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    74 Results in the "Snake Immortal: The Tale of a Snake’s Cultivation to Immortality" category


    • Chapter 9, The Snake Catchers’ Mountain Snake Hunt Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Xu Hei blanked out for a moment. Snapping out of it, he confirmed it to be a snake catcher's token.   The token had a cultivator's mark and was made of special material to last longer.     Despite his slow reaction, Xu Hei knew this was bad.    He scanned the body with his Divine Sense and noticed the fist-sized demon core.    It was twice the size of the demon boar's!   "It was a damn…
    • Chapter 8, Killing the Water Demon With the New Snake Scale Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Chen Ping walked up to Wang Xiaoniu and took his pulse with a frown.   "Immortal, has my child..." Wang Daniu began.   "No need to worry."   Chen Ping spoke, noticing the ragged book behind Wang Xiaoniu. "He has high perception, but atrocious talent, making him unfit for cultivation, but more than enough for a scholar. Once you pass the official examination, mention my name and you'll get a post in the Celestial Monitoring…
    • Chapter 74, Compassionate and Aggrieved Ferrying Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Pff!   Blood shot out of the nose like water from a firehose. Xu Hei went to block it, only for the jet to use the backdoor.   Plugging all the holes, Xu Hei watched as Xiao Qiu ballooned by the second.   "Come on, just stop already!"   Xu Hei was outraged, having the puppet punch Xiao Qiu in the face. With a pop, blood gushed, and Xiao Qiu slammed into the cave wall.   A few moments later, he slid down the wall, leaving…
    • Chapter 73, The Merciful, the Virtuous Buddha Xu Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   "How did the white rat end up so big?" Xu Hei asked.   "Simple..."   Xu Bai Attracted a Spirited Pill from a gourd to feed it to a small white rat that came out of her spiritual beast bag.   She let the rat go, and they watched as it grew, accompanied by crackling bones, a longer tail, and bulging flesh.   In but a few minutes, they were staring at a fat pig-sized mouse.   The excessive fat made it hard for Xu Hei to pick…
    • Chapter 72, 8th Layer Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   When Xu Hei woke up, all he could think about was that vivid dream.   "Defiance? What's that?   "How cryptic. Why do Seniors always talk in riddles?" Xu Hei shook his head at the impossible problem.   Looking within, the Demon God Cauldron was in the same place, with the Spiritual Energy water ball expanding to the size of a pond. He got to the 8th layer without even knowing.   His mind was still hazy even after all this time, the…
    • Chapter 71, Trouble in the South Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Sect Leader Shen Qingzhu was up barking orders. "All the Elders and disciples are to search the mountain for those demons. Find them at all costs!"   Everyone scrambled to obey.   Out of sight, the girls had other preoccupations, fearful of the implications.   "If a Golden Core Ancestor almost died facing a demon, how would we fare any better?"   "Nope, uh-uh, there's no way we can take those two on."   "Since we can't…
    • Chapter 70, Mountain Tying Gulf’s Upheaval Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Rumble!   The earth cracked and mountains splintered.   The forest around them swayed to breaking point from the devastating earthquake. Trees snappd, rocks were flung about, the earth broke down, and the animals stampeded to safety. All within fifty kilometers were plunged into this quaking mass with no end in sight.   “What the…”   He Luohua paled like she’d seen a ghost, watching the very ground beneath her being…
    • Chapter 7, Si Tianlan and Snake Catchers Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   "This is terrible! The Old Snake King is at it again!"   "The Old Snake King ate someone! Zhang Mazi and Blacksmith Zhou are gone!"   "It's in that brook! Alert the authorities!"   The villagers ran away in terror as Wang Daniu grabbed his two kids back home where he bolted the door to the courtyard.   "You're not to take one step outside!"   Wang Daniu spoke harshly, the fear still evident on his face.   The…
    • Chapter 69, Xu Hei’s Instinct Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Hei Huang was just as stunned by Xu Hei's scales' sudden appearance.   "I thought I told you to run! Why did you come back?" Hei Huang snapped.   Xu Hei was underground with a bald and bleeding tail. He didn't have the time to explain. "Hei Huang, could I control the puppet?"   Hei Huang flinched. "Ancestor Ban Shan, you mean?"   "Yes!"   Hei Huang was nervous. "You've practiced the puppet art, so of course you can, but…
    • Chapter 68, Sudden Golden Core Battle Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Tamon   Ancestor Ban Shan, the founder of the Shifting Mountain Sect, had been at peak Golden Core Stage, just shy of Nascent Soul Stage.   They say a demon took hold of him as he made the push to form his Nascent Soul, leading to his death.   He was a legend in Chu Kingdom's history.   He Luohua was certain it was him, and that made it clear who the grave robber was, the damn dog.   "Old bat, learn when to quit. Force my hand and we'll…