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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 426, Out of Place Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~ Silver Mansion, Ten O'clock in the Afternoon, Tenth Day of the Eighth Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar ~~   After waking up and taking a bath, then receiving an odd look from Bruce, I made my way to the mansion's hall. I hadn't expected this much time to have passed. While smaller than the meeting venue of the magic classroom, this hall could comfortably accommodate dozens, if not close to a hundred people, conversing without any issue.…
    • Chapter 425, A New Magic Spell Is Complete! Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   After Catherine and Jacob left Bruce and returned to the meeting venue, time passed until the short hand of the clock turned another full circle. It was now noon and everyone was exhausted, but Asley -- and only Asley -- still held his pen and kept on writing.   "...He's not normal."   Barun threw himself down on the floor and flung a sarcastic remark toward Asley.   "I-I think the room is starting to stink..."   Amil said,…
    • Chapter 424, Bruce’s Inspiring Aura Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Open the sliding doors of the meeting venue and go just beyond the hallway, and one would come out to the expansive venue of the magic classroom. This was the place where everyone practiced their magic and martial arts, and to cater to their needs, a water fountain had been installed here.  Currently, two of the Six Braves were here to wash their faces.   "...Whew." "Here, Miss Catherine." "Thanks."   They were Catherine and Jacob. They…
    • Chapter 423, Fueled By Tea Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Catherine's utterance and Asley's declaration that followed were so absurd that everyone fell silent, some even holding their breath. Even the carefree Egd...   "...Ha haha..."   ...Could only laugh quite dryly for a handful of seconds. Everyone cast their eyes down -- except for one. A ray of light rising up among them, his eyes were shining, his fists tightly clenching, and his passion burning.   "...We have a non-zero…
    • Chapter 422, A Place for Talent Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "You do not seem to be in good spirits today, Sir Charlie," Dragan said, suspicious of Charlie's usual lack of energy throughout the discussions up to now.   Charlie raised one eyebrow and turned to Dragan with a bitter look on his face.   "You see, Sir Dragan, I am feeling quite pathetic right now." "That is very unlike you, sir."   To those unfamiliar, Dragan's words could come off as sarcastic -- and as such, Asley was the only one…
    • Chapter 421, The Countless Wills of the People Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The appearance of Egd, the apprentice of Dragan, caused the faces of most of the Duodecad to turn grim.   "Who the hell called HIM here!?"   Catherine was the first one to voice a complaint.   "Good grief... how far the prestigious Duodecad has fallen..."   Immediately following Catherine was Jacob, who shook his head and grumbled out his grievance. Tangalán was the next one to show a negative reaction. He neither shook his…
    • Chapter 420, Duodecad, New and Old Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Ugh, great! I sent Lylia to PREVENT you from doing exactly what you just did, you know! What a waste of effort!"   Why am I the only one getting lectured by Irene? Lylia had just awkwardly walked out of the head professor's office, and no one stopped her. And Tūs, well, he never even showed up for the lecture in the first place. Maybe it'd be perfectly fine if I walked out right now as well? Nah, that can't be right -- why would I think it…
    • Chapter 42, Squishy Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   For a few days thereafter, Pochi and I frequently went out to subjugate monsters within the region, while waiting for things to be set in motion. Sometimes we would go hunting with Bruce too. He now held back on the booze, opting instead to bolster his savings. I had proposed that we discussed the matter with the other two members of The Silver but Bruce had rejected, stating that he would be too embarrassed to talk about it. Blazer being Blazer,…
    • Chapter 419, One And Only Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "...Hmm, they're up to something..." "You can tell?"   So here I am again in the twin Shamanesses' Temple in Eddo... or what's left of it, anyway -- to meditate. Then someone approached me from behind -- the Philosopher of the Far East, or as most people prefer to call him, Tūs the High-Order Muscle. He's a several-thousand-year-old manchild known and respected for his imposing figure and an intense aura of arcane energy. No, of course his childishness…
    • Chapter 418, Most Foolish Moment Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Did I hear that correctly? Fuyu confessed her love to me? That can't be right -- she did talk about love, but it was about her love for sweets, and everyone around us at the time misunderstood her... right? ...Right, Fuyu?   "~~♪ ~~♪ ~~♪"   Damn it. She's avoiding talking the same way Pochi runs away from her responsibilities. Wait, actually... I HAVE heard Fuyu whistling before, and she was way better than this. It's safe to assume…