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    297 Results in the "Rebuild World" category


    • Chapter 113, The Changed Mihazono Ruin Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   Akira and Carol reached Mihazono ruin right before the sunrise. There were a lot of vehicles parked near the Hunter Office. Among the normal vehicles brought by the Hunters, there were some trailers owned by weapon merchants, portable clinics, and trailers used by Hunter gangs as their temporary base.   A traffic officer stopped Akira and said.   "All the parking lots near the Hunter Office branch are…
    • Chapter 134, Yanagisawa’s Business Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   The first floor of the Seranthal building was filled by the Hunters that were sent by Kugamayama city, to be more precise, they were a group of Hunters who accepted the request from Kugamayama city. They also sealed the way to go to the upper floors and to the basement.   Something was still blocking the Hunters from making connections from inside the building. As such, they installed a huge relay device near the…
    • Chapter 147, Methods To Collect Debt Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   Alpha suddenly turned towards the direction of the door into the room, Akira noticed that and followed suit, there he saw Carol and Viola coming in.   Other people also noticed Carol and Viola. Both of them scanned the room, talked to each other for a bit and separated off, Carol went to Akira while Viola went to Katsuragi. Carol walked all the way next to Akira and smiled at him.   "I'm happy to see you…
    • Chapter 168, Restarting Hunter Activities Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   Shizuka was waiting at her shop just like usual when she spotted Akira. As she was about to call him, she stopped when she realized that he was acting weird.   Akira looked a bit scared as he carefully entered the shop, he looked around as if he was searching for someone. After he confirmed that the person he was looking for was not there, he sighed in relief but with a rather conflicted…
    • Chapter 172, Selling Relics and Reaction From Doing So Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   On the next day, Akira took a small number of relics with him again as he went out to the wasteland. He took a long detour to Higaraka residence ruin, spent some time training there, and then went back to Kugamayama city taking another long detour.   When he arrived back in Kugamayama city, he immediately went to see Katsuragi to sell his relics. But strangely enough, his trailer was not in its usual place that…
    • Chapter 176, The Sphere Of Understanding Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   Akira was enjoying the bath back in his house. Usually, he would lean back on his bathtub to let his soul melt into the warm water, but that was not the case that day.   In his augmented view, Akira was seeing the information of multiple rifles floating in front of him. He was basically browsing the rifles that he could buy with 1 billion Aurum. Shizuka sent the list of the rifles that she recommended and all the…
    • Chapter 180, Old-World Equipment Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   Akira finished searching the fourth floor, but he still could not find anything valuable yet. Though he tried taking some relics which were in relatively better condition, all of them were turned into sand when he opened up his rucksack again to put in more relics later. So he decided that it was meaningless to keep doing that.   Akira sighed, slightly bummed out.   “I always thought that I should be able to…
    • Chapter 184, Tiol Wakes Up Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   After cleaning up the rest of the monsters, Sonoda and the other Hunters were taking a rest while getting their injuries looked after.   “So, how’re your injuries?”   “No problem. Although that guy is a cunning greedy bastard, his skills are top-notch… Anyway, sorry for getting you into trouble back then.”   Sonoda gave a serious apology, but his teammates replied with a small…
    • Chapter 197, Resistance Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   Togami’s team finally finished gathering relics and left the building. Reina stretched out and said in a content tone.   “Although we didn’t get to find any old-world automata, I think we did get a good amount of worthwhile relics this time.”   They at least got some relics to bring back home, they were even able to fill up a couple of rucksacks with those relics.   Togami himself was relieved after…
    • Chapter 214, Requirements for Negotiation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   There were a lot of Hunters killing time inside the cafeteria of the forward base. They were put on standby in case of an emergency. They were basically made of two kinds of Hunters, one was those who applied to join the expedition but got rejected for some reason, so now they were waiting there in case anyone requested reinforcement. While the other half was the people who were deliberately left there as a reserve in case of an…