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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 434, Preparing to Proceed Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "How do you like it?" "We worked really hard on it! You know, to make sure it's strong enough for you!"   As soon as I arrived at the craftsmen's workshop, a staff was placed in my hands. It's a staff crafted by Don and Laeus Kisaragi -- and they hailed it as their masterpiece. It feels extremely familiar -- even more so than anything I've ever wielded before. Its length and weight are exactly right for my abilities as a mage, helping to increase my…
    • Chapter 433, The Strong and Determined Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Countless warriors and mages were called to the magic classroom venue. Irene stood on the platform in the back center, with Warren positioned behind her. Irene's intense gaze caused tension to visibly run through the faces of all who had been summoned.   "It's getting intense around here," remarked Betty, the Silver Tiger, from her seat in the back row.   Sitting next to her, Bruce, the Silver Wolf, simply responded with a nod.   "Miss…
    • Chapter 432, The Power of the New Spell Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   At one point, Lina's mediation calmed everyone down and got them to agree on a set of conditions for the name: It mustn't be too lengthy, and using an individual's own name or title is inappropriate. And in the end, we settled on the name 'Lucifer Break.' As simple as it is, it clearly contains the intended message -- our wish to destroy Lucifer.   "Well, we're not planning to use it on anyone but Lucifer anyway, so this name should be fine." "Master, don't…
    • Chapter 431, An Uncertain Outlook Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The Army of Twelve. The Twelve Signs. That part of the Prophecy Monument, which was assumed to add up to a total of twenty-four individuals, left Pochi quite grumpy about her exclusion. While I am mentioned directly by one of my names, there's no trace of anything Pochi in it What could this mean? None of us seems to have any idea. Still, I think it's safe to say that everything else lines up... ...Actually, no...   "The content of the prophecy..…
    • Chapter 430, The Mystery of the Prophecy Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Warren's statement momentarily left me frozen. Well now call the Duodecad the 'Twelve Starsigns'... which is likely a reference to the E'to, the astrological system traditionally passed down in T'oued.   "Presumably, everyone here is already aware of the complete contents of the Prophecy Monument."   Wait, what? When was it deciphered? As Pochi and I tilted our heads in confusion, Irene made a somewhat troubled expression before scratching her…
    • Chapter 429, The Duodecad, Now The Twelve Starsigns Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Just as Warren finished his sentence, the sliding doors of the venue opened, accompanied by a loud bang that drew Asley's gaze.   "Oh, you're already awake?"   The one addressing Asley was none other than Irene, also known as the Invincible Sprout. She rested her hand on her hip, exuding even more confidence than usual. Seeing her demeanor, Asley turned to Warren once again and asked,   "Is she one of them?" "Yes, Miss Irene passed the…
    • Chapter 428, Those Who Qualified Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Hey, Eigul. My shift now." "Hello there, Sir Bruce, Miss Haruhana. I see Sir Asley and Miss Pochi are here as well!" "Hello, hello! Good evening!" "Thanks for your hard work, Eigul."   Here we are, the four of us, at the entrance to the magic classroom venue. After Bruce and Haruhana briefly greeted Eigul, they remained at the entrance to take over guard duty. Where are Blazer and the others, though? I can't sense their arcane energy anywhere around…
    • Chapter 427, Ghost in the Cave Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "By the way, Asley, ignore what Pochi said about your wallet. I'm paying today -- eat whatever you want, man!"   Hearing Bruce say that, Pochi seemed quite... unamused.   "S-so that's why it took you so long to choose a restaurant..."   Pochi squatted down, dejected. The place we ended up choosing was the Adventurers' Guild dining hall, which also serves booze and all that good stuff. From the way we made it sound when we walked out of…
    • Chapter 426, Out of Place Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~ Silver Mansion, Ten O'clock in the Afternoon, Tenth Day of the Eighth Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar ~~   After waking up and taking a bath, then receiving an odd look from Bruce, I made my way to the mansion's hall. I hadn't expected this much time to have passed. While smaller than the meeting venue of the magic classroom, this hall could comfortably accommodate dozens, if not close to a hundred people, conversing without any issue.…
    • Chapter 425, A New Magic Spell Is Complete! Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   After Catherine and Jacob left Bruce and returned to the meeting venue, time passed until the short hand of the clock turned another full circle. It was now noon and everyone was exhausted, but Asley -- and only Asley -- still held his pen and kept on writing.   "...He's not normal."   Barun threw himself down on the floor and flung a sarcastic remark toward Asley.   "I-I think the room is starting to stink..."   Amil said,…