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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 404, The Devil King’s Direction Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~ Regalia Castle ~~   Devil King Lucifer, sitting on the throne, looked down at the Hell Emperor. At this point, the Hell Emperor no longer feared the Devil King, and only waited quietly and obediently for his instructions.   "Hmph, so power is all one needs to tame you. Very good, unlike a certain dog I know..." "GRRR..." "From now on, you are to be contained in the cage that Billy has prepared, together with the Alphas and Betas. If you wish…
    • Chapter 399, Lala and Tzar Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ""They have the same eyes. The year of his wife's death is the same as the year of Lala's birth. And once, when he bragged about his wife, his description of her is quite similar to Lala -- especially the hair color. Do you remember what We said about where We found Lala abandoned?"" "If I remember correctly, it was near the southern border of the Radeata region..."   Tzar nodded both his heads. I see... so this is why Tzar wanted to keep the conversation…
    • Chapter 400, Keeping Watch Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "It's been three days. Considering the length and the monsters you'd expect to encounter, they should almost reach the deepest room now." "Yeah... Man, I wanted to go into the Labyrinth too, y'know!"   Midors grumbled upon hearing my analysis. He and I -- as well as several others -- are staying outside, keeping watch around the spot where we were ambushed by the Laughing Foxes last time.   "Don't complain so much -- everyone's doing their best in…
    • Chapter 401, The Strengths of Humanity and the Devilkin Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "First of all, let's consider the numbers. As of right now, the Devil King's army isn't actually the kind of 'Devil King's army' one would expect." "What you do mean?" "It's supposed to be more like a gathering of monsters... isn't it?"   I nodded in agreement to Ryan's words. Reid then realized the coming threat that he had not considered until now.   "...! Right, according to the legends, the Devil King's army is just a huge wave of monsters…
    • Chapter 402, Question Marks All Over the Place Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "...And that's the whole story. Seriously, why is it that Pochi's words are more trusted than mine?" "Hahaha, that was really something else... Now I feel like I understand why people call you a 'fool,' Asley." "...Huh?"   This isn't right. I was just telling Warren about the conversation I had with Midors, so why'd he respond like that?   "Despite already being in wartime, you are able to talk about these things with your friends... Having…
    • Chapter 405, Warren’s Plan Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Afterward, we informed the people who were still in the magic classroom venue that we were going to the temple.  And so Irene, Warren, Pochi, and I are on our way to the temple now, but... Irene has been avoiding making eye contact with me since earlier.   "Uh, Master? Why is Miss Irene angry?" "I don't know. I had earplugs in my ears for most of the lecture." "Fair enough, sir -- nobody likes being scolded." "I know, right?"   While I…
    • Chapter 406, The Audience Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~ South Gate of Eddo, Nine O'clock in the Morning, Twenty-Ninth Day of the Seventh Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar ~~   Powerful warriors and mages faced the brigade of brave, experienced guardians. And on top and front of the outer wall were the Heavenly Beasts -- Shi'shichou, Haiko, Kohryu, and Kokki -- guarding Eddo as if they were the city's own defenders.   "Miss Lina! Where are you!? MISS LINAAAAAA!!"   Egd, the…
    • Chapter 394, Asley’s Records Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "HMPH--!!"   Bruce twisted the circular handle on the door, opening it up. What appeared behind it was a staircase leading further down underground. I never thought they'd built something like this right under Kugg Village. Polco's magic and Garm's craftsmanship certainly could do this, but what in the world is this place even for?   "So this is like a second basement, huh?"   There's a room at the bottom of the staircase. And…
    • Chapter 395, An Unforeseen Resurrection Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "H-hey, could this be..."   Catching up with Pochi and the others, I entered the room... and as I expected, I found a letter. I picked it up and unfolded it, but then, the earth suddenly quaked.   "--!? What the hell!?" "I feel a strong arcane energy surge! What is this...!?"   Lina crouched down on the floor and held her own shoulders. Fuyu and Haruhana did the same.   "Yeah, that's some dangerous power level. What're we…
    • Chapter 396, Lucifer Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The moment Gaspard revealed himself, the Hell Emperor moved again -- the Dragon is probably angry at the stranger touching its abdomen. But then, with just one glare from Gaspard, it immediately stopped... as if time had frozen for the Hell Emperor alone. Before long, the look in its eyes turned fearful like a little critter looking at a hulking human, and its body began to tremble... and not even subtly. Gaspard proceeded to gently pat the Dragon.   "No…