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    297 Results in the "Rebuild World" category


    • Chapter 220, The battle inside the building Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   After Akira ran inside the building, he started first by checking all his equipment. He pulled out energy packs and ammos from inside a small-sized rucksack and replenished his rifles, augmented suit, and defensive coat.   As he was about to put a new magazine into his rifle, he noticed that the SSB rifle he used to release a point-blank barrage at Zalmo was no longer usable. He stared at it and sighed. He thought of…
    • Chapter 22, Ordering An Augmented Suit Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   When Akira returned back into his room, he was beaming. He could not contain his happiness. His eyes were locked onto the bundles of money on the floor. It was the payment that he got from selling relics to Katsuragi.   "8,000,000 Aurum...!!! We got 200,000 Aurum just the other day, and I was thinking that the idea of living in a 20,000 Aurum per day room was already crazy enough. But this is just on a completely…
    • Chapter 219, In Too Deep Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   Zalmo’s powered suit’s control device was shot, so he was only able to spiral down into the ground. But Zalmo somehow managed not to crash by controlling the output of the engine. Although he now could not do any high-speed air maneuver, he was still able to fly.   Zalmo landed the powered suit on top of a tall building and glanced toward the building where Akira ran into. It looked to be relatively tall and strong.…
    • Chapter 218, The Worth of Life Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   After receiving the survey request back in the temporary forward base, Elena and Sara went to the expedition ground using the supply route. But once they arrived, they did not go any further. They started by checking the area starting from there. They were already inside the jamming area. So even if they could gather some information from there, they could not send it back to the base. They would have to return back outside the…
    • Chapter 217, Those who stepped in Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   Due to its relatively large size, the top of the APC was rather spacious. But of course, it was way too narrow for a gunfight. Akira, Katsuya, and Tiol saw the other as their enemies and aimed rifles, originally made to fight against monsters, at the other two.   The APC left a trail of destruction as stray bullets flew out from the top of the APC, the explosions and gunshots made by the three of them were enough to lure…
    • Chapter 216, Deathmatch Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   After Zalmo was blown away in his last exchange with Akira, he somehow landed safely and immediately scanned his surroundings. He was able to find the unconscious Akira from just a quick search.   The reason why he did not finish Akira off there and then, was simply because he was being extremely careful of the damage done to his body. Zalmo basically had lost one of his arms. The other parts of his body were also heavily…
    • Chapter 215, Battle Royal Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   Akira woke up and found himself lying on the ground. He slowly pushed himself up and coughed out blood. He leaned his body against a nearby wall for support. But the sharp pain was too overwhelming and he tripped over again. His reality-bending mental mode had already been turned off. Thanks to that, his head was assaulted with an excruciating headache as he pledged, not to ever use it again. Both his legs and arms were screaming…
    • Chapter 214, Requirements for Negotiation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   There were a lot of Hunters killing time inside the cafeteria of the forward base. They were put on standby in case of an emergency. They were basically made of two kinds of Hunters, one was those who applied to join the expedition but got rejected for some reason, so now they were waiting there in case anyone requested reinforcement. While the other half was the people who were deliberately left there as a reserve in case of an…
    • Chapter 213, Communication Cutoff Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   The robotic humanoid soldiers slowly encroached deeper into the Kuzusuhara ruin. They were the main actors in the expedition into the ruin. They had a powerful large black gun accompanied by a missile pod of a similar size. It was assorted with high-caliber portable cannon complete with forcefield armour shields.   The new weapon was dispatched as a part of the defensive squad during the expedition, it worked as an…
    • Chapter 212, Yanagisawa’s thoughts Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   On the night before the large scale expedition. Yanagisawa read through the document regarding it and smiled bitterly.   Inabe no longer had any method of retreat. Since he took Viola’s suggestion to fake the relics that could be found in the area under his territory, he had lost the trust of his coworkers and even his position as well. Although he somehow dragged himself out of hot water, it did not change the fact that…