’t something that called attention to itself in and of itself. But for a calm and stable person like Amon, it was an anomaly to be in such a state for a long time. He was a second-level mage that had fully mastered the basis of magic practice: meditation. To be disturbed continuously by various trivial thoughts and left unable to enter the state of serenity needed to focus on…
    • Chapter 28, Nietzsche’s Challenge Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   Behind Golier was his student Warret and his youngest apprentice Raphael. The two young men didn’t hear their teacher’s muttering, but they could tell that he was not in a good mood. It seemed that Duc was going to be destroyed by the flood. They chose to stand aside silently.   Golier stayed the whole day gazing in the direction of Duc on the ramparts, refusing to take a rest. The following noon, Governor Schmul came to him…
    • Chapter 29, Enlil’s Answer Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   The scene of Nietzsche flying into the sky and defying Enlil was floating around in Golier’s mind. He had a strong gut feeling that Nietzsche had known that Enlil would show up and that he waited under the flood until he had arrived, wanting him to witness something, something Golier knew was a message, but it’s content still eluded him.   Nietzsche was confirming something important, looking for an answer, but he couldn’t…
    • Chapter 30, I Just Cannot Hate You Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Snorri Proofreader: theunfetteredsalmon   Amon was crying for his father, for Crazy’Ole, and for the Ducians. He finally knew what the disaster was, and had just confirmed it from the message in the Terroculus. Nietzsche died, his father died, Mayor Dusti died. No one in Duc had survived in the flood!   When he had heard the thunder and seen the low dark clouds from the east, Amon knew that there was a thunderstorm brewing. In his short fourteen years of life, Amon…