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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 394, Asley’s Records Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "HMPH--!!"   Bruce twisted the circular handle on the door, opening it up. What appeared behind it was a staircase leading further down underground. I never thought they'd built something like this right under Kugg Village. Polco's magic and Garm's craftsmanship certainly could do this, but what in the world is this place even for?   "So this is like a second basement, huh?"   There's a room at the bottom of the staircase. And…
    • Chapter 393, Dig Beneath the Feet of Poer Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Pochi held her belly and rolled around on the floor as she laughed. I gave her a blank stare, while Eigul seemed quite surprised as he looked at her reaction.   "Hey, you've laughed more than enough." "AHAHAHA! But it's so funny! I mean... hehehe...!"   I can tell that Pochi has recalled something... And in fact, I also know what she's thinking about. It was from the time I lived in Polco's mansion in Kugg Village. Right after dealing with…
    • Chapter 392, The Eddo Boars Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Hey, hey, hey! So you're Poer, huh!? Lookin' pretty kiddy for someone supposedly so awesome!"   When I walked out of the mansion, I saw a man with a fava bean-like head. He resembles Guile, one of Polco Adams' employees, quite a bit. And then there's the part where Guile was a leader of his own team... called the Kugg Boars. But this guy can't be Guile. They may look similar, but not THAT much.   "Hello. I'm Asley." "You sure? Lookin' a bit…
    • Chapter 391, Chappie’s Message Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "W-what do you mean, message!? Chappie is alive, right!? He has to be!" "That's right! You watch your mouth, or my Master will get angry! He's humanity's strongest and a symbol of hope, you know!" "That's right! Say it more, Pochi!" "I'm the TRUE symbol of hope, though! Because I'm Pochi, the Grand Heavenly Beast!"   Damn it, I can't rely on Pochi to support me...!   "Shut up! I'll tell you the whole story, so get off my wings…
    • Chapter 390, A Nostalgic Reunion Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Seriously, Master! What are you gonna do if all those burns actually leave a mark?! They won't be easy to get rid of if you leave them alone!" "Shut up! They're all gone now, so it's fine!" "What's with your attitude!? I'm actually worried, you know!" "Ow--!? Hey! Your claws! Get them away from me!" "How about I DON'T!?"   Welp, she's not gonna listen no matter what I say. In times like this, it's best to just leave Pochi alone. All my past…
    • Chapter 389, Humanity’s Strongest Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "You're not supposed to kill me, dammit!" "If you can't survive this, you sure as hell ain't beatin' Gaspard, dammit!"   Tūs' statement was heavy -- and indeed, Asley understood it well, as had already gotten a taste of what Gaspard was capable of.   "C'mon, it's just me at full power -- shouldn't be too hard to handle!" "God damn, you're unusually cooperative today." "It's the least I could do in exchange for the hiding place... well, scratch…
    • Chapter 388, Tūs and Asley’s Graduation Exam Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   A green aura of arcane energy rose high into the sky. Tūs' compressed vortex of energy merged with the air and produced a ringing sound -- and alongside the sound, shockwaves that impacted not just Eddo or T'oued, but the furthest reaches of this land. The cries of beasts and monsters could be heard from all over the place. It was strong enough for a former Holy Warrior like Lylia to gasp in surprise.     Lylia recalled the last time she had…
    • Chapter 387, Asley’s Titles Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ...This can't be right.    ―――――――――――――――――――― ASLEY LV: 302 HP: 116,809 MP: 0 EXP: 1,289,980,775   SPECIAL SKILLS:  --Attack Magic (Zenith) --Support Magic (Zenith) --Recovery Magic (Zenith) --Purification (Skilled) --Fortify Strength --Fortify Resilience --Blinding Speed --Flight --Fortify Mind   TITLES: --The Eternal Fool --Hermit…
    • Chapter 386, Long-forgotten Strength Left Unclaimed Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Don't you want to fix your relationship?" "Well, y'know, this kinda thing takes some resources to get working again. Like time, more time, and even more time..." "Guess that will have to wait, then. Hahaha..." "And you'd better spend YOUR time more wisely! Just because you'll exist forever doesn't mean everything else would!"   And then Betty winked. What, now she's acting like she's my big sister? I'm technically about 4,970 years older than her…
    • Chapter 385, Betty and Belia Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Lylia kept on groaning. Looks like that hurt. Is she all right...?   "Hey, I did say 'it's over,' you know?" "Y-you did that on purpose!?" "Nah, just a coincidence."   I answered with a voice full of confidence, prompting Lylia to widen her eyes in surprise.   "!? J-just say that you did it on purpose!"   ...And then she said something quite random.   "What? Why? It really was a coincidence." "Just say…