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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 384, A Match With Lylia Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Kuh--! RAH!" "That's right! Proper breathing is key!"   The day after the Devil King's resurrection and the Devilkin army's attack, I started learning to fight like a warrior under the guidance of Argent, leader of Team Silver General. And perhaps taking my predicament quite seriously, he agreed to start training me immediately. Team Silver joined in, too, not wanting to be outdone.   "Man, Asley's speed never fails to amaze me! He's even…
    • Chapter 383, The Five-Year Question Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~Three O'clock in the Morning, Twenty-Second Day of the Seventh Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   In the T'oued Capital, Eddo -- more specifically, the magic classroom lecturers' office -- the key figure in this war let out a loud sigh.   "...Ugh."   It was none other than Irene the Invincible Sprout, formerly one of the Six Archmages. Her notable physical features were her white hair and small build, the latter of…
    • Chapter 382, The Secrets of Chiquiata Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Blue. That's right... she's Chiquiata's Familiar. Supposed to be, at least.   "What in the... how are you here, Blue?" "Perhaps you aren't asking the right question, Poer. I think it should be 'how am I in this era?' instead." "Uh, that's true, but still..."   Come to think of it, I've barely even talked to Blue back then. Not enough to have an idea what her personality was, even.   "For the particulars, you should ask…
    • Chapter 381, Look Ahead Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   I did not understand what Minerva had said. She wanted to talk to me, and had even asked Lylia to escort her here in the middle of the night. At first, I thought she was here to mock me for no longer being able to use arcane energy. Although I haven't known her for long, I somehow knew it would be in line with her unpredictable character to do that. Still, in the end, that turned out not to be the case. She had to make herself come off as such because she figured it…
    • Chapter 380, Compatibility of the Soul Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   With each swing of his fists, explosions resounded and rocks crumbled. These strange echoes through the mountains were manifestations of Asley's anger and impatience. His wounded fists cracked and shattered rocks, and sometimes shed blood.   "Hahaha... SHIT!"   In these mountains, far from the eyes of people, Asley went on an unstoppable rampage. His clenched fists were not infused with even an ounce of arcane energy. The arcane energy that…
    • Chapter 379, The End of a Long Day Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Asley was down on the ground, unconscious... and to his side was a wolf, raising a ruckus.   "MASTER! A-a-a-are you all right!? Do you know who I am!? Ahh! The face you're making makes you look like a total fool!"   Pochi expressed her concern with her usual teasing. But this time, the result was different -- Asley did not respond to her at all. Pochi's expression gradually changed for the worse.   "Uh... Master? Hello!?"   A…
    • Chapter 378, The First Taste of Hell Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Damn you...!"   Billy cursed at Tūs, but the latter did not respond, only lying down flat on his back, his belly inflating and deflating to the rhythm of his snore. And all Billy could do about it was seething with anger.     Billy and Cleath had no choice but to give their Alphas and Betas an additional directive: do not touch Tūs's group. On the other side, Irene interpreted Tūs' intervention as an order to 'stand back,' and took…
    • Chapter 377, The Three Key Positions Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "...A-rise! House! Let's go, Baladd!" "Kyaaahhh! Rise, A-rise, A-rise! House! Come on out, Master Konoha!"   After Chappie Mask left the battlefield, Lina went over to Trace's location. Noticing Lina's arrival, Trace immediately gave out her instructions.   "Miss Lina, assist Miss Irene in providing support! Baladd, to the front lines!" "Yes, ma'am!" "Listen, Baladd! Now is the time to show the results of your training! Mow them all…
    • Chapter 376, A Moment for Justice Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   T'oued, the capital of Eddo, was without Holy Warriors and Heavenly Beasts to defend it. All hell had broken loose to the south of the city, and by now, cracks were finally starting to form in the ranks of those in the engagement.   "Wah--!? AAAAAAHHHHHH!!"   One of the mages was engulfed by the wave of Alphas.   "Ngh--! HAAA!"   Irene quickly launched an attack at that location, successfully stopping the enemy's encroachment…
    • Chapter 375, No Interruptions Allowed Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Listen, Lina! I have no idea what's going on over there! This is my Master we're talking about, though, so I'm sure he'll be fine, I'm sure...!"   Pochi tried her best to talk to Lina as the latter was teleporting away. But Lina did not respond, only standing there, shivering. Pochi proceeded to close her eyes and think back to her past -- when the Fetal Stage and the Devil King's resurrection itself happened -- and reminded herself how she could not change…