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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 444, A Night Festival Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Team Silver's mansion, boasted a spacious courtyard in its perimeter, albeit one that did not rival the magic classroom venue. Scattered throughout this area were several Spell Circles, all of which served as Teleportation points leading to various destinations, including the magic classroom, the Resistance's hideout, and the southern region of Eddo. These Circles represented a clever solution devised by Asley and the others, who had deemed even the slightest bit of time…
    • Chapter 443, The Invitation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Everyone will have to be a one-man army -- killing 50,000 monsters each... Actually, no, since only about half of our forces are powerful enough for that, each will have to take 100,000. An extraordinary number of digits indeed, even considering that we have the Heavenly Beasts with us."   Warren said with his eyes downcast.   "A hundred million..."   Asley sat down on his mattress and rested his forehead in his hands. Warren took a step…
    • Chapter 442, The Hopeless Gap of Military Strength Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Whew... this should be everything..."   As Asley muttered to himself in his room in the Eddo Silver Mansion, a Telepathic Call rang in his head.   "...Necessary."   The room's door slid open, revealing Warren the Black Emperor, startling Asley with his uninvited appearance.   "Hello there." "Uh, do you REALLY have to show up here in person...?" "I've never hung out at a friend's house before, you see --…
    • Chapter 441, Pochi Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   While Asley and Trace were having their discussion, Pochi, eyes bloodshot, came to the outskirts of Eddo. Before Pochi's eyes sat a gigantic Elf, lazily picking his ear with his pinky finger.   "What, you had a fight or somethin'? Those eyes aren't lookin' good."   Tūs asked, but Pochi refused to give an answer. She only kept her eyes cast down as she proceeded to sit in front of Tūs. Tūs, looking even more annoyed, scratched his hair and…
    • Chapter 440, Minerva’s Messenger Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   With me ignoring Irene's persistent questioning the whole way, we made our way back to the southern gate of Eddo. There, I came across a certain person who seemed surprised to see me.   "Ah!? You really are here! Mister Asley!"   Hmm? I recognize that appearance of hers from somewhere... Tan skin, decent abs, golden circlet, purple eyes... And this scent of musk... tickling my nose...!   "Ah! You're that fortune…
    • Chapter 44, The Friendly Match, Part 2 Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   "Rise, A-rise, A-rise! Fire Lance!" "Fire!"   I deflected Lina's fire attack with my Fire spell, which I had set in one of my Swift Magic slots. Lina had quite a lot of variety of spells invoked from her Spell Circles. I could identify some of them with the Appraisal Glasses, but regrettably, it would be hard to track most of them after they were out. In the end, I needed split-second judgment to choose the right counter spells for…
    • Chapter 439, Magitek’s Diversity Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The first one? Did she mean Muscle Magic? ...Huh, looks like she is. That look in her eyes says it all.   "Did you just... say something you are never supposed to say in my presence?" "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Start explaining the two other things already."   Don't think I'm about to back down now, ma'am!   "No! THREE things! Muscle Magic is VERY important!" "All right, fine! Ugh... just start from whatever magic that is!" "MUSCLE…
    • Chapter 438, The Final Adjustments Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   I split with Pochi and came here, to the south of Eddo, as if avoiding her so that I could have a moment to myself... ...And to prepare for the inevitable battle.   "So... what did you say to her?"   Someone asked from behind me... not to actually ASK, but rather to affirm something she had already decided to be the case. I turned around, and saw that that someone was none other than Irene.   "...What happened to…
    • Chapter 437, The Important Talk Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "So, what are we doing today, Master?"   Pochi and I have arrived at the foot of Kamiyama, the forbidden mountain north of Eddo. No one will be here to interrupt us, and even if someone approaches the area, we'll know. With that in mind, I brought Pochi here... for reasons she does not yet know. Despite that, she agreed to come without question. Maybe my intentions were written all over my face? Or did I subtly alter my words in a way that Pochi could see…
    • Chapter 436, Pochi the Grand Heavenly Beast Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Rise, A-rise, A-rise! Middle Cure!"   After the match with the Heavenly Beasts, Pochi cast a spell by drawing a Circle with her tongue to heal herself. Seeing this, Kohryu could not help but express admiration,   "That is quite impressive. I never thought a beast would have the ability to use magic." "My Master has taught me well!"   Pochi cracked a proud grin. Watching Pochi's tail wagging, Shi'shichou sighed in apparent…