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    74 Results in the "Snake Immortal: The Tale of a Snake’s Cultivation to Immortality" category


    • Chapter 64, The Trapped Black Duo Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   The two scrambled through the earth to the minor Transfer Array.   Dang!   A resounding ringing overcame the entire Augury Sect.   It reached the ears of all disciples and elders, even those in seclusion or cultivating.   It was a call for urgency, summoning everyone to attention. They stopped what they were doing and rushed to the gathering point.   “What happened?”   Xu Hei was startled by the ringing…
    • Chapter 63, No Simp Lives for Long Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   “Xiao Qiu, I pity you. Come sit with me.” One female cultivator teased him.   He ignored her.   “You’ll never be anything but a cuck with that attitude. How rude.” The same girl mocked.   “That’s inbred simpness for you.”   “Ha-ha-ha, I’m dying from laughter. How can his type even exist?”   “Xiao Qiu, Hua Yuntian is spent. Go push him!”   His ears were filled with their mockeries and…
    • Chapter 62, The Wretched Hua Yuntian Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Xiao Hei let his small lizards dispose of the bodies, and he sped with Earthen Motion.   A hazy barrier came into view, the Augury Sect's array. It took the shape of a sphere, shielding the surface, air, and earth from intruders.   The shield had a tiny gap in it and Xiao Hei slipped right in.   Hei Huang threw him a jade disk the second he entered.   "I broke all of Augury Sect's arrays. Use this whenever you meet a barrier and a…
    • Chapter 61, The Passing of an Affectionate Couple Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   "He was once a man, turning himself into a woman cultivator through some unknown method. I'll leave out the rest so it won't break your mind."   Hei Huang snickered.   Xu Hei gulped, keeping any questions to himself.   "Hei Huang, in the off chance that the plan fails and we're made, how do we escape?"   Xu Hei needed contingency for the worst case before committing to anything. Self-confidence had nothing to do with it, but…
    • Chapter 60, The Blacks’ March on Augury Sect Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   The monkey's tail shortened, its hair fell off, its skin gained luster, and its body grew taller, looking closer and closer to a human.   "What the hell..."   "Is it turning into a human?"   The demons' jaws hit the floor.   The monkey didn't forget to scream as well, and cry, and laugh, and rage, and whimper. All emotions were laid bare.   "Cultivation deviation," Hei Huang spoke.   A sudden spike in…
    • Chapter 59, Mad Alchemical Tests Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon     Xu Hei had a sinking feeling.   He watched a soot-covered white snake crawl her way out of the crumbled cave with a cracked furnace on her back.   Right behind her was a shambling Ergou, with drooping eyelids and tongue out.   "I-it wasn't me." Xu Hei defended himself in reflex.   "Where did the furnace come from, thin air? You have no excuse!" Hei Huang raged.   Xu Hei looked at the furnace with sorrow.…
    • Chapter 58, Just Who Put Her Up to This? Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   "Foundation Establishment demon?" Hua Yuntian paled.   Xu Hei's heart seized, having never seen a Foundation Establishment demon before. He knew from the aura that this was no beastie either.   The air rumbled in the distance as a wild mammoth stampeded over, cracking the earth with its every stomp.   "Run!"   Hua Yuntian grabbed two cultivators and threw them at the incoming demon while he fled at his fastest.   The…
    • Chapter 57, Shameless and Spineless Snipe Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   The mother mammoth couldn't dodge the lightning strike, but if there was one thing these demons had, that was vitality, thick hide, and robustness. It would not die, only heavily wounded.   But the sudden development caused her to panic, unaware as to who else came after them.   "What?"   "Enemy!"   The two 7th layer Qi Refining disciples paled and halted.   The death of their stronger companion led them to take decisive…
    • Chapter 56, Bumping Into Snake Catchers Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Mammoths were migratory pack demons, stripping the vegetation in one area before moving to the next.   This group had eleven mammoths, with the weakest being a calf at the 3rd layer of the Awareness Stage.   Xiao Hei sent thirty small lizards in total, biding his time.   A calf ran to a lizard and sniffed it with its trunk.   Xu Hei hesitated, since killing the weak calf was sure to enrage the herd.   His targets were the…
    • Chapter 55, The Dog’s Artistic Grave Robing Tradition  Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Ergou's retarded look made Xu Hei gulp hard.   He had a burning question in need of answering.     "Xu Hei, do you need me for something? Tell me what it is, and I'll do my utmost best!"   Xu Bai stared at him with big puppy eyes, eager for his answer.   Xu Hei was stuck. He did come over with the idea to have her make some pills, but did he have the nerve to eat them?   "Right, why did I come here? I'll take…