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    74 Results in the "Snake Immortal: The Tale of a Snake’s Cultivation to Immortality" category


    • Chapter 37, Another of the Dog’s Rotten Ideas Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   The dog was a sharp guy. "You're saying there's a place on this mountain with many snakes and thick Spiritual Energy for them to set up a branch?"   Xu Hei nodded. "It's called the Valley of Serpents, a place I visit every spring. There are tens of thousands of snakes there."    He glanced at the white snake, who came from there.   Hei Huang sighed. "We have no choice. A branch from the two-star Snake Catchers Sect means they'll have a Golden…
    • Chapter 36, Start a Wildfire and be Thrown in Jail Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   The wildfire ran unchecked across the entire forest, burning everything in its path as it encroached on the heart of the forest with great speed.   Xu Hei saw fleeing birds and stampeding animals as he got nearer.   The wildfire was nothing short of a disaster for all forest creatures. It would decimate everything in its path, all life, plant or animal, would die.   Xu Hei's heart was heavy. This was his home!   "No~!" He hissed as…
    • Chapter 35, Haste Makes Waste Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   The Daoist paled, gnashing his teeth in anger. He swallowed a pill and went faster, turning into a light as he gave chase.   Xu Hei took a turn as he ran, throwing him off his tail.   The white-bearded Daoist never bothered with him.   "You're on your own, dog. I'm digesting this in a safer place."   Xu Hei left the dog to his fate. He wrung the Spirit Tail Chickens' necks and put them in his storage bag before running for half a…
    • Chapter 34, Snake and Dog Vile Team Up Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Xu Hei was speechless.   He knew just how thickheaded the dog was. Anything other than a yes was unacceptable. The dog would pester him to no end, coming up with all sorts of creative ways to wear down his resistance until he'd become a yes-snake.   Xu Hei said, "Alright, but stop calling me disciple. I have a name, Xu Hei."   "Xu Hei!" The dog beamed. "Nice, disciple, you even named yourself. Though the name could use a little…
    • Chapter 33, The Black Dog’s Bird Stealing Instigation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   This two-legged fowl was fat and big. It was covered in colorful plumage and a hint of spiritual energy. It was a demon as plain as day, and not a weak one either.   "A late Awareness Demon?"   Xu Hei gasped. He looked everywhere in a ten-kilometer radius and found no such demon, not like he'd go after such a powerful specimen even if it was around.   The old dog was panting and sweating. Getting the two birds must've been…
    • Chapter 32, The Snake Catchers’ Origins Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   The Snake Catchers, an organization south of Chu Kingdom specialized in capturing snakes. At least that was what circulated among the masses.   In truth, from a cultivator's standpoint, they were a sect.   A sect with a legacy that spread for thousands of years. Ages ago, when it was at its peak, it was known by another name, a bold name—Dragon Subduing Sect!   In the endless river of history, unmatched in all but time, the Dragon Subduing…
    • Chapter 20, The Old Snake King’s Dying Wish Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   "Run! It's a Flood Dragon fledgling!" Mu Yun shouted as he fled.   The sheer speed the two Swift Talisman gave him made a whirlwind behind as he raced to leave Valley of Serpents.   "Flood Dragon fledgling?" The two were stumped.   That was a creature of legend, a rarity. Even if it did show up, it'd be at the Nascent Demon Stage at the least!   And he said there was a fledgling here, in the Valley of Serpents?   If that…
    • Chapter 28, Xu Hei Revisits the Mountain God Shrine Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Boom~!   The boulders and rocks smashed down on his head, arms, and back, but the golden aura around him sent all that touched him hurtling away.   "Defensive magic treasure? Let's see it defend you under a hundred meters of rocks!"   Xu Hei threw explosive talismans to every cliff in sight, covering Chen Daoling with more and more rocks, piled up high on his head.   When the rumbling finally stopped, Chen Daoling was buried under…
    • Chapter 27, Smashing the Master Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Since an expert lurked in the shadows, Xu Hei ignored this guy and fled.   Xu Hei sped up to half his speed and gained some distance, his top speed without Earthen Motion.   Mu Lei winced. "Is he really going to escape?"   Mu Lei was torn with anxiety. He hoped the snake would pull some trick and that would get him to stall for more time.   Xu Hei didn't care for that, just escaping at full speed and not conforming to his wishes,…
    • Chapter 26, Somewhat Smart And No Guts Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Below, the wolf king with his burned-off tail struggled to get up. Its eyes filled with grief.   No pack and no tail, all because of those damned humans!   He wanted revenge but had no power to take it. Humans were too strong, plunging him into despair.   But then he recalled Xu Hei's order. "Tell me if you see any signs of humans."   He never took the order seriously, but now, one thought alone consumed him.   "I need to…